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Battle 4 Mexico 2011: A New Era- November 2k11-Ciudad Juarez, MEX

Started by Dark Geese, June 25, 2011, 03:01:23 PM

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Dark Geese

**Battle 4 Mexico 2011: A New Era**

Organizers: Dark Geese, Lecter, Daniel, Luis Cha
Date: November 5-6, 2011
Location: Ciudad Juarez Convention Center
Special Guests: Kula, Andres, possibly Abraham

I am proud to bring back the Juarez National KOF tournament after it had such a great success last year! This year is a dramatic shift in the games being played as it will feature some of the newer games in the lineup!

**KOF 2002 Grand Champion gets full paid ticket to Japan end of 2012!**

Major Games:

KOF 2002

Minor Games:
KOF 2002 UM Tougeki

Due to the fact that this place is so big, I am looking into from the beginning getting a live stream so I will keep everyone posted.


Good to see you will be including some non KOF games in there this time around. Hopefully the turnout will be good for those games cause a friend of mine has told me that Mexico has some pretty good players when it comes to Street Fighter 4. Also curious to see how MK9 turns out.

Dark Geese

Quote from: Cibernetico on June 25, 2011, 03:07:53 PM
Good to see you will be including some non KOF games in there this time around. Hopefully the turnout will be good for those games cause a friend of mine has told me that Mexico has some pretty good players when it comes to Street Fighter 4. Also curious to see how MK9 turns out.

You may be surprised..I may be entering MVC3 myself..

Dark Geese

Battle 4 Mexico 2011= Battle 4 Japan??

Yes that's right we have decided that the winner for KOF 2002 this year for Battle 4 Mexico will go with me to Japan the end of next year for either Duelling the KOF or my own tournament which would be Raging Storm Japan the end of next year.

Why either or? While to many of you Duelling the KOF would seem to be the obvious choice, bottom line is this:

I've already talked to Hummer (Staff), and he has said I would not be able to upload the matches. Those of you doing so or watching DTKOF matches on youtube accounts are pretty much doing it at your own risk in violation of their policies....so rest assured you aren't on their favorable list..

Bottom line is $2,800 is a lot to spend just to go be apart of someone else's tournament and NOT be allowed to upload the matches.

So I am thinking it would probably be best if I just did my own tournament in Japan so that I could do whatever I wanted, record what I want, upload what I want...


I'm gonna start saving then!

I'll try my best to be there for kof13 and kof XI !

Dark Geese

Quote from: elrosa on July 14, 2011, 05:21:41 AM
I'm gonna start saving then!

I'll try my best to be there for kof13 and kof XI !

Hope so dude it would be nice to see you there!

Dark Geese

Guys update: As of right now it seems I have a deal with Team DarkSiders to Stream this event and I will consider using them again for The KOF Cup 2012...

Good news! So this means we will Stream KOF 2002/13, and then I will manually record extra side stuff like Personal matches, Money Matches etc as always..makes a lot less for me to have to edit and upload to youtube! I'll just link the stream then upload it also to youtube..

Violent Geese

I have only one question.... Why you always do your tournaments in Cd. Juarez? Is too far, can you change the place to mexico or maybe puebla? Many people cant go because its too far

Dark Geese

Quote from: Violent Geese on August 24, 2011, 07:09:34 PM
I have only one question.... Why you always do your tournaments in Cd. Juarez? Is too far, can you change the place to mexico or maybe puebla? Many people cant go because its too far

That's the first place chosen for a tournament that I did to answer your question. Now the thing is there is currently a lot of hidden stuff in the works with the Peruvians so the very scope of this event could change sometime soon.

As more time passes I get a lot more offers from other places so as I did this year I am diversifying in different cities and countries more than I have in the past.

Traditionally I did all 3 events of the year in Juarez, but now I did one at the beginning of the year, and one at the end of the year...

Who knows next year it could change again to include more cities as again I am receiving multiples offers from not only all parts of Mexico but the rest of the world.

I hope that answers your question sir!