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Ever feel like the feature set of fighters online isn't up to snuff?

Started by Homies Over Shotos, August 07, 2012, 03:26:55 AM

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Homies Over Shotos

Every fighting game I see has the same generic crap modes and rankings as everyone else.  I'd like to see some variation.  If I helmed a fighter, I'd add these to online games.

Top 100 dangerous players

A list where the top 100 best players would be ranked.  Disconnect % would be capped at 1-3% max to make sure their wins are actual wins instead of disconnects to prevent losses.  It would be to show what to aim for, this group has their replays saved and can be viewed by anyone.

Up and Coming

A section where players who are making a rise and starting to get good appear.  Shows win and loss and compared to previous weeks and so forth.

Rage Quitters

Anyone above 10% disconnect rate would be displayed here proudly.  Like Alpha 3, there is NO ESCAPE!  Also to penalize these people and take a cue from Capcom, the only people they can play against are OTHER rage quitters.


Capcom has the player points and battle points but that goes to anyone.  There needs to be a mode where you can personally challenge someone and bet points and some of that stuff.  I'd personally call it Pimp Status.  Your online character is represented with clothing and the more pimp status you have, the more you get to decorate your character.  If you lose your pimp status, you get downgraded to john clothing.  Pimp Status is only increased or decreased by personal duels.

I feel like there's so much that can be done, yet we get the same regurgatated modes over and over again.  BLEH.


Devs for fighters are slowly starting to catch up to PC FPS back in the late 90's...

Rollback netcode is slowly becoming a thing.

Any kind of ranking system is pretty pointless. Depends on the kind of game but points or rank doesn't equal skill. So I don't think that's important. It's basically there to make scrubs feel like they accomplished something by playing online as opposed to actually getting better. Show wins and losses. No special title is needed. Maybe if you get a certain number of wins you could have a custom title, but that's about it.

I'm against any kind of penalty for ragequitting. If I'm playing someone and the connection looked good and suddenly it goes to shit and it stays like that I'm not going to hang around with this severe handicap and just wait for it to end or even attempt to play. I'm in favor of some sort of indicator on every player showing any kind of fluctuations in their connection. If I find Joe Blow and their ping is 60, but the indicator shows that it consistently goes up and down to 150-200 and back to 60. That tells me that the guy has a shit connection or could be using lag to his advantage and I will avoid him.

If someone disconnects from your match, the game decides in your favor. Simple as that.

Ping numbers. Fuck colors they mean absolutely nothing. Why are the Japanese obsessed with colors representing connection quality? Have they never played an FPS in their life?

Set up custom servers. You can set your console or -gasp- PC to host. More fighters should be ported to PC and should work on Steam as opposed to Games For Windows Live.

When setting up a server (this is one of the few things SNKP got right) have a restriction preventing players with bad connections from joining.

Duel. Meh, I don't care about rank and I don't care about points. So who cares? If I can play the guy and set the match to ft5 or 10 or whatever and save the entire set and upload it to youtube that should be enough.

Custom colors and decals. Another thing SNKP got right but they could go even further, why not add tattoo's to your characters? Props? More indepth color editing?

More custom winquotes.

Online training mode.

Upload your matches to youtube.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Biggest thing I'd want to support other than better netcode for most fighters if possible would be an online training mode. I know that would mean that people spend most of their time using that mode instead of ranking or player matches, but every player would be better off with it.

I'm in a maybe status for tournament setup like SSF4 had.

Uploading YT vids directly would be nice.

The Duel idea is the best kind of money match idea I've heard. I'd rather stand to lose online points instead of actual money. And I hope the FGC doesn't get inspired more to money match each other cause they had a lot of fun with it in Duel.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995