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Started by AOR, August 01, 2010, 10:19:13 PM

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I wasn't sure whether to ask about this in the general discussion thread or make a topic on it, so here goes.

Is there a list of taunts for the characters somewhere? Maybe videos? The only video of a taunt I've seen is Kula's snowman. I've also heard some rumors that Benimaru's taunt is pretty funny, but I haven't seen it anywhere online.


Here's some Taunt Info from MMcafe, Via the Professor:


Kim- Does a series of kicks, then glitters his teeth
Hwa- Fake drink move; jumps up to grab his bottle, but doesn't catch it
Raiden- FF2 taunt; Cmoooon!

Iori- Classic 95 taunt where he leans forward
Vice- Twirls around her neck like she's bored and needs a massage
Mature- Puts her hand across her face

Mai- crouches towards the screen a bit and wobbles around her chest
Yuri- Looks towards the screen and randomly does one of three variations: looks normal, looks surprised with big round eyes, does a peace sign
King- Holds a rose, then tosses it in front of herself and kicks it at opponent (no hit detection)

Ryo- Powers up his chi like in the AOF series
Robert- Same as Ryo
Takuma- Old AOF2 taunt (I think)

Maxima- Does something that looks like his 99 intro where he analizes his enemy, but looking towards the screen, and without as much artwork done on the graphics
K': Fixes the position of his shades
Kula: Creates a Snowman

Chin: Continuously Chugs up his drink--- it keeps raising his booze meter until it's stopped!

Terry: Fixes the position of his cap
Joe: Cracks his knuckles


Kind of disappointed that Joe doesn't have his mooning taunt. I wonder what Ralf's is. Thanks a lot for the info :D


Can you cancel into or out of taunts?


So, what is the point of taunt anyway?

Running Wild

Quote from: XI on August 02, 2010, 03:40:01 AM
So, what is the point of taunt anyway?

To troll. :D


Quote from: Remxi on August 02, 2010, 03:38:39 AM
Can you cancel into or out of taunts?
Can't do anything while taunting.


Quote from: 4leaf on August 02, 2010, 03:49:35 AM
Quote from: Remxi on August 02, 2010, 03:38:39 AM
Can you cancel into or out of taunts?
Can't do anything while taunting.

Except gloat =)


Leona: Same as her winpose.. Nothing much
Clark: Raises his fist while backturned.

Arcade is too noisy to hear things clearly lol.


This thread is essentially done, time to lock it up.