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The Real Bout 2 Casual Matchmaking thread

Started by steamwolf, September 07, 2011, 10:30:27 PM

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I think Sokaku has some weird glitchy infinite.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


He does but it's not even worth mentioning or trying to do. For now, my focus has really shifted to KoF XIII due to to the iminent release so my input into this game has been limited but hey, I'll never give up on RB2! And I'm always up for casuals. I'm really anticipating the PSN release which HOPEFULLY will be here soon.


Not to be a double-poster, but I wanna play some people in RB2! Nunolectric all ready mentioned wanting to play. Whose down? GGPO, Supercade, or Arclive work for me. I just want to play!


I'm down to play. I haven't played in a while but it's always fun to play.
http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.


GOOD games with Nocturnal today! Everybody play him he's a good player at this game and heck, a pro at Garou!


Quote from: steamwolf on September 30, 2011, 08:24:21 AM
GOOD games with Nocturnal today! Everybody play him he's a good player at this game and heck, a pro at Garou!

GGs. It was fun playing again. Andy powah :D.
http://youtube.com/profile?user=JaimeDL = Garou MOTW Videos

http://www.twitch.tv/jaimedl = Garou MOTW streaming from time to time.


GGs Deadlyraveneo (a bit late though lol). Very good tung man, i did my best with my Geese and Duck :)

Looking forward to play you again or any other ppl here at DC :). (In Garou MOTW too!)


Just wanna let everyone know who plays RB2 that while this thread will remain open for regular matchmaking, my time dedicated to RB2 is going to be slim, and I probably will not do any more RB2 FT10 events until the game either comes out on PSN, or sometime after the first of the year but maybe not even then. Planning for Final Round XV and CEO 2012 will of course, limit my time on what I can play ontop of college and (hopefully) a job.

I love RB2, Fatal Fury, Garou, etc...but I have to focus on what's out now and with KoF XIII looming around the corner, updates to the Wiki is going to be much more frequently needed and thus, my time will have to be dedicated to that and helping to expand the KoF community. Ontop of that, I still intend to compete in SSFIV:AE and/or SFxT, as I like the game(s) and fully intend to participate in tournaments in my area. I COULD focus more on RB2 if I cut out any extra time dedicated to SF, but until such time as RB2 comes out on PSN, it somehow miraculous explodes and becomes popular in American tournaments, or a new Fatal Fury title comes out? I just can't justify doing that.

I don't foresee any reason why I can't get any matches in casually here and there, but just PM me to make sure I get the message as I may not always check this thread. I do believe I might start doing FT10 events sometime after the first of the year but I can't say for sure. I need to make sure college + work + tournament preparing + wiki editing won't put too much on me as is. Thank you to everyone who has played even one match in RB2 with anyone around here cause you helped support the cause. All of you don't stop playing each other in it, even for a little bit, as it's a game worth time spent. I imagine should the tournament season distract me too much, that I will be able and willing to host the RB2 FT10 events again sometime after CEO this summer. If you don't see any before then, look forward to them and always hit me up if you wanna play sometime. Never hurts to ask! Just be aware my schedule is getting pretty busy now :(

Running Wild

I want some challengers in RB2. I'll record our matches for analysis, and of course, homo-genius moments.


this and garou are probably my favs.

let me know if you want to play!