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Messages - rashikal

Pages: [1]
Kyo Kusanagi / Re: Kyo Kusanagi (Console)
« on: January 09, 2012, 04:18:52 AM »
you're right i practiced for a bit and i can do dp to reverse dp better

also, is reverse dp b whiffsingafter b upkicks or c upkicks?

Kyo Kusanagi / Re: Kyo Kusanagi (Console)
« on: January 08, 2012, 12:30:36 AM »
is that this combo?

or this combo (the one in the last round)

does anyone have tips for canceling dp into reverse dp kick? i always get dp canceled into running grab. it feels impossible to cancel into reverse dp kick

Kyo Kusanagi / Re: Kyo Kusanagi (Console)
« on: January 07, 2012, 04:38:15 AM »
what is kyo's killer hd combo?

this is the one i use:

although i keep messing up the dp into rdp into air orochinagi... ahhhh...

Pages: [1]