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The King of Fighters '98 UMFE/EX Andy

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EX Andy is a well-rounded character who leans towards safe pressure and a bit of zoning. He has a fast fireball that can be used for full screen zoning and as a blockstring ender up close. He has some nice normals for poking at midrange, and some good jumping normals that cover both the air and ground. For mixups he has lows, a safe-on-block overhead, and a slow running command grab that can be used to call out rolls and dodges. His kit is rounded out by an invincible DP and a rekka for hit-confirming. His weaknesses include fairly low damage and a lot of moves that will whiff on low crouchers.

Andy EX Andy
Character Comparison
Gameplan differences

Andy has better rushdown capabilities and better mix-up

EX Andy has a more well-rounded and generally safer toolkit

Combo differences

Andy has very high damage while in Max Mode or QM and using Attack Cancel Roll, while still having above average meterless damage. He also has access to corner-to-corner routes

EX Andy has more consistent meterless and metered routes thanks to rekkas and better supers, as well as being less executionally demanding.


Andy has good midscreen tools like 214A, and better movement thanks to j.236K, which has delayed follow-ups so opponents can't never be sure if it's safe to punish or not.

EX Andy has a fullscreen presence, including an unblockeable thanks to the fireball + command grab trick, and this same grab is great for punishing roll/dodge happy opponents

Preferred System Mechanics

Andy necessitates both Extra and Attack Cancel Roll to shine, and has poor meter build in neutral while only really wanting to use QM, but in return gets amazing reward for a single use of Quick Max without necessarily having to leave Max Mode

EX Andy has more general confirms, builds meter easily, but also has better super routes, so while he generally prefers Extra thanks to granting him access to an overhead route and better reward from his rekkas, he is much more flexible than regular Andy

Changes from Previous Versions

98 to 98UM


  • cl.D now has 5 frames less recovery
  • 5D now has 1 less frame startup and 3 frames less recovery
  • 2D now has 1 less frame startup
  • 6B now has 6 frames less recovery
  • 3A's first hit can now be special- or super-cancelled.


  • Added 214K, a rekka that can hit up to 4 times
  • Added 41236P, a moving command grab


  • Added 2141236K, a DM version of hcf+K

98UM to 98UMFE


  • cl.C's hitbox has been changed so that it doesn't whiff against short characters


  • 16C now has slower startup but less recovery
  • 214P's recovery has been decreased by 5 frames

Normal Moves


  • cl.A: Hits very high up, so it whiffs on low crouchers. Chainable and cancelable.
  • cl.B: Hits a bit lower than cl.A, so it will hit low crouchers. Cancelable.
  • cl.C: One of Andy's fastest attacks at 3f, and one of his best combo tools. Hits twice, the second hit will whiff on low crouchers but hit on tiny crouchers. Cancelable.
  • cl.D: Hits high up, so can be useful as a close-range anti-air.


  • 5A: Far-ranged jab that hits very high up. Good for stopping hops. Whiffs on regular and smaller crouchers.
  • 5B: Good neutral poke, excellent hop anti-air. Whiffs on regular and smaller crouchers.
  • 5C: Long-range poke with a lot of recovery. Important tool for Andy's game, as it is his furthest-reaching poke that will hit crouchers.
  • 5D: Very slow kick that hits high up. Hits twice, once above Andy and once in front of him. Because it has slow startup and recovery, this move is best avoided.


  • 2A: A standard crouching jab. Good to use in blockstrings since it's +0 on block. Chainable and cancelable.
  • 2B: Your main low combo option. Comes out fast and is cancelable, so it's a great normal. Also has nice low-profile hurtbox. Chainable and cancelable.
  • 2C: A decent poke with a bit shorter range. Good to use in combos on low characters where the full cl.C might whiff. Cancelable on hit, block, and whiff.
  • 2D: Long-range sweep with average startup. Good as a long-range low poke. Fairly safe when spaced out to hit at the tip, but punishable when closer up. Has nice low-profile hurtbox. And it hits quite high for a low, making it an pretty decent anti-air.


  • j.A: Fast startup and a good downwards hitbox. Can crossup standing characters and the tall crouchers.
  • j.B: A kick that hits high up. Good air-to-air since it has long range and a lot of active frames. Whiffs on regular and smaller crouchers.
  • 8j.B: Similar to j.B, but the hitbox extends further down so it will hit every croucher except the tiny ones.
  • j.C: Excellent priority straight in front of him. Good for air-to-airs, and also works as a jump-in normal.
  • j.D: Andy's main jump-in normal. Long range and has good priority in front and a little bit below him, so it works both as an air-to-air and jump-in.
  • 8j.D: Almost exactly the same as j.D, but it has slightly less forwards priority and Andy does a different pose.

CD Normals

  • 5CD: Slow startup and recovery. Good to use for whiff cancelling and occasionally as a poke or meaty. Whiffs on tiny crouchers. Cancelable on hit, block, and whiff.
  • j.CD: Has longer startup than all his other jumping attacks and hits high up similar to his j.B, but with less range, so it's not a great normal. However, it can be used for the extra blockstun during pressure against regular and tall crouchers. Whiffs on low crouchers.


Original Iron Press: 4/6C (close)

  • Regular throw, techable. Andy picks the opponent up and jumps in the air, he then slams them down to the ground and kicks them away. it sends them 80% of the screen and deals a hard knockdown.

Wrap-around Slam: 4/6D (close)

  • Regular throw, techable. Andy throws the opponent behind him, sending them fullscreen and dealing a soft knockdown.

Command Moves

Chin Raiser: 6B

  • An overhead move when done raw, but it loses that property when canceled into.
  • Hits above him at first, and then in front of him, so it can both anti-air and hit a grounded opponent.
  • Leaves the opponent standing on grounded hit.
  • Can be combo-ed out of with a Quick MAX cancel.
  • The raw version is safe on block against everything but 1f command grabs when point blank. The canceled-into version is more punishable though.
  • When late-canceled into, it maintains its overhead property, allowing you to surprise your opponent with an overhead.

Facelift Smash: 3A

  • A two-hit move that hits in front and diagonally above Andy.
  • Good to use in combos and blockstrings as, you can special cancel out of it.
  • The second hit can whiff at further ranges, and when pushed out too much in combos. It always whiffs on low crouchers.
  • The second hit has a good anti-airing hitbox, and you can cancel it into fireball for a juggle if it hits.

Special Moves

Zan Ei Ken: 16A/C

  • A forward-travelling elbow attack. A version goes about halfscreen and C version goes almost fullscreen.
  • His most damaging combo ender and also the most reliable combo ender, as it will combo from pretty much all of his cancelable attacks.
  • Punishable both when using the ender and when not using it, so this is a move that's not advisable to use outside of combos.
  • A version can be used as a decent mobility option to travel forwards quickly.
Ga Dan Koh: 236A/C (during 16P)
  • Only during the hit of Zan Ei Ken.
  • Causes soft knockdown.
  • Makes the move slightly more safe on block, but it's still easily punishable.

Hisho Ken: 214A/C

  • This is a full standard projectile, unlike his OG 98 version that's just a close-range blast.
  • The A version travels slower and the C version travels faster.
  • Good to use for zoning and as a blockstring ender, as it comes out and travels fairly fast so it can catch jumping attempts.

Dam Breaker Punch: 214B/D (x4)

  • Can be entered 4 times in a row, this is a close-range rekka type move.
  • Great hit-confirming tool, as the first hit is safe on block when done after two light hits.
  • The rest of the rekka hits are very punishable, so only do them on hit; you have time to confirm whether the first one hit and then do the later parts.
  • Even though the first hit whiffs in certain situations, like after a cl.C, df+A, it's still possible to combo into the later hits by doing the followups at the right timing.

Syo Ryu Dan: 623A/C

  • EX Andy's DP. A version comes out faster and has less reach than the C version.
  • A version has startup invincibility but none on the active frames. C version has startup invincibility that extends through the first 3 active frames.
  • A version can function as a fast anti-air as it has a good hitbox and above Andy.
  • C version functions as a reversal and as a late anti-air where you go through their jump-in with the invincibility frames.
  • C version can be a good combo tool, as it deals a lot of damage when all the hits connect but it will easily whiff if there's too much pushback.

Sonic Split: 41236B/D

  • A multi-hitting attack where EX Andy goes through the air in an arc. A version starts up faster and travels a shorter distance than the C version.
  • Has fairly slow startup and is punishable on block in most situations.
  • Has good air-to-air hitboxes while flying in the air.
  • Not a very reliable move, and is best avoided most of the time unless you're throwing it out to be unpredictable.
  • Can go over fireballs while in the air.

Exploding Shockwave: 41236A/C

  • A running command grab.
  • Has a lot of startup at 13f and no invincibility at all, so it's not a great mixup tool unless you can condition the opponent sit and block a lot.
  • The best use for it is to catch rolls and dodges, since it has a lot of active frames and it moves forward, making it well-suited to chasing down backwards rolls.
  • Causes a hard knockdown.

Desperation Moves

Ultimate Sonic Swirl: 2141236B/D

  • A DM version of hcf+K. EX Andy travels at an arc in the air, but he now has flames engulfing him. B version travels a shorter distance than the D version.
  • Has startup invincibility but none on the active frames, so it can trade if used as a reversal.
  • Can be combo-ed into if done after attacks with very little pushback.
  • Can be a decent anti-air, as it has good hitboxes for it.
  • MAX version has some invincibility on the active frames and deals more hits and damage, so it's a better reversal and anti-air.

Dan Da Dan: 236236A/C (press A/C repeatedly)

  • Your main combo DM, as it will combo better than his other one. Mash A/C for more hits and damage.
  • It's prone to whiffing if there's too much pushback though, as it has quite short range so you need to know when it will hit and whiff.
  • MAX version has the same range, but deals more hits and damage.


General Notes

  • cl.C's second hit will whiff on short crouchers, so any combo using cl.C(2) will need to be done as cl.C(1) against them, or you can always just cancel after the first hit to not have to remember who is a short croucher. An easy way to buffer cl.C(1) into super is 236C(1) > 236C.
  • Any time you can use 236236P in a combo, you can also use 236236AC for more damage if you have the resources.



2B > 2B > 3A(1) > 16A > 236A
EX Andy's most damaging meterless low combo.
2B > 2B > 214Bx4
Low combo that also functions as a safe hitconfirm. If you hit do all the 4 214Bs, if it is blocked stop at the first one.


(j.X) > cl.C(1) > 3A(1) > 16A > 236P
Your most reliable combo for punishes and jump-ins.
cl.C(1) > 3A(1) > 214Bx4
An alternate cl.C combo. The first hit of the rekka will whiff but the other three will hit. Does less damage than his other one but it's there.

With Meter


2B > 3A(2) > 236236P > mash P
A low combo into DM.


(j.X) > cl.C(2) > 236236P > mash P
A heavy normal into DM combo. Can be combo-ed off of a jump-in.

With Quick MAX

  • See "General Notes" at the top of the combo section for when to use one or two hits of cl.C.


2Bx2/[2B > 3A(1)] > 214B > ABC > cl.C(1~2) > 236236P > Mash P
A low confirm Quick MAX combo into good damage. It's also safe on block if you stop at the rekka.


(j.X) > cl.C(1~2) > 214B > ABC > cl.C(1~2) > 236236P > Mash P
A jump-in and heavy starter version of the B rekka Quick MAX combo.


6B > ABC > cl.C > 236236P > mash P
A Quick MAX combo from his overhead.


(j.X) > cl.C > 6B > ABC > 2C > 236236P > mash P
A corner combo extension of his overhead Quick MAX combo.

Strategy & Tips

  • Unblockable projectile setup: normally Ex Andy's fireball is too fast to get a command grab out in order to make it unblockable. Even at full screen the opponent will have blocked the fireball before the command grab comes out. But by setting up a meaty projectile after a hard knockdown, like his C throw or command grab, you have enough time to get the command grab out making the projectile unblockable. Use the A version projectile for this.


King of Fighters 98 UM FE: EX Andy Guide by Mash It Out

External Links

The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition

FAQSystemControlsGuidesChangelistMatch VideosAdvanced StrategyTier ListsFrame Data & Hitboxes


Andy BogardAthena AsamiyaBenimaru NikaidoBilly KaneBlue MaryBrian BattlerChang KoehanChin GentsaiChizuru KaguraChoi BoungeChrisClark StillEiji KisaragiGeese HowardGoro DaimonHeavy D!HeidernIori YagamiJoe HigashiKasumi TodohKim KaphwanKingKyo KusanagiLeona HeidernLucky GlauberMai ShiranuiMatureMr. BigRalf JonesRobert GarciaRugal BernsteinRyo SakazakiRyuji YamazakiSaisyu KusanagiShermieShingo YabukiSie KensouTakuma SakazakiTerry BogardViceWolfgang KrauserYashiro NanakaseYuri Sakazaki

EX Characters

EX AndyEX BillyEX Blue MaryEX GeeseEX JoeEX KingEX KyoEX MaiEX RobertEX RyoEX TerryEX YamazakiEX YuriOrochi ChrisOrochi ShermieOrochi Yashiro