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On which title (fighting) should SNKp work after they finish XIII?

Started by Eripio69, October 21, 2010, 12:13:05 PM

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On which title (fighting) should SNKp work after they finish XIII?

The king of fighters XIV
11 (16.4%)
Neo Geo battle coliseum 2
9 (13.4%)
25 (37.3%)
Maximum impact 3
4 (6%)
SVC Chaos 2
4 (6%)
New Samurai Shodown
9 (13.4%)
5 (7.5%)

Total Members Voted: 67



Bat-Col2, since they could then cross promote with any other games they may possibly work on, and not just fighters. It's unlikely we'll ever see every SNKP series we like done in "H(igher)D", so getting to see a few from Each series, Like Hattori Hanzo, Moriya, or maybe even some chara's from MI, could be a nice consolation prize.

Another MI would make a great downloadable/full retail release, but is there any chance of that, with Falcoon gone?


A MOTW 2 would be so insane. Though it's hard to say that SNK will ever make any of these games. It's sad knowing they are on the brink of bankruptcy.


XIV, they should concentrate their efforts into one series (at least for now).

Arcsys (Blazblue) and Namco (Tekken) do the same and they are constantly at the top of the Arcadia charts.

MOTW2 would be nice but MOTW was a complete failure so its very high risk, might as well put that effort into their poster child.


Quote from: SAB-CA on October 21, 2010, 01:10:10 PM
Bat-Col2, since they could then cross promote with any other games they may possibly work on, and not just fighters. It's unlikely we'll ever see every SNKP series we like done in "H(igher)D", so getting to see a few from Each series, Like Hattori Hanzo, Moriya, or maybe even some chara's from MI, could be a nice consolation prize.

Another MI would make a great downloadable/full retail release, but is there any chance of that, with Falcoon gone?

I'd die to see MI RA on XBLArcade.
Does falcoon have rights on the MI series that won't allow them to continue the series with a new artist?


Quote from: JohnCrawley on October 21, 2010, 04:53:59 PM
Does falcoon have rights on the MI series that won't allow them to continue the series with a new artist?

How can he have rights to KOF?


KOF XIII: billy, ralf, clark
KOF XII: ralf,kyo,ryo

Rex Dart

SNKP should support XIII post-release with occasional DLC (preferably not new characters, though) and balance/netcode patches (if necessary, hopefully they won't be). They should also support SNK tournaments outside of Asia with some random prizes. Nothing fancy really. Also, the producers of KOF doing something as simple as putting in an appearance at a tournament to congratulate the winners would be a nice gesture.

Fans should work on playing the hell out of XIII. Discover every intricacy and detail the game has to offer. Get serious with it. Don't see XIII as a fighter that will simply tide you over until the next SNK announcement, but a fighter you'll be going back to for years and years to come. Raise the status of KOF in the eyes of other fighting game fans, and show it's worthy of the "King" in its title.

If both these things happen, then SNK can make a Kinect-controlled witch-touching game for all I care. They will have done the impossible, and I'd have no desire to make any lame fanboy requests of them.


Quote from: Diavle on October 21, 2010, 05:03:48 PM
Quote from: JohnCrawley on October 21, 2010, 04:53:59 PM
Does falcoon have rights on the MI series that won't allow them to continue the series with a new artist?

How can he have rights to KOF?

I don't know m8 that's why I am asking. Maybe he has rights on Alba, Soiree, Lien etc that are characters that he created.



Judge Fudge

Especially since there's another one a lot like it elsewhere I think.


While I voted for Garou 2, or a Last Blade 3 if such a miracle could come true, Rex Dart makes a hell of a point. Building up XIII will get more people ready for SNK's next project, and with more demands, hopefully the developers will be affored even more time and money. Better to let the current vehicle do as much as it can instead of daydreaming how shiny or awesome the next one will be.

Quote from: Rex Dart on October 21, 2010, 05:19:27 PM
SNKP should support XIII post-release with occasional DLC (preferably not new characters, though) and balance/netcode patches (if necessary, hopefully they won't be). They should also support SNK tournaments outside of Asia with some random prizes. Nothing fancy really. Also, the producers of KOF doing something as simple as putting in an appearance at a tournament to congratulate the winners would be a nice gesture.

Fans should work on playing the hell out of XIII. Discover every intricacy and detail the game has to offer. Get serious with it. Don't see XIII as a fighter that will simply tide you over until the next SNK announcement, but a fighter you'll be going back to for years and years to come. Raise the status of KOF in the eyes of other fighting game fans, and show it's worthy of the "King" in its title.

If both these things happen, then SNK can make a Kinect-controlled witch-touching game for all I care. They will have done the impossible, and I'd have no desire to make any lame fanboy requests of them.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


only 2 are worthy enough, kof xiv or a new hd 2d ss game done right.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


World Heroes 3.
Ha ha, just kidding.
I think they should work on KOF XIV.
I don´t think the company is in economic situation in wich they can revive other franchises.
Back in the days the were releasing games all the time, now the situation is different for them.
I hope KOF XIII also sells very well on consoles worldwide and we can have a KOF XIV with new arc (wich means new characters, new hero team).


Quote from: JohnCrawley on October 21, 2010, 04:53:59 PM
Does falcoon have rights on the MI series that won't allow them to continue the series with a new artist?

The General idea seems to be that The MI series died with Falcoons departure. Plans for MI3 were scrapped, and I think they had a port for MI2 announced for 360 early on as well?

The females still appear in their Cellphone games, however, so they don't seem entirely deleted.

Quote from: Rex Dart on October 21, 2010, 05:19:27 PM
SNKP should support XIII post-release with occasional DLC (preferably not new characters, though) and balance/netcode patches (if necessary, hopefully they won't be). They should also support SNK tournaments outside of Asia with some random prizes. Nothing fancy really. Also, the producers of KOF doing something as simple as putting in an appearance at a tournament to congratulate the winners would be a nice gesture.

What could be worthy DLC for XIII that'd actually draw attention, though, that's not a character? I guess awesome bonus Palettes like Masked Takuma and Big Bear/Raiden... but I really think "Characters & Stage" Combo packs would be a worthy addition. If they handle the idea similiar to how Aksys is handeling the BBCS DLC + Arcade Sequel release + that Arcade live net update stuff they're mentioned partnering with, then it could be good for everyone; tourney players, new fans, and SNKP.

Anywho, much agree with the support idea. It'd be great if they even did small, relativately inexpensive things like send a few SNKP employees with Xbox360 to big anime conventions (Aksys tried this with BBCT, correct?)

Quote from: Rex Dart on October 21, 2010, 05:19:27 PM
Fans should work on playing the hell out of XIII. Discover every intricacy and detail the game has to offer. Get serious with it. Don't see XIII as a fighter that will simply tide you over until the next SNK announcement, but a fighter you'll be going back to for years and years to come. Raise the status of KOF in the eyes of other fighting game fans, and show it's worthy of the "King" in its title.

Alot of this should happen automatically, when everyone has the game in their hands. I wouldn't worry too much about these wishlist kinda topics... they're just an ok way to pass the time while waiting for 2k2UM XBLA and XIII Console releases.

Quote from: Rex Dart on October 21, 2010, 05:19:27 PM
If both these things happen, then SNK can make a Kinect-controlled witch-touching game for all I care. They will have done the impossible, and I'd have no desire to make any lame fanboy requests of them.

Personally, I hope they suppliment serious support of XIII on consoles with downloadable side projects. Capcom did a good job with this in the early years of this console generation, and it's a good testing ground for Genre interest, netcode, old series revivals, and experimental game ideas. Today's official announcement of Trouble Witches NEO + SNK Playmore XBLA on Facebook suggest that they agree.