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Street Fighter X Tekken

Started by FreeRunner, July 21, 2011, 11:56:41 PM

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Proto Cloud

Quote from: mightfo on February 22, 2012, 11:08:31 PM

how is adding 12 characters *between march and fall* worse than kof having 3 characters very obviously done but separated into dlc

You do know that KOFXIII was 50 bucks right?

I'll fucking GUARANTEE you they're going to be on the disc. Because this is Capcom we're talking about. They already did it with SFIV, SSFIV, MvC3, UMvC3 and they even managed to do that with RE5 pointless versus mode. I dunno what else I gotta say, I now honestly hope this game falls flat on its face because these "DLC strategies" are wearing down me, the tournament organizers and the community as a whole. I could tolerate it with SFIV, because it was costumes and MvC3 because both Jill and Shuma are ass, but at this point, this is just disgusting. I'm sick and tired of it.

@Satsui: I actually was considering to get it used since I don't fell like supporting them, but when I'm going to have to pay for DLC and end up paying  the full price or worse, that blows ass.


They're not all going to be on the Disc.  And if they are, at least half of them will probably be partials to where they can finish it up later.  If they were on the disc, I doubt they'd space the Vita release so far out as they'd want to get their money asap.

And idk why you wouldn't just wait.  I think everyone in this topic that has ANY doubts about the game, should wait to get it, or at least RENT first.  For some reason renting games is a very lost art that people don't go to anymore, and it would probably save people a LOT of money in the long run on games they eventually hate.  Now for things like Downloadable Games...yeah, not exactly an option but they do come with demos at least.  In this case though...just rent the game if you're on the fence.  It's better than going with other people's opinion.  The only time I don't rent is on things like Single Player games, and I usually just buy them later, though ME3 will be the exception (and I know people will laugh and say it's an overrated PoS franchise made by a PoS greedy ass company, but I want the story, couldn't care less for how it's perceived).  Like I said, renting or buying later saves you a lot of headaches.

Lastly, as for showing Team Tekken being free...uh, what could they do about that?  Cut off the stream when they realized Kor was gonna suck?  Beg Renic to sandbag?  Shit happens, it was the risk of running a live stream.  Besides, not many Tekken players really care for SFxT, and the ones that do...aren't solely Tekken players.  I doubt pure Tekken players are at the edge of their seats seeing if Team Tekken can give it the seal of approval, it's not a 3D game, it barely plays anything like Tekken, their time is better served preparing for TTT2 and TxSF.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Maybe looking for tekken players who actually know who to play sf?

Waifu Material

Running Wild

Cross Assault was the worst thing I ever watched.


Quote from: Running Wild on February 23, 2012, 08:41:05 AM
Cross Assault was the worst thing I ever watched.

Then you must never have turned on a TV in your life.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on February 23, 2012, 03:05:57 PM
Quote from: Running Wild on February 23, 2012, 08:41:05 AM
Cross Assault was the worst thing I ever watched.

Then you must never have turned on a TV in your life.

Even though this is not near of MTV levels of fuck you television, it was still chessy, boring and overall weird

Waifu Material


I'm not saying it was good at all, it wasn't, I tuned out for a majority of it.  Just saying, I've seen MUCH MUCH worse.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on February 23, 2012, 07:05:19 AM
They're not all going to be on the Disc.  And if they are, at least half of them will probably be partials to where they can finish it up later.  If they were on the disc, I doubt they'd space the Vita release so far out as they'd want to get their money asap.
Partials is a straight up lie. When that happened in MvC3, the file for the download was 108kb, that's the download minimum. It was probably either condensed or scrambled data. Regardless of how it ends up. I just don't see how they just can't stop dicking over their customers and just have them all on disc and if they aren't delay it. There used to be a time where having a product with value sold copies, sadly it seems that time has long past. Capcom knows this and because they know it will be the "NEXT BIG CAPCOM FIGHTER" it's going to sell anyway.

QuoteAnd idk why you wouldn't just wait.  I think everyone in this topic that has ANY doubts about the game, should wait to get it, or at least RENT first.  For some reason renting games is a very lost art that people don't go to anymore, and it would probably save people a LOT of money in the long run on games they eventually hate.  Now for things like Downloadable Games...yeah, not exactly an option but they do come with demos at least.  In this case though...just rent the game if you're on the fence.  It's better than going with other people's opinion.  The only time I don't rent is on things like Single Player games, and I usually just buy them later, though ME3 will be the exception (and I know people will laugh and say it's an overrated PoS franchise made by a PoS greedy ass company, but I want the story, couldn't care less for how it's perceived).  Like I said, renting or buying later saves you a lot of headaches.
I don't have the liberty to rent games, our closest Blockbuster has closed down, I'm horribly poor, and the Redbox tends to only stuff garbage titles and they only last for about a month or two before being replaced. It's not a problem for me because the only fighter I've really ever regretted purchasing was BB:CS. Other than that I can usually tell whether a fighter is for me or not. My real issue is RPGs because you can't rent something that is usually more than 60 hours long.

And actually I myself am looking forward to Mass Effect as well, regardless of whether or not EA is a load of crap. I know I'm getting that, but yeah, it helps knowing that at least Bioware has a good track record. I know it'll be decent at worst.


I wasn't referring to MvC3 when making that comment, rather Skarlet from MK9, who literally only had a character model and I think her Fatalities and Normals and that was it.  Her actual special moves and animations that would actually connect, along with her VA weren't in on release.  The reason I believe there'd be partials AT BEST, is because I don't believe half of those characters are done yet.  Either way, we'll find out in two weeks, the answers will come out eventually.

As for renting games, just do a temporary on Gamefly.  Get it for like a month or two and rent SFxT, don't like it, send it back, cancel your account, and you're all good.  Doing it like that helps since games, like a lot of things, only really come out in good bursts and dry cycles.  I can imagine having Gamefly during January sucks unless you are really behind on gaming.

And yeah, Blockbuster is pretty much done everywhere.  Netflix + Gamefly absolutely annihilated them.  The fact that I have a local shop that rents out games AND sells them along with having friendly guys that actually know gaming (one of which I'm friends with and went to High School with), it makes things great.  Hell, I always try to see if I can work there.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

The whole Skarlet thing was okay when I saw it was a 50 meg download, but like I said, Capcom has yet to show any signs of having decency. We'll see, but I won't hold my breath.

I dunno, I may Gamefly it, but I'm vainly waiting for what was supposed to be a merger between that and Netflix, which hasn't happened.

Also, Cross Assault may be the worst thing I've ever seen. It's like the creator saw Top Shot and decided to do the same except make it live and make it incredibly awkward. (Whoever thought Aris was a good coach was an idiot.)

Running Wild

Team Tekken is just gonna get their asses handed to them, and Aris is too busy being a troll instad of a coach, hell, I'll bet he doesn't really even give a fuck about this game (What self respecting Tekken player would?) and wants to see it fail anyways.

Proto Cloud

Their biggest problem is that the only one taking the thing seriously is Tasty Steve. Just saw how Aris was busying himself getting the camera in Miranda's lady parts.

Stay classy, FGC.

But yeah, Team Tekken has no chance. The game has very little in common with Tekken, so those with better fundamentals will eventually win out. They should've probably had Valle on Team Tekken instead to have him teach them SF fundamentals. The way it is, it's god awful setup and their host is unexcitable. Man, even Maximillian and Spooky sound bored as hell. Where's Gems Chen when you need him?


The whole thing just wasn't a good idea.  Not to mention, why the hell would you let Aris be anywhere near women?  That shit never goes over well. 

As for the partial thing, I'm saying I doubt all 12 characters are done.  If they aren't, either there will be partials on there, or there won't and they'll just put on full characters after the fact.  It doesn't really matter after that point.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

With the amount of copypasta being done, I wouldn't be surprised they're done with everything.

But honestly, Capcom is just plain fucking stupid with their marketing. I mean how well does "HEY GAIS! GAME'S NOT OUT YET BUT WE'VE GOT PLENTY OF DLC FOR YA!!! U LIEK THAT RIGHT!?!?1". I'd hate to be a spokesperson for an archaic Japanese publisher.


Personally, I don't care all that much since I'm probably not going to get the game...with Skullgirls coming out, and my very bad ability to switch between games, idk if I would've even if I liked it that much.  I'm just struggling with going between UMvC3 and KOF, I couldn't handle two more.  And I share no sympathy to those who will buy it while at the same time complaining for the most part, and if they buy it and like it, I have nothing to be sympathetic towards.  Just hate to see potential wasted.

Also...I'm so behind on my single player games T_T.  I have to figure out the best balance between single player and FGs, it's annoying.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.