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NGBC - Mars People

Started by jinxhand, February 08, 2011, 02:43:35 AM

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* cl. ;a / ;b / ;c  are cancel-able.
* cl. ;c does two hits.
* cl. ;a / ;b are chain-able.

* st. ;a / ;b are cancel-able/whiff cancel-able.
* st. ;c / ;d are good long range pokes.
* st. ;d can sometimes act as a good anti-air.
* st. ;a / ;b are chain-able.

* ;dn ;a / ;b / ;c / ;d are cancel-able/whiff cancel-able.
* ;dn ;a /;b are chain-able, but ;dn ;a is his best ground poke ( ;dn ;b is slower so its harder to chain).
* ;dn ;c can sometimes be used as an anti-air, but most times its used in air juggles that lead to mixups.
* ;dn ;d does a substantial amount of guard damage. It has been known to take up to 50% guard damage. This move has changed from his SvC Chaos version (;df ;d ), as he only moves forward about halfway before retreating, instead of moving forward about a full sweep distance.

* ;uf ;c is a good way to counter a jump attack if you want to get in close for a command grab or mixups.
* ;uf ;d can be used to pressure the opponent from above, or punish a whiff move while in the air. Jumping back and using ;ub ;d can be used to punish and also allows for keep-away depending on the range.

Guard Cancel Tag Attack
* Pressing the ;e button while blocking will allow Mars People to do counter with a headbutt attack, and he will then tag out.

Million Leg Lariat - ;bk / ;fd +  ;c  ;d
*Can be broken. Regular knockdown.

Command Moves
Mars Snap: ;df + ;c
*Mars People uses his tentacles to trip the opponent with a long swipe motion. It is a good ender to his frequently used combo ( ;dn ;a [x2~3], ;dn ;d ).

Special Moves
Mars Shot: ;qcf + ;a / ;c
* Mars shoots a projectile. The ;a version is a purple ball that moves straight and increases speed overtime. The ;c version is a yellow ball that travels in a wave motion. If the ;c projectile does not hit the opponent, it continues to travel for a bit and then disappears. This is a really good move to use for setups and rushdowns. The most common setup one will see is ;qcf ;c and if the opponent jumps, Mars can counter with a far st. ;d .
Roswell Vanish: ;rdp + ;a / ;c
* Mars does a medium explosion and teleports. The ;a version keeps him in the same spot, while the ;c version makes Mars travel behind the opponent. It's not always a good move to use, as he can easily get hit out of it. If the opponent is close enough, they can take damage if not blocked or countered. Its not recommended for use in getting out of the corner.

Plasma Abduction: ;hcb ;a / ;c
* Mars People grabs the opponent and shoots a bolt of lightning from the sky. It is not known if the button strength changes anything, but it will be tested. This is what makes Mars People dangerous in close. The throw range is smaller than in SvC Chaos, and you can't combo this from any normal; however, you can buffer this move from a standing ;a and grab, but it won't count as a combo.

Area 801: ;qcf ;b / ;d
* Mars People does a jump attack in an arc motion. Button strength determines the distance jumped and the number of hits. ;b does 1 hit, while ;d does 2 hits. If Area 801 is done while a Mars Shot is out, they can all connect to make a 3 hit combo. This setup also keeps Mars People safe if timed right.

Plasma Spin: ;dp ;b / ;d
* Mars People does a jumping spin attack going upward off screen, and falls downward doing a different spinning attack. Anyone who is familiar with Billy Kane's ;dp ;b / ;d move will know how this works. There is a slight difference in that both versions have a slight delay to them, with ;d having the most delay. If the upward attack hits, the followup most likely won't connect. However, if the followup is the move that connects, Mars People can followup with a move to continue the juggle. Most times, this move can be used to cross up the opponent, and followup with a combo or setup of choice. This move can be super-canceled into.

Desperation Moves
Independence Day My Bleem!: ;hcf ;hcf ;a / ;c
* Mars People summons a flying saucer that shoots 3 rings down to the ground as it moves forward or backward. The button strength determines which direction the flying saucer travels. This move has a long recovery time.

MP12: ;hcb ;hcb ;a / ;c
* Mars People summons 3 sets of little mini versions of him that travel in a certain pattern. They have been known to appear off-screen at times, and all of the aliens don't always combo if they hit. It provides a good amount of block damage, however, just like the previous super, this too has a long recovery time.

Bronze After: ;qcb ;qcb + ;b / ;d
* This is Mars People's best super!!! He does a quick hop over the opponent, and shoots an energy ring right above the opponent, thus making it a good cross up tool. If the move hits, the opponent is launched towards Mars People, and he can then combo the opponent. This allows Mars People to do all kinds of mixups against the opponent and make up for his rather lack of strong combos.

Flatwoods March: ;dn ;dn ;b ;d (when stock is at level 2)
* Mars People opens his mouth and lets out about 10-12 eggs. If Mars is hit at any point of this super, the eggs stop dropping, and the remaining eggs will continue to hatch. Once the eggs hatch, little Mars People babies run towards the opponent. Upon impact, they do damage to the opponent. These babies are unblockable, and do a considerable amount of damage. Not only that, they can extend any character's combo (there are videos on YouTube showcasing this). Be careful though- if Mars let the eggs drop and he jumps off screen, whatever eggs go off screen don't hatch at all!!!

Tungus Incident: ;dn ;dn ;a ;c (when stock is at level 3)
* Mars People summons a flying saucer to drop directly above the opponent. SvC Chaos players will remember this as his Exceed. The block damage and regular damage is pretty decent. If desired, this super can be used in a combo. There's slight recovery time with this move, but if done far enough, Mars should be safe (with some exceptions).

A/D Assault
Mars People does not have an A/D Assault.

Strats and combos can be found here: http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Mars_People_(NGBC)

UPDATE: MP anti st.D info will be posted here for easier viewing, and will be updated more with new info. Any extra input is welcomed, and will be added here, with props given also.

I'm going to make a list of character's moves that can avoid or stop MP's st. ;d . This move causes a problem for some characters, and I felt it should be listed... Note that there might be some moves that trade, I'll make a note of that and who its in favor for the trade-off... This list will be updated accordingly... If it doesn't beat, trade, or avoid, assume that it loses to MP's st. ;d . Also take note that standing half a character's distance in front of MP right before st. ;d its considered a cl. ;d will completely whiff.


* ;hcb + ;d
* air ;qcb + ;b / ;d
* ;dp + ;a / ;c
* ;uf , ;dn ;c - This can trade depending on the timing. Has to be done somewhat late to truly benefit from it ***

* ;df ;d - Good in the corner, because with 1 stock you can GCFS and quickly do ;dp + ;a about 2~3 times for some good quick damage.
* ;dn ;d
* ;dn ;a / ;b

* ;dn ;c - Evens out both characters. Same dmg trade-off.
* st ;c - MP's st. ;d seems faster somehow, but at max range, this move can trade, but the timing is too strict to rely on this.
* ;uf , ;dn ;c - If not timed right, it trades in favor of MP because of the gap created allowing him to zone again.


* ;qcf ;qcf ;b / ;d
* ;qcb ;fd + ;b / ;d

* ;bk ~ ;fd + ;b / ;d (only the first part)

* ;uf + ;d - in favor of Kim; higher priority and more damage



* ;uf , ;dn + ;b at max distance - At anything past that it will trade in favor of MP.
* lvl 2 Super (any button but ;a )

* ;dn ;d
* ;df ;d

* ;uf , ;dn + ;b at any distance other than max
* ;fd ;d (sometimes trades)



* cl. ;b at about 1 1/2 character distance - The hitbox is kinda out there, and is fast, so
* charge ;bk ~ ;fd + ;b / ;d - If this move is done before MP executes st. ;d , it can beat it out
* ;hcb + ;b - counter... Cancel it into Raging Storm whenever there's 2 stocks of meter available.
* Raging Storm - duh
* st. ;a at max range - It does have the possibility to trade, but either way, having the option to do this might not always occur, and with the constant movement of a good MP player, max distance will always change, making a short attack like st. ;a harder to hit with.

* ;dn ;a / ;b
* ;dn ;d

* ;dn ;c - Both characters are about even in favor.
* ;up ;c - About even
* ;uf ;c - In MP's favor
* Deadly Rave - This move is weird, only because technically it can beat st. ;d out, but the end result could be Geese completely whiffing the initial hits of Deadly Rave because of the distance of MP's st. ;d . So at that point, MP could do another st. ;d or something else, but that's probably the best thing, unless of course he's close to Geese, which in that case he would be eating the rest of the Deadly Rave that would've whiffed in any other situation.



* (none at the moment)

* ;qcf ;d
* ;dn ;d - (you can use this to dodge, then whiff cancel into either ;qcb ;a / ;c [at the right range], or ;qcf ;qcf ;b / ;d )
* ;qcf ;a / ;c - (this can give Rock the option to close in while MP is in block stun, if he hasn't used his Bronze After to escape)

* ;qcf ;b - (at the right range, it can cancel, but Rock won't hit with his kick) it will just whiff, and basically put both characters at a 0f state)
* DeadlyRave Neo - This trades and puts both characters at 0f, but if you continue to do the inputs, well MP can basically capitalize.
* ;uf ;b
* ;uf ;d


Tung Fu Rue

* ;bk ~ ;fd + ;c - It's just a range battle

* ;dn ;d
* run

* ;qcb + ;c - Sometimes this can beat out MP's st.D, but more often it will trade. From my personal experience, EX version trades, too.



* ;qcf ;a
* ;hcb ;fd ;c

* ;dn ;d (needs testing)

* ;qcf ;b - the counter can work, but depending on the range, it might not connect, like Rock's counter. I've only seen it work once, but I'll do some testing on it to be sure.
* ;uf ;c
* ;uf ;d
I'm on FightCade!!!


Quick synopsis for MP... Most if not all is on the wiki, but this should be an ice-breaker for discussion...

Best air attacks to use are ;uf ;b , ;uf ;c (sometimes), and ;uf ;d (a lot!!!)... These moves will allow Mars to gain enough space so that he can land and backdash to get even more space for his projectile/grab/overhead mixups...

Keep in mind that Mars can be played both as a zoning/keep-away character, or as a rushdown character to train people to fear high/low mixup to grab. Take caution though, because he can't rush down everybody, especially characters with a quick low to rekka, high priority move or a quick low to a knockdown move (Dio, Iori, Kyo, Moriya, Big)..

In terms of zoning, his best long range moves will always be standing ;d , and standing ;c ... Most times, standing ;c has to be accompanied with a projectile so that he can't be easily countered... Standing ;d is great because it can combo off of an anti-air projectile, as well as being its own anti-air move... Against big characters, its almost a cakewalk with a few exceptions (I'll explain that one later)...

Close pokes are normally crouching ;a , sometimes standing ;a , and standing ;b which is his longest... When poking with ;dn ;a , always keep in mind that you can hit-confirm that move to chain another ;dn ;a to his ;df ;d command normal... Only use ;df ;d if ;dn ;a connects, because if the opponent predicts an upcoming ;df ;d , it can be jumped over and that can mean Mars will be eating a nasty combo... When in close, get that command throw in as much as possible, unless you're dealing with a low punch/low kick spammer, then you might want to exploit that aimless spamming tactic...

I will state that Mars has 2 great supers --- well 3 if you're willing to take that risk with ;dn ;dn ;b + ;d ... ;qcb ;qcb ;b / ;d can save so many Mars players from utter doom, even when the opponent can anticipate it... I was in a match recently, and the Kyo player telegraphed my super and responded with a jump kick. The ring was dropped right where I was at, so as soon as the opponent kicked me, we both fell, but he got hit with the ring right before it disappeared... You will find that sometimes Mars might have to take a hit in order to get the advantage (most times in air-to-air situations)...

Tungus Incident ( ;dn ;dn ;a + ;c ) works in a few different ways... This super can be used in combos in sort of a flashy way, and does a ton of damage for being a level 3 super. You can also catch the opponent off guard by using this move because it falls directly over the opponent, unlike the SvC Chaos Exeed that falls in a diagonal direction (mostly away from the opponent).

Flatwoods March ( ;dn ;dn ;b + ;d ) is only good if its done on knockdown and you tag a character with great combo potential. The babies that hit are unblockable, and can greatly extend a combo. This is beyond deadly in the corner, and there are combo videos out there showcasing how deadly this super is... On a good note, its only 2 stocks of meter to do this super vice the 3 needed for Tungus Incident.
I'm on FightCade!!!


Flatwoods March is NOT unblockable!!!

I'm on FightCade!!!


BnB Punish : 214214D 623D ( Optional 5D ) 22[AC] (Consumes four bars, it works though because 623D will always regenerate one bar if it's left. It's probably his best overall combo in general for how stupid easy it is.)
Stupid looping (midscreen) : 214214D 623D (1 hit) xN -> 2C
Stupid looping (corner) : ( Optional 214214D ) 623D (1 hit) ->  214214D 2C xN -> 2C
Stupid spawning (anywhere) : 214214D 623D 22[BD]
Sub-meterless BnB (anywhere) : 214214D 623D (foward jump) j.D (Resets and gives good positioning for a command grab / hit mixup.)

Mars People is stupid with his combos. He regenerates so much so easily that you should never run out of meter with him unless you're doing his lv2 / lv3 combos. You should be able to kill the enemy with pretty much any of his loops or combo into lv3, and at the very least you can do insane damage without any meter lost by using his BnB.
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon


Mars' only downfall is the fact that alot of characters can lock him down once they get the momentum... If they anticipate a Bronze After to be used to escape the corner, you can just do a simple jump attack, and for some characters you can combo like Hanzo, Kim, Rock, and I think even Big can even do some anti air stuff leading to a combo. At the very least, most characters can do an anti-air to a setup of some sorts...

Mars has to be at least at mid range to be dangerous though... In close, the most he can do is throw, command throw (which isn't always good pending the matchup, strong attack to ;dp ;b / ;d , or possibly a teleport if the opponent doesn't know how they work, and even then the teleport is only good in very few situations...

Mars' strongest combos involve his Flatwoods March super, and that's only because about 12 of those babies extend Mars' combo and allows him to build meter, and dash in to do ;dp ;d and combo from there...
I'm on FightCade!!!


Flatwoods march is very good to keep pressure / bring pressure / reset pressure, just like Marco's hobo summon, but outside of that it's fairly useless because they can easily block it. His strongest combos actually always involve his lv3, though. 214214D 623D 5D 22[AC] is godly because of both ease and the fact it does serious damage and returns about half a bar.
From my experience, far 5D is very good. Probably his best normal. Never whiff a 5D though, they can hit you with a DP / punish from half the screen away.

MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon


Yeah man st.D is MP's best friend... In the beginning of the match, Rock can't even counter it if its thrown out. There are alot of characters who can't stop it at max range. Another plus to st.D is that it can combo off of an anti-air projectile.

In those matches we had, notice that MP needs to have momentum in order to win. He has to constantly mixup, and play keep away at times to build meter and start the mixups from there. There's always the threat of his command throw, but he still has to setup in order to get it out. Rock can vacuum toss and beat MP's command throw. I believe Geese can do the same as well, and of course Cyber Woo can beat it out with her throw.

If the opponent takes that momentum away from MP, the only thing he can really do is escape as best as possible. There's always the GCTA on block, and sometimes that's the only thing that can be done. Bronze After is good to escape, but you have to do the right one, and hope that the opponent doesn't anticipate.

MP is still a strong character though, I think, primarily because he doesn't fit one playstyle. He has a command throw, so can somewhat play grappler style. He has mixups, and combos that benefit from mixups. He can rushdown, especially with 2A, training people to block low in order to get free 236B/D from time to time, or hit confirm and connect with 3D. Turtling is also an option, but depending on the matchup, its probably not a great idea to just straight turtle and/or zone...

One extra tidbit of info that I didn't know: Because MP's 3D hits twice on block, if Rock counters the first hit, both him and MP trade hits on the second one, and I believe it actually favors both of them because of KD and range, not really because of damage. I think they do the same amount of damage in that move.
I'm on FightCade!!!


5D on start will probably beat out anything they try aside from a fireball that travels above the ground, parries, or an invincible move.

Mars is very good once he gains that momentum, but if you lose it than it's hard to regain it.

His 3D is good on block depending on the matchup. It can be punished by long ranged moves like Haohmaru's 5C, but it will beat them out if they change after the first hit / GCFS after the first hit / parry the first hit / etc.
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon


Anti st.D info has been moved to OP for easier reading. Info has been updated as well.
I'm on FightCade!!!