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XV Broken/K'

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The King of Fighters XV


K' is a cybernetically modified human with genes transplanted from Kyo Kusanagi by the secret organization NESTS.
He wields the ability to manipulate fire, a power he controls with his right-hand glove.

Gameplay Overview

K' (pronounced "kay dash") is one of the truest examples of an all-rounder in KOF, and as a result makes himself comfortable in the hands of both beginners and veterans alike. Specifically, K's gameplan revolves around constantly repping his extremely versatile special move, Ein Trigger, and acting accordingly with the move's various different follow-ups. Thanks to these follow-ups, Ein Trigger can be used to poke, counterpoke, tie together combo routes for big damage, zone the opponent out, or even just be whiffed to build meter while still being able to provoke reactions and respond with any of its myriad of options. Of course K' also has many other moves, such as his Crow Bite DP (623A/C) as an invincible reversal and his Blackout special (236B/D) as a tricky movement option, to mix up the open-endedness of his gameplay even more. Smart usage of K's variety of tools will result in him being able to shine in whatever way you may choose to play him.

One extra detail should be noted about K', which has always been the case with him in every game: optimizing this character takes some work. His optimal combos and conversions can take a good amount of hit-confirming skill and physical execution, and should be noted for anyone looking to master the character, as dropping his better combos can cost you precious meter and also put you in a bad spot to get punished.

K' is a flexible character that is a struggle for others to get past, yet grants great returns on his own openings.
Pros Cons
  • Versatility: Ein Trigger is incredibly versatile, with five possible follow-ups to choose from in any situation alongside being an alright poke on its own.
  • Strong Neutral Presence: From round start, K' places the onus of navigating Ein trigger on the opponent, with the ability to harass with second shot, anti-air with second shell for damage and corner carry, or simply feint with Ein trigger whiff. Additionally, a strong far C that can be whiff canceled into Ein and converted on hit allows him to own the space right in front of him. He can choose to wall the opponent out with these options and vertical jump attacks, or take initiative when the opponent hesitates and move in himself with a j.D that has a great hitbox for approaching opponents on the ground or in the air, or j.CD which can lead to huge damage on CH with EX Minute.
  • Counter-Zoning: Additionally, Ein affords him great counter-zoning options, allowing him to neutralize and reflect fireballs, contend with his own fireball, or cancel into blackout for a sudden approach when the opponent is committed to the fireball war.
  • Consistent Reward off of Anti-Airs: K' reward for anti-airing is top class, with second shell granting a full conversion for one EX, C Crow Bite being fully invuln until after active frames and granting good damage/stun/meter and a safe jump, and j.214K offering an extra ~100 damage from any anti-air far A/D or air-to-air button. With corner proximity, j.214BD can turn any anti-air into a full combo.
  • Solid Meter Play: His meter build and meter spend are both great, with tons of useful EX moves for combos and utility. It's not uncommon for optimal conversions to build ~50% of a bar, or up to ~75% in the corner, making an investment of one EX result in either neutral or net positive spending. Optimal combos will typically end in Crow Bite C, which will give you 25% of a bar by itself and grants the easiest and most consistent 4f safe jump known to man.
  • Damage Dealer: Good damage returns on most of his conversions, especially in the corner.
  • Guard Damage: Has access to easy 1 Bar Guard Crush setups in the corner if the opponent has no meter, and can easily punish them for attempting to roll.
  • Corner Carry/Conversions: Has incredible corner carry from even his most basic combos to put his opponents in place for his strongest combos and setups. If you get hit by any of his close heavy buttons, you're going to find yourself there.
  • Straightforward, basic pressure: Can be very centralized on just Ein Trigger, making him a bit predictable. As he does not have a traditional mixup (consistent crossup aside from some very specific and inconsistent j.C setups, command grab, etc), he must rely largely on frame traps, strike-throw, and guard crush to open people up.
  • Committal/RPS Neutral with Ein: While Ein trigger gives K' a strong presence in neutral, it's largely smoke and mirrors designed to bait the opponent into getting anti-aired or hesitating so you can approach. The trigger itself adds necessary startup to any follow-up, meaning that the opponent has slightly more time to jump if they read second shot and that second shell has to be done pre-emptively in order to anti-air properly without trading (still grants a conversion unless it trades with j.CD, in which case you lose the trade), leaving it open to whiff punishment if you're wrong. Whiff Ein can be used to bait roll punish attempts and jumps, but will just leave you whiffing in neutral if those things don't happen. All this can make K' neutral very 'guessy' and occasionally, it just won't work out in your favor even if you have a good read.
  • Ein trigger has a hurtbox: Sounds ridiculous, but considering how central Ein is to most of what K' does, the fact that it has a hurtbox can present a lot of difficulty in neutral. Characters with strong st.CDs, especially ones that can whiff cancel into safe pressure/conversions, can simply choose to not interact with the second shoot/second shell/whiff 'mixup' and instead clobber K' for trying to establish it once they're in range.
  • Unsafe Overhead: 6B overhead can't be Max Cancelled, instead being able to cancel to j.214B/D. It is impossible to make this button safe on block and the damage it grants even in the corner is poor without a full meter dump, which makes it more of a round closer than an actual mixup.
  • Low mid-screen light confirm damage without optimization: While K' does have great damage potential and consistent punishes with his heavies anywhere on the screen, his light confirms require sacrificing either significant damage or corner carry, or grinding out the execution for confirming lights into EX Narrow, which can be particularly difficult and will leave you open to any punish the opponent desires if dropped. It should be noted that it is not necessary to be able to combo cr.B into EX Narrow in order to play or win with K', as he is still able to convert his lights consistently midscreen and his ability to convert in other ways will compensate for this most of the time. However, it is potentially the biggest and most challenging opportunity for optimizing the character.
  • Meter Intensive: Many of K's best tools require at least an EX bar to be truly impactful


(*) = EX OK

(!) = MAX OK

(Midair Only) = Can only be done in the air.

(Hold OK) = Can be held before releasing.


Spotpile - (close) / +

Knee Strike - (close) / +

Command Normals

One Inch - +

Knee Assault - +

Sniper Slide - +

Special Moves

Ein Trigger - + / (*)

Second Whip - +
Second Shoot - +
Second Knuckle - +
Second Shell - +
Blackout (EX Second Shell Only) - + /
Blackout - + /

Blackout - + / (*)

Crow Bite - + / (*)

Follow Up ( Crow Bite Only) - + /

Minute Spike - + / (*)

Narrow Spike - + /

Air Minute Spike - + / (*) (Midair Only)

Super Special Moves

Heat Drive - + / (!) (Hold OK)

Chain Drive - + / (!)

Climax Super Special Moves

Hyper Chain Drive - ++

Quick Combo Reference

Quick Combo Reference


0 Meter

Ranged confirm/Punish
Ranged confirm/Punish (harder)
Blowback Combo
Low Confirm (mid)
Jump in Confirm (mid)
Jump in Confirm (mid, harder)
Jump in Confirm (corner)

f.C > 236A > 6C = 162 dmg
f.C > (214B)~214B, 623A = 197 dmg
CD > 236D, 4B > 236C~6D > 214D~(214D) = 237 dmg
2B > 2B > 236A~6D, 214D~(214D) = 166 dmg
j.C > 2C > 4B > 214D(hit)~214D = 257 dmg
j.C > 2C > 4B > 214B~214B, 623A = 294 dmg
starter > 236C~6D, 4B > 236C~6A, 623C~6K = 275(low), 409(jump in) dmg

½ Meter

Ranged confirm/Punish
Ranged confirm/Punish (harder)
Blowback Combo
Low Confirm (mid)
Jump in Confirm (mid)
corner (1)
corner (2)
corner (3)

f.C > 236AC~6D~4B, 4B > 623C~6D = 294 dmg
f.C > 214BD~214B/D, 4B > 236C~6D, 214D~(214D) = 320 dmg
CD > 236D, 4B > 236C~6D, 214BD~(214K), 623C~6D = 310 dmg
2B > 2B > 236AC~6D~4B, 4B > 623C~6D = 239 dmg
j.C > 2C > 4B > 214BD~214B/D, 4B > 236C~6D, 214D~(214D) = 401 dmg
starter > 236C~6D, 236C~6A, 4B > 236AC~6C, 623C~6D = 328(low) 456(jump in) dmg
starter > 236AC~6C, 4B > 236C~6D, (2A) > 6A > 623C~6D = 338(low), 467(jump in) dmg
starter > 236AC~6C, 4B > 236C~6D, (2A) > 6B > 214D, 623A = 366(low), 492(jump in) dmg

1 Meter


( = dmg
( = dmg

2 Meters


( = dmg
( = dmg


Far Standing Normals

Far A

far A

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
25 Mid super 4 4 7 +4 +2 - 30 60
  • Very fast standing jab. Hits the area in front of K' to check hops.
  • Not special, super, or command normal cancelable.
  • Has fast recovery so can used in block strings to frame trap & apply pressure. Will whiff on crouching opponents.

Far B

far B

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
30 Mid super 8 4 11 0 -2 - 30 60
  • Side kick. Useful as a mid-range poke or confirming into (quick) max mode from a distance
  • Can hit crouching opponents but will not hit opponents that are airborne
  • This is -2 but leaves him at a range where the opponent likely can't hit him to take their turn back.

Far C

far C

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
70 Mid special 10 3 20 -2 -4 - 70 120
  • The haymaker. Great range and speed making it a useful tool for mid-range poking and confirming from a distance. Also shifts K' forward slightly, making it easier to connect special moves afterwards.
  • This move is special and super cancellable on hit, block, and whiff. Can be used to get a quick knockdown or combo with Minute Spike/Narrow Spike (214B/D/BD) or Ein Trigger (236A/C/AC).

Far D

far D

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
80 Mid super 9 5 16 0 -2 - 70 120
  • A high reverse roundhouse kick. Useful for anti-airing and checking standing opponents with its semi-horizontal range.
  • Can hit crouchers at the very tip of where close D becomes far D. Otherwise, will whiff on crouching opponents at farther ranges.
  • Slightly slower than far C but with a lot more range diagonally above K'.
  • Tip: After hitting an airborne opponent, doing 2144+BD (instant air minute spike) will connect without counter hit. Can yield a full combo at or close to the corner.

Close Standing Normals

Close A

close A

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
25 Mid command 4 3 7 +5 +3 - 30 60
  • Jutting elbow strike. Fastest close normal for K'. Hits in front and above him. Useful for starting attack strings and frame traps.
  • Positive on hit and block. Will link with 2A and 2B on hit. Can be rapid cancelled (cancel normal into normal) with 2B, 5B, and 5A.
  • On block, can be used to frame trap with 2A (1F frame trap), 2B (2F frame trap), or 2C (3F frame trap). On hit, these become links, or 1F frame trap with 2C.
  • Special and command normal cancellable.

Close B

close B

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
30 Low command 6 3 8 +4 +2 - 30 60
  • Side kick. Slower close normal with minimal pushback. Useful for attack strings and frame traps.
  • Special and command normal cancellable but can only combo into ein trigger (236 A/C/AC) and crow bites (623 A/C/AC)
  • Very positive on hit and block. Links with 2A on hit. Does not rapid cancel like close 5A
  • On block, can be used to frame trap with 2A (2F frame trap), 2B (3F frame trap), or 2C (4F frame trap). On hit, these become a link, a 1F, and 2F frame trap respectively.
  • On hit, pushback is minimal. Close normals will come out at point blank range, setting up a 1F frame trap with 5C.

Close C

close C

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
70 (35+35) Mid command 5 2 (2) 3 20 -2 -4 - 70 (35+35) 120 (60+60)
  • Multi-hitting uppercut. Hits twice and both hits are cancelable. Useful as an easy combo-starter and fast close range strike.
  • Will hit crouchers and is super, special, and command normal cancellable. Will connect with all special moves, even minute spike (214 B/D/BD)
  • First hit has no pushback. The second hit has a lot of pushback making it more difficult to combo off of.
  • Has fairly short range and does not hit against an opponent directly above K'
  • Not whiff cancellable. Be wary of rolling or jumping opponents.

Close D

close D

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
80 Low command 7 3 20 -2 -4 - 70 120
  • Surprisingly, hits low. However, due to the constant threat of 2B > Ein Trigger causing people to almost always block low, it's not much of a benefit.
  • Inside kick. This is K' only standing low. Slower than 5C but hits once for more damage. Use as an alternative to 2B or in frame traps.
  • Special, super, and command normal cancellable. Has a lot of pushback on hit or block. Use 4B to combo easily on a hit.
  • Pushback on hit and block makes this move safe. Cancelling into a special early will stop the push.

Crouch Normals

Crouch A

crouch A

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
25 Mid command 4 3 8 +4 +2 - 30 60
  • Fastest normal option along with 5A and should be your go to choice for interrupting block strings or 4F punishes.
  • Can be special canceled into Ein Trigger for conversions.

Crouch B

crouch B

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
15 Low command 5 4 9 +2 0 - 15 30
  • Can be chained into itself three times from up close
  • Can be cancelled into specials
  • Great horizontal range on a fairly fast low
  • Your main combo starter

One of the most important normals in K's toolbox, you will be using this a lot during pressure, when poking and fishing for damage/corner carry opportunities. It is important to note this is one frame slower than 2A which can make it much worse for frame traps and 4-5f punishes. Beware doing too many in a row (especially after a jump-in) when attempting to convert into ex Ein Trigger as the push-back can easily make it whiff.

K' has access to a powerful but difficult conversion from three 2B's into EX Narrow spike (214BD->214BD). This leads to some of his highest damage options off an easy to spot low confirm if you are able to master the execution requirement.

Crouch C

crouch C

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
70 Mid command 6 6 23 -8 -10 - 70 120
  • Can be used for anti-air
  • Can be special cancelled, has a decent sized cancel window that's useful for frame traps into 4B.
  • Generally your go-to heavy starter for a full punish

A decent "fake" uppercut, can be useful in a pinch vs low hop pressure. Decent range since K' moves forward during the animation. Combined with a slight delay on 4B, this gives him a great frame trap that will even connect on crouch blocking opponents, ensuring you can cancel into Ein Trigger (236A/C/AC).

Crouch D

crouch D

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
80 Low command 8 4 20 SKD (25: Tech / 52: Non-tech) -5 - 70 120
  • Long range sweep. Great for poking as it moves him forward slightly.
  • Can be special cancelled on hit or block. Follow up with Ein Trigger to continue applying pressure or Blackout to close the distance after a knockdown.

Jump Normals

Jump A

jump A

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop hop

40 High special 4 7 1 on ground - - - 30 50

jump jump

45 High special 4 8 1 on ground - - - 30 60
  • Fast air attack, but generally outclassed by his other excellent jumping normals.

Jump B

jump B

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop hop

40 High special 4 13 1 on ground - - - 30 50

jump jump

45 High special 4 14 1 on ground - - - 30 60
  • Jump version can cross-up
  • Decent air to air when scrambling for air control.

Jump C

jump C

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop hop

70 High special 6 7 1 on ground - - - 70 100

jump jump

70 High special 6 8 1 on ground - - - 70 120
  • Jump version can cross-up
  • Fast speed an good damage arguably makes this K's best air-to-air call out button
  • Great for hop pressure
  • Downward angle of punch can sometimes make it hard to anti-air
  • Cancellable into Air Minute Spike (214B/D/BD) for nice damage and corner push, can juggle into Crow Bite A if you spent the bar while in the corner.

Jump D

jump D

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop hop

70 High special 9 5 1 on ground - - - 70 100

jump jump

70 High special 10 6 1 on ground - - - 70 120
  • Arguably K' best jumping attack
  • Excellent range horizontally and vertically.
  • Strong air-to-air poke. Even more so because it sets up for a relatively easy conversion into j.2144 BD (instant air EX Minute Spike)



Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

cl.AA cl.AA

48 (25+25) Mid Rush 6 - - -17 -19 - 30 120 (60+60)

cl.AAX cl.AAX

70 (25+25+25) Mid Rush 6 - - -15 -17 - 30 120 (60+60)
  • Depending on meters available, the rush combo ends with a C Crow Bite with the 6K followup, Heat Drive or Climax.




Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
75 Mid command 14 4 25 Wall Splat [+71~+87] (Ground hit) / SKD (Air hit) -6 - 100 160
  • Relatively short range compared to the stronger CD blowbacks in the game. Its reach falls slightly short of half screen.
  • Fairly slow at 14 frames.
  • Can chase after wall splat with Blackout.
  • On hit, can be followed up with a short dash into 214BD~(214K).
  • On hit in the corner, following up with a delayed 236C causes the flame to hit meaty and allows a cl.D link.
    • An easier version can be done with 236AC~6B without having to delay.



Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
75 Mid - 15 6 27 Crumple (+93) -10 Armor: 4 to 14 (11 frames) 0 200
  • Can reliably be followed up with 4B > 236C~6D for a high launch even if at tip range.

jump CD

jump CD

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

hop hop

80 Mid - 17 5 1 on ground - - - 80 120

jump jump

90 Mid - 17 6 1 on ground - - - 80 140
  • K's longest range aerial attack
  • Great air to ground angle
  • Somewhat limited air-to-air application.
  • On counter hit can be followed up with Minute Spike (easy)for corner carry or 4B into full combo (harder).
  • Can also follow up with j.2144BD for some corner carry and extra damage on normal hit.
  • Lots of block stun for closing the gap and starting pressure. Use this when your opponent feels comfortable blocking your approach for extra frame advantage and guard bar damage.



(close) 4/6C
(close) 4/6C

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
100 N/A - 1 1 0 HKD (+33) - - 0 0
  • Placeholder

Knee Strike

Knee Strike
(close) 4/6D
(close) 4/6D

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
100 N/A - 1 1 0 HKD (+34) - - 0 0
  • Placeholder

Command Moves

One Inch

One Inch

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
75 [60] Mid super [special] 22 [12] 9 25 [15] Crumple (+92) [-3] -15 [-5] - 120 [60] 120 [80]
  • Causes a crumple when used standalone but not special cancellable in this situation.
  • When cancelled, can only combo from the 1st hit of c.C. It is too slow to combo from lights and too short ranged to combo from other heavies. Overall worse than 4B as a combo filler in every possible way due to lower damage.
  • One advantage it has over 4B is better muscle memory for returning K' players since c.C (1 hit) into 6A always worked in every KOF K' appeared in and was the preferred heavy starter in almost all of them.
  • Juggles airborne opponents and has some utility in fancy mid air quick max activation combos.
  • Could work as as a poor man's Shatter Strike with the exact same followups.

Knee Assault

Knee Assault

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
70 High [Mid] special 22 [14] 6 24 -9 -11 - 70 80
  • Overhead when used raw. Not max cancellable, but can combo into 214B/D or 214BD on hit.

This move is one of the key ways to take advantage of high launches after 236C~6D in the corner. Kara cancelling into this move from 2A or 2B reduces its startup, when subsequently cancelled into a j.214D/BD, allows for further ground follow ups and super cancels.

Sniper Slide

Sniper Slide

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
50 Mid special 15 6 20 -5 -7 - 60 80
  • Like 6A, but better. Can use standalone after some corner juggles to tag an extra hit before cancelling into DP. When used from any light normal it makes an amazing 4F frame trap.
  • Important to note this maintains juggle state and is able to be max cancelled. This means K' can switch into max mode at the end of long combos having built some extra meter or for an optimal finish without early max mode penalties.
  • If cancelled into, it loses it juggle property and will instead cause an air reset on an airborne opponent.

Special Moves

Ein Trigger

Ein Trigger

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


40 Mid - 9 12 15 SKD (31: Tech / 58: Non-tech) -4 - 40 60


40 Mid - 9 12 15 -2 -4 - 40 60


50 Mid - 7 12 19 SKD (32: Tech / 59: Non-tech) -1 - 0 80
  • K' throws out a stationary circular swirl of fire at waist level which can be cancelled into a variety of follow ups. This can negate projectiles that come into contact with it. The followups can still be performed in this case.
  • A version knocks down and is preferred as a starter in mid screen combos. K' moves forward slightly when throwing out the flame, giving it slightly longer range. As such, it reliably combos from repeated 2B even at near max distance.
  • C version does not knock down and is preferred as a starter in corner combos.
  • EX version negates EX projectiles and completely beats normal projectiles. It also moves K' forward and "sticks" opponents in place on hit, which lets you combo into 6D consistently for nice conversions, even from max range farC.
  • All versions combo from lights, preferably 2B.
  • Total duration:

A/C = 35 frames EX = 38 frames

Second Whip

Second Whip

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

236A~6A 236A~6A

50 Mid - 15 9 15 SKD (35: Tech / 62: Non-tech) -2 - 60 40

236C~6A 236C~6A

50 Mid - 15 9 15 SKD (33: Tech / 60: Non-tech) -2 - 60 40

236AC~6A 236AC~6A

90 High - 13 9 15 HKD (+47) -3 - 0 80
  • 6A followup is mainly useful as juggle filler in corner combos. Safest option if Ein Trigger is blocked. However, due to its limited range and pushback from Ein Trigger, this move can whiff if too many normals are used at the start and leave you somewhat more unsafe. Will connect on a cornered opponent. There's a 1F gap between 236P & 6A which is useful for corner pressure. Will hit anyone trying to jump or not blocking. Can roll between the hits or use invincible reversal between the hits. However, if an opponent rolls in either direction after blocking 236P, they will be open to a straightforward punish with either cl.C or f.C depending on which direction they roll towards.
  • When used after 236AC, 6A is a hard knockdown and an overhead. This is also a true block string with 236AC making it one of the fastest overheads in the game.
  • Normal versions reflect normal projectiles and EX version reflect EX projectiles.

Second Shoot

Second Shoot

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

236A~6B 236A~6B

40 Mid super 8 Full Screen Projectile 31 SKD (38: Tech / 65: Non-tech) -7 (Close range) to +24 (Max range) Low Physical Attacks: 4 to 27 (24 Frames) 60 60

236C~6B 236C~6B

40 Mid super 8 Full Screen Projectile 31 -5 -7 (Close range) to 24 (Max range) Low Physical Attacks: 4 to 27 (24 Frames) 60 60

236AC~6B 236AC~6B

78 (40+40) Mid - 7 Full Screen Projectile 30 SKD (47: Tech / 74: Non-tech) +3 (Close range) to +28 (Max range) Low Physical Attacks: 4 to 27 (24 Frames) 0 80 (40+40)
  • 6B followup is a slow fireball. Depending on the spacing of Ein Trigger, this can be either unsafe or even plus on block, except for in the corner. Cannot juggle afterwards during a mid-air hit except with an air EX Minute Spike.
  • After 236C, the fireball is faster.
  • After 236AC, this is a 2-hit slow fireball that gradually speeds up and can mess with attempts to roll or jump it. Plus on block even at point blank allowing his 5C/2C to beat 4F normals. Can easily Guard Crush the opponent in the corner with one bar by doing j.C>5C[1]>4B>236AC>6B 3 times, substituting 236A>6B at the end, while still being able to punish meterless rolls with 2A/2B. Still does not allow normal juggles afterwards.
  • Normal versions of Second Shoot can be super cancelled but there is little utility in combos because of limited hit stun and its inability to juggle. However, it can be whiff canceled into Heat Drive at a distance to punish attempts to jump, roll or neutralise your fireball. It can also be whiff canceled into Chain Drive, which beats mid range jump in attempts.

Second Knuckle

Second Knuckle

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

236A~6C 236A~6C

60 Mid super 15 7 22 SKD (25: Tech / 52: Non-tech) -10 (Close range) to -3 (Max range) - 60 40

236C~6C 236C~6C

60 Mid super 15 7 22 SKD (22: Tech / 49: Non-tech) -10 (Close range) to -3 (Max range) - 60 40

236AC~6C 236AC~6C

70 Mid - 15 7 19 SKD (42: Tech / 82: Non-tech) -1 - 0 40
  • 6C followup is a forward-moving punch that does the most damage out of 236P follow-ups, knocks down, and is super cancellable.
  • After 236AC, this is a forward-moving punch that juggles, sort of like normal versions of the 6A follow up. Useful to tag on extra damage in corner juggles.
  • You get another 236C, 6(A/B/C) if you do 236AC, 6C for a potential 3 Ein Trigger combo.

Second Shell

Second Shell

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

236A~6D 236A~6D

40 Mid - 7 12 21 SKD (48: Tech / 75: Non-tech) -7 - 30 60

236C~6D 236C~6D

40 Mid - 7 12 21 SKD (45: Tech / 72: Non-tech) -7 - 30 60

236AC~6D 236AC~6D

40 Mid - 7 12 18 SKD (51: Tech / 78: Non-tech) -3 - 0 60

236AC~6D~4B/D 236AC~6D~4B/D

- N/A - - - 24 - - - - -
  • 6D followup launches opponent and is generally the most rewarding finisher. Functions decently as an anti-air.
  • Corner combos with 236C, 6D can be followed up with another 236 (A/C/AC) for a double Ein Trigger combo.
  • AC version doesn't launch the opponent higher, but K' recovers faster compared to normal versions.
  • 6D into 4K also performs a teleport which stops right below a juggled opponent. Useful for chasing down juggled opponents mid screen and following up with 4B > combo of your choice. May cause awkward side switching if done point blank.
  • Note: Unlike other followups, Second Shell is not able repeat in a single combo, no matter which version is used.
  • This move launches the opponent higher if they are previously crumpled or launched by an EX Narrow Spike/Second Knuckle - crucial for optimal followups.

Blackout (Ein Trigger Follow-up)


Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

236A~4B/D 236A~4B/D

- N/A - - - 32 [40] - - Full Strike: 9 to 24 (16 frames) [Full Strike: 14 to 30 (17 frames)] - -

236C~4B/D 236C~4B/D

- N/A - - - 32 [40] - - Full Strike: 9 to 24 (16 frames) [Full Strike: 14 to 30 (17 frames)] - -

236AC~4B/D 236AC~4B/D

- N/A - - - 25 - - Full Body: 4 to 14 (11 frames) - -
  • 4K performs a teleport that can switch sides with the opponent, except in the corner. D version travels further. Both versions, including EX, are very unsafe on block.



Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


- N/A - - - 32 - - Full Strike: 9 to 24 (16 frames) - -


- N/A - - - 40 - - Full Strike: 14 to 30 (17 frames) - -


- N/A - - - 28 - - Full Strike: 4 to 14 (11 frames) - -
  • A sliding teleport that can switch sides, D version travels further. BD version travels slightly shorter than the D version, but is much faster. All versions are unsafe when cancelled from any cancellable normal. D version is useful for catching up with the opponent on a wallsplat CD.

Crow Bite

Crow Bite

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


78 (50+30) Mid super(1) 4 11 39 SKD (24: Tech / 51: Non-tech) -26 Full body against non-projectile air moves: 1 to 5 (5 frames) 80 (40+40) 80 (40+40)


105 (50+30+30) Mid super(1) 7 18 54 SKD (0: Tech / 27: Non-tech) -48 Full Body: 1 to 11 (11 frames) 120 (40+40+40) 120 (40+40+40)


163 (10*8+30+30+40) Mid - 4 11 (11) 10 (19) 7 31 HKD (+30) -42 Full Body: 1 to 10 (10 frames) 0 240 (20*10+40)

C~6B/D C~6B/D

40 - - 8 6 32 HKD (+30) - - 40 ?
  • Anti-air DP. C version can be followed up with 6K.
  • The 6K follow up can still hit taller characters on the ground if the initial hits miss or gets blocked. It is still quite unsafe on block.
  • Only Heat Drive and Climax will combo when super cancelled.

After using 623C>6K or 623AC, K' gets a guaranteed 4F safe jump that will also beat wake-up rolls if you choose to press 4C/D after landing. Ending your combos/anti-airing with this move is critical to swing the momentum in K's favor.

Minute Spike

Minute Spike

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


90 Mid - 15 3 21 SKD (46: Tech / 86: Non-tech) -8~-6 - 40 40


120 Mid - 15 3 35 SKD (35: Tech / 75: Non-tech) -19 Full Body Armor: 5 to 7 (3 frames) 40 40


80 Mid - 15 3 35 SKD (25: Tech / 65: Non-tech) -19 Full Body Armor: 1 to 4 (4 frames) 0 60
  • Normal version provides excellent corner carry knocking the opponent very far away. Follow up with Narrow Spike to close the distance.
  • The B and EX versions hit crouching opponents, where the D version does not. Spacing the B version just right, about a few steps away from round start, can make it very difficult to punish with anything other than a sweep, making it a somewhat useful neutral tool to push the opponent towards the corner. The margin between the proper spacing and whiffing entirely is small however, so it's not recommended to rely on this.
  • The D and EX versions of Minute Spike have a few frames of Guard Point, which allow you to blow through moves with a fast distance closing move. The EX version is also a combo starter.
  • Due to the above property, this is one of the most important tools K' has when fighting against characters with fireball traps like King, Athena, Robert and Joe. Can also be used against strong but telegraphed attacks like Terry's Burn Knuckle. Be sure to cancel into Narrow Spike after the Guard Point (before Minute Spike hits) to convert into a combo.

Narrow Spike

Narrow Spike

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

B or D B or D

60 Low super 12 9 12 SKD (40: Tech / 67: Non-tech) -10~-2 - 70 120


80 Low - 6 9 10 Juggle (+42~+69) -14~-6 - 0 100
  • Can performed at almost any point of Minute Spike before K' lands on the ground.
  • If performed quickly, skips Minute Spike completely and can combo from heavies.
  • Can be used as a frame trap if delayed.
  • All versions launches opponent slightly, with EX recovering faster.
  • Regular versions allow at least a 623A/AC follow up.
  • EX version combos from lights and is key to K' high damage combos by following up with 4B > 236C > 6D for a high launch.

Air Minute Spike

Air Minute Spike

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers


80 [40] Mid - 13 3 21 on ground SKD -15 (Lowest height) to -22 (Highest height) - 40 40


100 [50] Mid - 13 3 21 on ground SKD -15 (Lowest height) to -22 (Highest height) - 40 40


120 [60] Mid - 13 3 16 on ground SKD -10 (Lowest height) to -17 (Highest height) - 0 40
  • Cannot be cancelled into Narrow Spike.
  • All versions are anywhere juggles.
    • If this move hits an opponent who is not in a juggle state (i.e. anywhere juggle), an additional 25% scaling penalty is applied. Meaning that the move scales the combo by 30% instead of 5%.
  • Unlike ground versions of Minute Spike, regular air versions leave the opponent in a juggle state.
  • Air EX version has significantly less lag when landing, allowing for better juggles.
  • All versions can be cancelled from any air normal and will combo if high enough. Due to these previously listed properties, this move is fantastic for adding extra damage and corner carry to successful air-to-airs, or comboing after a successful j.CD on a grounded opponent.
  • There are several ways to execute this move besides from regular jumping
    • Cancel: After a raw or cancelled 6B.
    • Backdashing: An easy shortcut for this is to input 2144B/D/BD or 4214B/D/BD. There needs to be at least 1 frame of neutral input between the 214 and 4 in order for the game to recognise it as it a backdash.
    • Tiger Knee input (i.e. 2147BD): (EX version only) Regular Air Minute Spike has a slight height requirement of 3 units, meaning it cannot be Tiger Knee'd in a similar fashion.

Super Special Moves

Heat Drive

Heat Drive

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

A or C A or C

160/180/220/280 Mid advanced, climax 10 [101] 17 46 HKD (+59) -52~-36 Full Body: 1 to 3 (3 frames) 0 0


300/330/360/400 Mid climax 10 [84] 18 45 HKD (+57) -52~-36 Full Body: 1 (1 frame) 0 0
  • All versions can be held and deals proportionately more damage. Does not become unblockable when fully charged.
  • Stays in front of opponent if blocked.
  • Despite it being possible to Advanced Cancel into MAX Chain Drive, there doesn't appear to have any way to combo it, unlike in KOF XI.
  • Plays the satisfying blast sound effect all the way from KOF '99.

Chain Drive

Chain Drive

Version Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers

A or C A or C

200 (0+25+10*2+15*4+10+15*2+55) Mid advanced, climax 13 Full Screen Projectile 88 HKD (+43) -75~-49 Full Body: 1 to 15 (15 frames) 0 0


350 (0+40+20*9+50+80) Mid climax 12 Full Screen Projectile 75 HKD (+76) -61~-35 Full Body: 1 to 16 (16 frames) 0 0
  • K' tosses his glasses and starts a short autocombo if it hits. The glasses start off at about his chest level and it travels in a slight arc downwards.
  • All versions have significant amounts of invincibility frames.
  • Can be climax cancelled during any hit of the autocombo.
  • For A/C versions, the sunglasses will negate most normal or EX projectiles and clash with super projectiles.
  • For the AC version, the sunglasses will negate most normal/EX and super projectiles and clash with MAX super projectiles.
  • The sunglasses can be reflected but it is unrewarding to do so, as they deal 0 damage. Moreover, if K' is hit by his own reflected sunglasses, he recovers much faster compared to simply blocking or dodging the sunglasses.
  • In all versions, if the sunglasses miss, gets blocked or clashes with other super projectiles, K' stays in place and pulls out a new pair.

Climax Super Special Moves

Hyper Chain Drive

Hyper Chain Drive

Damagez (x+y) means the move has two hits.
The first does x,
the second does y,
for a total of z.
Damage dealt by the move.
10 is 1%.
Guard (1) means only the first hit has to be blocked that way, (2) the second,
No bracket means the entire move has to be blocked said way.
How this attack has to be blocked. Throws and unblockables will stay empty.
Cancel (1) means only the first hit is cancelable, (2) the second,
(x~y) every hit from x to y,
No bracket means the entire move is.
Whether this move is special or super cancelable.
If neither, will stay empty.
StartupNumber of frames for the move to become active, first active frame included. Activex, (y), z means the move has two hits. The 1st is active for x frames
Followed by a y frame gap
Then the 2nd is active for z frames.
Number of frames the move is active, meaning able to connect, for.
RecoveryNumber of frames past its active frames for the move to end and the character to recover unless the move is canceled. Hit Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
SKD is soft knockdown, HKD is hard.
After the move hits,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Block Advantagex ~ y means the move has different frame advantage depending on range.
x when done point-blank.
y on the tip.
After the move is blocked,
number of frames the character recovers before (+) or after (-) the opponent.
Invulnerability(Startup) means the move is invincible until after its 1st active frame.
(Startup - 1) means it's invincible until its 1st active frame.
Throw and/or Hit Invincibility the move has. (frames)_TYPE_(Location).
Startup or Active may be used to note the frame range.
StunAmount of stun damage a move inflicts. This will not factor in proration if applicable Guard DamageDamage done to the guard bar regardless of multipliers
435 ([20+0]*22+30) Min:245 Mid - 9 20 169 HKD (+25) -168 Full Body: 1 to 19 (19 frames) 0 0
  • Due to its large hitbox and quick startup, it combos from basically all possible super and climax cancels.
  • Takes 1000 years to recover if blocked. On the bright side, you might get to see one of those rare 100% raw max combos.
  • Please remember the much better metered options to escape pressure like the universal GCAB/GCCD or even wakeup EX black out before you even think about using this as a reversal.
  • Only does 1 hit on block for 3 chip damage.
  • Negates almost any projectile that comes into contact with the flames but it's a moot point as you'll still be stuck with roughly 700 years of recovery if you do so.



K' Reveal Trailer
The King of Fighters XV



The King of Fighters XV

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