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SVC Chaos Text Generator Pic Posts

Started by solidshark, July 10, 2011, 11:58:42 PM

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Sorry guys, I couldn't come up with any new content :(

(I am really starting to suck too :( )

Apologizes Marchefelix, if you feel I offended you :)


If you keep telling yourself you suck, then you will suck. Believe in yourself, man.

Those images... were creepy. You really should stop trying to flatter me now. (I don't want any fanboys)


When Garou Terry does Power Charge, it sounds like it says


Quote from: marchefelix on August 28, 2012, 01:13:50 AM
Those images... were creepy. You really should stop trying to flatter me now. (I don't want any fanboys)

Sorry dude, didn't mean to creep ya.


^You had something going there; you could've kept on going.

Want some free advice? Don't be afraid of offending someone. It seems to me you're deathly afraid of doing that (you're always apologizing for that).

If you really did see all the images in this topic, then you would have realized that we say offensive things all the time. So... go crazy!



What's with the drought?

Doesn't matter. I'm tired of being on break. Here's more images.

Today's theme: the woes of our favorite sexy ninja. (Also, since solidshark doesn't seem to post here anymore, he won't mind if I do this:)




Guess what anime I just finished watching...


Hey guys, you miss me?

No? Well forget you too.

But anyway, it's a bitch when you've got ambition but no ideas. Finally found some; hope you enjoy.

The next SNK game...

"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


I did miss you. I was beginning to wonder if the creativity well had ran out in you.

The last Ryo vs. Poison image made me laugh the most. Other funny images you had were vs. Mars People (the last one) and vs. Shiki.

As for me, today's theme will be the worst thing that has happened to the world so far: social networking


Today's theme... I stole from somewhere. I just can't remember where... but here you go!


"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995

Running Wild



Nice work with the DOA5 idea RW. Kyo vs. Chun-Li and Vanessa vs. Balrog were my favorites. Where'd you get those non-SVC pics for the generator?
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995