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Steam ID:

United Kingdom

I've just got into KoF, I've mainly played SF competitively for a very longtime with some GG on the side and I've been interested in KoF for a while. KoF's going to be a series I will be playing competitively. I am looking for Veterans/Extremely strong players which can pass their wisdom onto me so I can become stronger.

Meet & Greet / Re: Info sharing thread
« on: May 19, 2016, 08:55:51 PM »
Hello! Currently new to KoF since I've mainly played SF competitively for a long time with some GG but got interested in KoF and decided to make it a series I will play competitively along with SF since I love both at the moment.

I am looking for strong players who will give me a good beating so that I can become stronger.

Steam ID:

Meet & Greet / Re: Hello! Nice to meet you.
« on: May 19, 2016, 08:50:06 PM »
Thank you for the warm welcome :)

I am glad to know that I'll be able to play people from the East Coast/Canada since 2 bars is still playable. And training mode is one of my favorite modes in fighters next to offline-versus/online versus so I'll be using it a lot but I also did the challenges/missions which I found to be a bit helpful.

I also managed to find a match online and it was a veteran. I lost but I found it to be a helpful experience because I can see what mistakes I did and know what to do to improve.

Meet & Greet / Hello! Nice to meet you.
« on: May 19, 2016, 05:11:59 PM »
Hello and nice to meet you guys. I am someone who's recently got into KoF through 02 on Fightcade and XIII on steam. I've been mainly someone who's played SF competitively for a very long time with a dash of GG, but I was interested in KoF for quite a while and I find this series to be amazing.

Along with SF it is now the series that I will be playing competitively (If I get enough money to travel to events ;_;) because I love the series.

I hope I'll be able to find people to play with very seriously to get a lot better. I've mainly been in training mode for KoF XIII by finding combos for my team and making sure I get them down perfectly (Which I haven't finished yet) because the online matchmaking is unfortunately dead since I got into the series very late.

I live in the UK, so unless it's 02 on Fightcade I won't be able to play against North Americans in XIII which makes me sad.

If you are interested in adding me on Steam my ID is:

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