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Hey all =)

Started by LangyLangy, August 11, 2011, 12:03:29 PM

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Just thought i'd be polite and do the right thing by introducing myself.
Always been a big fighting game fan, been into the KoF series for years now.

Haven't been this hyped for a KoF for a long time and seeing as like, no one I know locally plays the KoF games, decided to join up here. In the UK so all being well i'll be able to have a blast against you guys when the game finally comes out in October. PS3 user here.

Thanks all, nice to be a part of your community =)


Old man/bad player


Welcome to DC, nice to have some more players from the other side of the pond.


welcome to dream cancel, glad to hear you're hyped for 13 are there any other KOF games you currently play?
"simply learning does not make one learned there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding".


Thanks for the welcome guys =)

I usually play 2002UM more than the others but i've got it on PS2 so I can't play online with it =/

It'll be fun to play other actual players for a change when XIII comes out!

Alucard DX

Welcome to DC. ;)

How is the kof scene there in the UK?

Do you have arcades with KOF 98 UM,2002 UM?



Welcome to DC LangyLangy, did you go check out SVB for the console release?


Where I am in England has very few arcades as it is and i've never really seen a KOF machine in any of them. It's quite sucky really.

You occasionally get some old school KOF arcades in seaside resort amusement arcades but again, it's nothing local to me~

Shame really. Still, I know a few guys who're fighing game fans but even they don't really know much about KOF. I'm gonna try my best to get them into it though, even if I have to force them to play it haha.