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KOF 98UM - Kyo Kusanagi

Started by sibarraz, August 24, 2011, 06:37:48 PM

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Well, I promised Desmond to help in the wiki of 98 um, so now I will make some character writeups

I will start with Kyo Kusangi

;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

Hachi Tetsu: ;bk / ;fd+ ;c
Issetsu Seoi Nage: ;bk / ;fd+ ;d

Command Moves
Ge Shiki: Goufu You: ;fd + ;b
Ge Shiki: Naraku Otoshi: (In Air) ;d + ;c
88 Shiki: ;df + ;d

Special Moves
114 Shiki Aragami:  ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a
128 Shiki Kono Kizu: 114 Shiki Aragami, ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a/ ;c
127 Shiki Yano Sabi: 114 Shiki Aragami, ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk +  ;a/ ;c (Or just press any punch button after the 128 move)
125 Shiki Nana Se: 128 Kono Kizu, ;b/ ;d (or after a 127 if this was comboed from a 114)
Ge Shiki Migiri Ugachi: 127 Shiki Yano Sabi, ;a/ ;c
115 Shiki Doku Kami: ;dn ;df ;fd + ;c
401 Shiki Tumi Yomi: 115 Shiki Domu Kami, ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a/ ;c
402 Shiki Batu Yomi: 401 Shiki Tumi Yomi, ;fd + ;a/ ;c
100 Shiki Oniyaki: ;fd ;dn ;df + ;a/ ;c
202 Shiki Kototsuki You: ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;b/ ;d
R.E.D. Kick: ;bk ;dn ;db + ;b/ ;d
75 Shiki Kai: ;dn ;df ;fd + ;b/ ;d (You can press them 2 times to start a juggle, buttons are exchangeable)
910 Shiki Nue Tumi: ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a/ ;c
Ge Shiki Ryuu Iri: ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a/ ;c

Desperation Moves

Ura 108 Shiki Orochinagi: ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a/ ;c
Mu Shiki: (;dn ;df ;fd)x2 + ;a/ ;c

Waifu Material



You can link a cr.b into a st. c, even though at least for me is hard to follow up with anything sans the oniyaki

Overall, this version of kyo is less more powerful than his og counterpart, but still, he is one really strong character

His f+b command move can be comboed and cancelled from some normals after his second hit. that being said the combo doesn't work against everyoe

Here is a list of characters that you can't combo this move

-The Whole Ikari Team
- Eiji

Oniyaki has autoguard at the beginning

R.E.D. Could be whiffed if it's missed against some crouching opponents


dn + b, dn + a, Oniyaki/Mushiki
St. C, f+ b, Orochinagi

There are tons of options after a QCF + K, I opten play secure and just use a orochinagi, but overall, you can still do tons of special moves, including his all arsenal who starts from a QCF + P (You can even combo entirely a qcf +a, hcb+ p, p)

I will let to other kyo players to post more stuff, since I had only played against kyos but never bothered to learn him

Waifu Material

Dark Chaotix

You can combo qcfx2 +A/C, qcbhcf+A, qcf+C rekkas after cB, sC link...


Kyo's df+D is a really great move because I believe it has really quick start up frames (2 or 3?), so it can punish a lot of moves that have bad or even decent recovery. Also the range is crazy long too. I'll probably put together some moves that can be punished by it.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


I suppose that Dark Chaotix, my problem is that is still hard to me to do some follow ups for the link
More since for a weird reason, the link only results if I press f+c

I will work more on that if weren't that I don't use kyo

Waifu Material

Dark Chaotix

There are shortcuts that you can do that helps

For qcfx2 +C situation you do cB, sC (qcf~b+C), qcf+C
For qcbhcf+A situation you do cB, sC (qcb+C), hcf+A
And for rekkas, just have to do qcf+C when your sC hits

All takes practice and are practical in real match


I should try to use him one day

I love to see Kyo's Playstyle, but I don't ''get him'' as a character to use

Waifu Material

Dark Chaotix

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on August 26, 2011, 08:11:30 PM
Kyo's df+D is a really great move because I believe it has really quick start up frames (2 or 3?), so it can punish a lot of moves that have bad or even decent recovery. Also the range is crazy long too. I'll probably put together some moves that can be punished by it.

Prob best avoiding that move all together. Reason being is that it leaves you are -frames even on hit so someone with quick DM start ups like Heavy D, O.Shermie, Kyo etc can punish it. If used in a string such as cB, cA, df+D Heavy D can still punish it with his DM.


But knowing that, it wouldn't obviously be a good idea to do that move against them when they have DMs stocked right?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Dark Chaotix

Your first post about the move was about 2 things, quick active punish move and reach and all I noted was that it a fairly risky move considering the benefits it does have. I guess it comes down to your playstyle, if you have the ability to "turn yourself off" from using it and just use it sparingly then sure, it has it uses, but you dont want to use it so much that it becomes apart of your general style. I personally dont use it at all but thats just me...

Plus, only the second hit of the move has the reach so need to initiate it a few frames beforehand.

Anyways, there isnt a right or wrong answer but I was just adding in that there some cons to the move and to me the cons out weight the pros.


The move seems slightly easy to hit confirm, even though there's the risk that if your opponent is a little too faraway, you will get totally exposed

Imo for that I only use it on the corner

Waifu Material


Quote from: Dark Chaotix on September 03, 2011, 07:36:52 AM

Anyways, there isnt a right or wrong answer but I was just adding in that there some cons to the move and to me the cons out weight the pros.

Yeah your right. I think that much should be done more sparingly then and I take back that it's 'great' more like so-so. Do you think his F+B overhead is more useful? I believe if spaced correctly it can stop some far messy hyper hops and ppl recovering from whole screen rolls.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


For original KOF'98, what is the best way to do  ; ;dn ;b ;a ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;c combo?

I am sitting in training mode right now about to break my stick over this combo. So far, I have been practicing this motion  ;dn ;b ;df ;fd ;dn ;a ;df ;fd ;c but I don't think I can hit confirm with that.
Undefeated online KOF player.

Dark Chaotix

Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on September 04, 2011, 04:33:46 AM
Do you think his F+B overhead is more useful? I believe if spaced correctly it can stop some far messy hyper hops and ppl recovering from whole screen rolls.

F+B is quite good afaik but abit slow. I dont use it personally but if you can correctly guess when they jump in, it will snuff out most jump ins. If they GC rolled behind you on first hit, it can be punished and can be dp'ed if too close on block.

Shouldn't really be guessing a jump in, and more using dp on reaction to snuff them out. I still find sA and far sB efficient enough to keep opponent at bay while not being to vulnerable.

Quote from: CharREX on September 05, 2011, 01:05:39 PM
For original KOF'98, what is the best way to do  ; ;dn ;b ;a ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;c combo?

I am sitting in training mode right now about to break my stick over this combo. So far, I have been practicing this motion  ;dn ;b ;df ;fd ;dn ;a ;df ;fd ;c but I don't think I can hit confirm with that.

Im not too sure what you mean by hit confirm. Are you saying how to do that combo just by itself or a good technique to apply the DM if you see the cA hit?

It is an intermediate combo to begin with, especially while doing it in VS mode in the heat of the moment. The hard part is since its only 2 hits before the DM and those hits have to be linked fairly quickly, you dont really have alot of time to react if it being blocked or not. YOu can do cB, cB, cA then DM if you want to but spacing is iffy depending on the opponent.

You could switch it up by doing cB, sB, DM if that helps and the shortcut is easier to do but it not that much different in terms of timing if trying to hit confirm it. Just have to be aware that if the cB hits, then the rest of the combo shall work.


Quote from: CharREX on September 05, 2011, 01:05:39 PM
For original KOF'98, what is the best way to do  ; ;dn ;b ;a ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;c combo?

I am sitting in training mode right now about to break my stick over this combo. So far, I have been practicing this motion  ;dn ;b ;df ;fd ;dn ;a ;df ;fd ;c but I don't think I can hit confirm with that.

Oh man, it took me months to get that combo down. It's a highly important combo for him too because its basically almost free damage from a low. I do it like  ;dn ;b ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a

The whole super motion is buffered in well but i really have to hit confirm that low B. If I do it like  ;dn ;b ;a ;dn ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd + A, then sometimes it MAY work but usually a dp comes out.

Anyone here likes to use his hit counters? qcb + A or C?
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."