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The King of Fighters XIII 3rd |OT| Thread:Console Edition (UPDATE 8/26 1st page)

Started by Kane317, July 29, 2011, 06:17:26 AM

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Quote from: DarKaoZ on August 18, 2011, 01:32:59 PM
Quote from: Xxenace on August 18, 2011, 12:46:12 PM
Quote from: SAB-CA on August 18, 2011, 10:54:41 AM
Momoko is 19... so not a 'loli'. She's original for Capo fighters, but, still.... naaa.

Sharnt, I want Kasumi too.. but not more than Xiangfei!
you're fuckin kiddin me...............

And Shion is a man, news at XI!
but all those pictures.......................... i feel so used!!!


Follow me on Twitter for a lot of stuff on KoF XIII :


Quote from: Sharnt on August 18, 2011, 10:26:14 AM

Serious business : I'm the only one who wants Kasumi ;_; ?

Kasumi is my top priority as a female in the game

Waifu Material


If Kasumi would be like Kula (look and moves are near identical to old verion) then no thanks, I find her pretty bland.

If they re-imagine her in terms of gameplay/looks (ala Kensou, Ralf, Takuma, Billy etc) then sure.

Hinako would be a fun choice I think, she wasn't very well executed previously but the idea behind the character was great.


SNKP needs characters that will make you scream at the top of your lungs on Mount fucking Everest, not my favorite character got in yeah! kinda feeling. kof XI was a prime example of unique character choices
This needs American Sports Team


Quote from: Ashspiralingblood on August 18, 2011, 05:31:29 PM
SNKP needs characters that will make you scream at the top of your lungs!

Yeah, this is tru-

Quote from: Ashspiralingblood on August 18, 2011, 05:31:29 PM
This needs American Sports Team!

.....I'd only scream for Heavy D!, and a well re-designed Lucky!

Anywho, it comes to mind... with both Foxy and Diana running around in Kula's Victory poses and Neomax/DM, each with fleshed out color palettes thanks to matching all Kula's costumes... they wouldn't be bad candidates for DLC characters, either one or the other.

Wouldn't be opposed to finally seeing Diana get to fight. Or to seeing Foxy getting refreshed to XIII's fighting systems. Her suicide / Instant KO Mitsubachi HSDM would make an interesting Neomax.


Quote from: Kane317 on August 18, 2011, 02:35:02 AM
Oops, lol, super fail on my part. 

Hmm do we have anyone in Seattle to represent the community to check out the Penny Arcade Expo?

I'll be there on Saturday and Sunday.


Quote from: SonicTempest on August 18, 2011, 08:41:03 PM
Quote from: Kane317 on August 18, 2011, 02:35:02 AM
Oops, lol, super fail on my part. 

Hmm do we have anyone in Seattle to represent the community to check out the Penny Arcade Expo?

I'll be there on Saturday and Sunday.

Awesome!!! Please keep us posted with any new info or changes you might see. I am so tempted to fly out to Seattle just to try the console version again, yes it's that good!!!

P.S. Welcome to DreamCancel!!!


sports team is ass, no thanx for bland looking characters.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: MUSOLINI on August 18, 2011, 09:33:22 PM
sports team is ass, no thanx for bland looking characters.

I have to agree.
They're probably the worst team in KOF history, I personally hope they never return.

Rex Dart

I've been a bit out of the loop. I went to Otakon, which was enormous fun, and then did some traveling which limited my internet access.

So, I'm still catching up on all the news tidbits. But I wanted to ask if there were any plans to collect all the character changes between arcade XIII and console XIII into a thread? Obviously the console version isn't finished yet, but (speaking as someone who studied the arcade version a lot) it would be really useful to see all the alterations collected.

Just an idea. Really excited for October 25th! Can't wait to explore this game all over again with the DC community!


Quote from: MUSOLINI on August 18, 2011, 09:33:22 PM
sports team is ass, no thanx for bland looking characters.

Yep, would be a waste of effort.


Quote from: MUSOLINI on August 18, 2011, 09:33:22 PM
sports team is ass, no thanx for bland looking characters.

I have to disagree with you on this one sir, I think they are very unique in KOF terms. Atleast they break the typical Emo type and the moves from Lucky and Brian are very unique.


Guys, there's a french ELive feed about KOFXIII, live from RisingStar Games booth at GamesCom in Köln, Germany.

register and come by tommorow during the daytime (GMT+1, German time) to ask questions (IN ENGLISH or i'll help you guys and translate for you in french) learn about the game, there wiil be at least 2hours dedicated to the game only.

Frionel will be hosting the feed (he's no a scrub, he's very knowledgeable about fighting games, fighting game history and especially KOF, he's like among the top 3 best KOF player in Europe, I think)

(you cas ask them which characters to pick and what to try, they did that for UMVC3 and SxT also (I was able to squeze in a few questions about the PAL version of DoDonPachi Daifukkatsu :D))
It's rare to be able to so live coverage for a game with players that know the game so well. (scrubs showing a new game is meh, imho)

He's supposed to meet up tommorow with RSG and SNKP to clear out some new exclusive info he can share with us.

so far, today, we learn and saw a lot of stuff :
-RSG screwed up in their trailer by saying "5 new characters that have never been in KOF before" (it's 5more chraracters that the arcade version, ON DISC)
- there will be 3DLC characters (we know only Iori 98' so far) (I heard somewhere else those DLC characters are supposed to be overpowered(at least a bit :p) ALT versions of chraracters already in the game (like Iori))
-ON DISC, 5characters more than the arcade version, so far we know Billy and Saiki.

PAL Gamebox cover is not final but they'll take whatever the jp approach is. (so probably the same "PS3" cover for both version)

Risingstar Games are working on a cool collector's edition, so keep your eyes peeled :D

Frionel mentioned and showed A LOT of the game rebalancing. (I remember Benimaru's A fireball allows to follow up like CRAZY, less meter builing and canceling with Liz' etc)

you can choose Type A or B for the music (B is unused songs in the arcade version and new stuff, there will be DLC there too, a bit like XII I guess)

Characters have a LOT of new voice work

you can watch story scenes and text in a different mode

you can do a L-O-T of very precise tweaks in training mode (don't remember the specifics right now, sorry)

After a match you can quick reselect the same team, and change the order.

Replay mode confirmed

more stuff I prolly forgot... (sorry ^^'')

also a lot of other stuff that were already known. (chalenge modes (combos, and in-game challenges) tutorials etc)


Thanks for the info, Shin!

Quote from: Shin on August 18, 2011, 10:35:29 PM
so far, today, we learn and saw a lot of stuff :
-RSG screwed up in their trailer by saying "5 new characters that have never been in KOF before" (it's 5more chraracters that the arcade version, ON DISC)
- there will be 3DLC characters (we know only Iori 98' so far) (I heard somewhere else those DLC characters are supposed to be overpowered(at least a bit :p) ALT versions of chraracters already in the game (like Iori))
-ON DISC, 5characters more than the arcade version, so far we know Billy and Saiki.
Yay, confirmation that 3 more characters yet to be revealed will be on the disc.  Com'on, Yamazaki/Mary/Vanessa.... *laughs*

So, 3 EX characters.  We know Iori, and I'd expect Kyo for one, but who might the 3rd be?  Only Ralf really jumps out at me as having a very different moveset, unless they're going to give us Yuri with donkey kick and shin shoryuken.  Hopefully it's not just Dark Ash or boss Saiki.
Old man/bad player