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Street Fighter X Tekken

Started by FreeRunner, July 21, 2011, 11:56:41 PM

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Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 25, 2012, 07:05:44 AM
I could understand that, but Seth is usually one to always give respect to a whole bunch of fighting games, and tries to level with us as much as his job allows him to.  But either way, there's not much bait to take, I try to listen intently when people talk, and even I missed that VF joke, so idk if that many people even noticed it. 

Plus I wouldn't call VF an underdog exactly, most people give a lot of respect to VF, even ones who don't play 3D fighters.  It's one of the few games out there that actually benefits from hivemind assumptions.

As for the game itself, I guess Capcom really wants to sell what they see as joke characters as...well, jokes.  And Paul hasn't exactly been the badass he was in Tekken 3 when he took down Human Ogre, you know, considering he's been rival fighting with Kuma.  But you don't go to Capcom for decent models (well, at least Ono's department), we got Namco for that.  Can't wait for how beautiful they make Chun-Li.

I consider VF the underdog primarily because there's tons of people here in America that respect it, but who actually plays the game still??? I'll ask this: who here still plays VF competitively??? Let's look at the actual scene in America-- mad small, probably smaller than the Smash or GG/BB scene and barely any tourneys host the game... I've lived in 3 different states in which I tried to push a VF scene, and I've come across tons of people who say they respect/played the game and when I invite them to, they don't... In fact, they make up some crazy excuse, or cop out... Straight up, it's the least played 3d fighter in most parts of the world-- other than Japan... Comparing sales, its not that strong even compared to games like SC3 or T4 (well EVO did great imo). It's on it's last leg, especially considering there's no talks of VF6, and Sega doesn't say jack about anything to anyone.

Ok, back to this here SFxT. Paul's phoenix smasher does crap damage in SFxT. That's a huge slap in the face to any Tekken player imo, especially Paul players (I being one of them). He has hard hitting moves that don't require counter hits either, ff+2:1, d+1+2, qcf+1, d+4,1:1+2 and some others as well. Paul is supposed to be that dude that does enough damage to end the match quickly, so he's looking for holes in your game to get that clean hit, God forbid if it were a clean counter hit. I'm not impressed with him at all. I understand "joke characters", but Roger and Ganryu are more of joke characters than Paul or Law. Their storylines sucked imo (Paul's T4 story was pretty good though), but play-wise, Paul only had 1 joke move and that was FC,u+3+4 (incomplete somersault). I thought Capcom was just exaggerating their appearances, but watching Paul play was practically unbearable imo...

Real talk, Dan seems more stronger than Paul right now, and he was supposed to be the joke character... Even SNK knew how to make a joke character like Dan have non-joking gameplay or lackluster damage for that matter (remember Shingo and his critical hits???)... Even Shingo, who was a joking character, could be considered a threat in gameplay... I feel like Capcom went over the top with some characters, and they don't know how to distinguish between characteristics/story vs gameplay/properties without making them weak (I feel like Dan in SFIV was a fluke tbh)... I mean sure, Namco did give Kuma some crazy moves like d+1+2, but it didn't make him worse. Kuma was still a threat... Hell, I've even seen some mean Dr.B gameplay back in the T3 days, and there were people who said he wasn't viable...

Paul might've had the dumbest story in Tekken, but he still a threat. He still had that phoenix smasher and that was one thing people didn't wanna get hit with. I'm not asking for a half-life 1 hit combo, I'm just asking for the signature move to be somewhat similar to what it was in Tekken. At least give him that... EWGF animations aren't looking great either imo, but I digress...
I'm on FightCade!!!


it's sad how Namco murdered the character of paul, from complete badass (with the amazing ending of T4) to a complete joke, it would have been like SNK decided to make Ukyo a joke character in order to push the more recent rival of the protagonist, genjuro

Waifu Material


The thing is, you can't expect what works great in Tekken to work in here.  EWGF is a lot easier to perform, but it's also nowhere near how godly it was in Tekken (or Soul Caliber for that matter).  And that's the big thing to why this cross series makes no sense, at least for this game.  They may be Tekken characters in looks (...for the most part), but they play nothing like the actual characters other than maybe a few moves and chains thrown out there as service.  So if you play Tekken characters based on how they play, there's no guarantee you'll even like how they'll play in this game.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I'm not really sweating EWGF in terms of power or properties, because that move changed plenty of times in Tekken alone (I mained Kazy for awhile along side with Paul). My thing is the aesthetics of the move itself...

As I've stated before, EWGF has changed properties from being a mid, to being a high that high-launched only on counter hit, having a j/f version of it, and them some. Regardless of what properties it had, it still looked like a EWGF. I think Capcom did a crappy version of it animation-wise. It's like Ryu's shoryuken. No matter what properties were given to it, everyone knew it was a SRK because it looked like the same thing. That move's animation has never been changed, even in cross-up games. Namco has successfully reanimated this move here:

Tekken X Street Fighter: Shoryu-Heihachi !!!???!!!

If Namco can do an SRK without changing the authentic look, why can't Capcom do the same with something like this??? That in itself is marketing, albeit subtle, but it's still marketing. Look at CvS2. Every SNK character's moves stayed the same in terms of animation. Their properties or priorities might've changed, but they were consistent with the animation. Imagine Ryu throwing underhand hadoukens...

Don't get me wrong, I do understand that there are some moves that need sprucing up in terms of animation, but I feel EWGF is just one of those moves that shouldn't have changed. That's why Armor King's uppercut went back to its original animation in T5DR instead of looking like a Patrick Ewing layup in TTT, and I surprisingly liked that animation.

I'm on FightCade!!!


You guys want a laugh about a rant for this game? Ask Steamwolf about how he feels about it. XD



Images and Super/Cross Art of Pac-Man and BBA Megaman.  I'll be standing over by the safe zone now.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 27, 2012, 03:22:00 AM

Images and Super/Cross Art of Pac-Man and BBA Megaman.  I'll be standing over by the safe zone now.

Pac-Man operating a Mokujin-like robot? That's not right! That shit's better left off to Blinky or the other ghosts!

I don't know what the "BBA" stands for in "BBA Megaman", but I'm guessing it has to do something with ugly, 'coz that's how he looks like.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 27, 2012, 03:22:00 AM

Images and Super/Cross Art of Pac-Man and BBA Megaman.  I'll be standing over by the safe zone now.


Quote from: marchefelix on January 27, 2012, 03:49:23 AM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 27, 2012, 03:22:00 AM

Images and Super/Cross Art of Pac-Man and BBA Megaman.  I'll be standing over by the safe zone now.

Pac-Man operating a Mokujin-like robot? That's not right! That shit's better left off to Blinky or the other ghosts!

I don't know what the "BBA" stands for in "BBA Megaman", but I'm guessing it has to do something with ugly, 'coz that's how he looks like.

BBA = Bad Box Art
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I can see lotsa nerdrage for this.
I'm ok with both, so no problem there.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 27, 2012, 03:22:00 AM

Images and Super/Cross Art of Pac-Man and BBA Megaman.  I'll be standing over by the safe zone now.

Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Oh, and this also confirms Lupinko is yet again on the mark...hurray...

On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


What are the hints Lupinko said about the rest of the characters?

I can only remember hints for : Bryan, Christie, Leo, Jack and Elena.

EDIT: Here they are:

SF: Elena, Dudley, Cody, Guy and Akuma.
Tekken: Bryan, Jack, Christie, Leo and Ogre.


I still don't understand why Capcom is doing this

Nobody will say  ''haha, good one Capcom, I think that I will buy your game just to support all this awesome trolling and to keep going with your sophisticated sense of humor''

In the other hand, lots of MM fans which are already completely pissed off are probably now exploding from nerd rage, there is a big risk that some customers will not want to buy the game or know anything about Capcom. If this point of view is right or not, or if fans should not take things that seriously, in the end it really doesn't matter, since it's more easy to not piss off this fans instead of telling to each one of those ''dude, you take your fandom too seriously''

In the days of Megaman 9 and 10, this would have been saw as an amazing joke, but in this era post Inafune where some fans flat out believe that Capcom hates Megaman, and where some of them is incredible salty, this is an stupid idea no matter how much you try to paint it

Well, at least since I don't care that much for Mega Man, is still a big lol even though I hate how Capcom treat their joke characters.

Waifu Material


Thing is though; who's going to walk into a Gamestop and see this game on the shelf and come to the conclusion of buying it because Pacman and Megaman are playable? Certainly a few Infamous fans will pick it up, but Pacman and Megaman? Who would get excited by this prospect? Who would take this game serious after knowing those characters are in the game? It's not like Smash Bros. that very clearly had a jokey feeling from the get go. I can only imagine people renting the game, spending an hour unlocking those characters, and then laughing hysterically at how bad the game is.

When you think about it it is a reflection of the philosophy behind SF X TK: Just take as many elements as possible and shove them in the same game to appeal to everyone, and it in fact appeals to no one.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.