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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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Quote from: Diavle on September 09, 2011, 04:58:41 PM
Quote from: LouisCipher on September 09, 2011, 04:52:46 PM
Saiki might be the only one who's broken if early reports are to be believed and he remains unchanged on launch. But I'm not looking forward to dealing with an army of 98 Iori, Kyo with Rekka's, and K/Ryo. You know there's going to be SF4 players and you know they're going to pick Shoto. It's one of those indisputable facts of fighting games: Iori is awesome in every game. No such thing as ugly chicks in fighters. And Mashers pick Shoto characters.

SAB CA mentioned on neogaf that Saiki has been nerfed according to No.17, he wasn't as strong in the JP loketest build as he was at the EVO build.

That's pretty cool. So we have not so broken, but really good characters in the Console version. I'm too bitter though. Just. so. bitter.


I don't get that Iori with rekkas is almost always high tier, besides the orochi saga related games, Iori has been fine from 99 to this date (98um not included) an even if he is (98um levels of high tier) he will not be someone who breaks the game IMO

Honestly, I don't think that SNKP is as stupid to broke the game that much

Waifu Material


Can't say I'm not a little pissed about this. Here I was thinking they were saving the best for last. I mean out of 5 new characters 4 of them are EX characters? That's just disappointing. They would have been better off revealing the EX characters first and Billy last.


Quote from: arstal on September 09, 2011, 04:15:54 PM
I'm disappointed and I have a concern.

SNK said these chars will be "strong".  I'm worried about what might happen to the competitive balance of the game if these chars are overpowered and tourney legal.

The LAST thing this community needs competitively is a banlist war.

Lets all remember, a character can *Look* overpowered, without actually being so, in a gameplay sense. Mr Karate can shoot all the meterless HSKK's he wants, but if they get beat by every fireball in the game / do half the damage of others, and have more recovery, making them hard to use up close, then big deal, no so unbalanced.

Flame'ori's Neomax looks busted OP at the moment, but functionally, it could be the same as everyone elses. And for all we know, he could be stupidly laggy behind that HUGE FLAME EXPLOSION on block, leading to the move only being used in guarenteed combos.

We really have to wait and get some gameplay with the final version of these characters, before judging them. Given the types of balances they've made in console already (weaking powerful EX moves, removing Invincible + Safe reversals across the board), I think we have little to worry about.

Quote from: Reiki.Kito on September 09, 2011, 04:35:44 PM
I'm really disappointed in the DLC characters. I'm still happy for a console release of the game, but that just was not what I was expecting at all. Atleast the changes to the system are worthwhile.

I'd be disappointed if I let the hype get to me... but you know what? This STILL exceeds my original expectations, from when the possibility of a console release looked unsure.

The base cast is the main reason I wanted XIII. Everything else is simply extra. So I can be pretty happy with these extras, Bring on the AoF Mr. Karate Theme!


So, Rekka Kyo and Mr. Karate fill up two more of the BadAllocations, so this means that there is one more left...

Also, artwork on what is believed to be Takuma's KOF XII artwork has shown up...


Quote from: LouisCipher on September 09, 2011, 04:52:46 PM
It's one of those indisputable facts of fighting games: Iori is awesome in every game. No such thing as ugly chicks in fighters. And Mashers pick Shoto characters.
Iori was far from awesome in CvS2 or XI, and while he is high tier in 2002/UM, he's not broken in them.

While I wouldn't go so far as to call them ugly, Makoto (SF), Baiken (GG), Hinako (KOF), and Aoi (VF) are a few female fighters I can think of who aren't meant to be sexy...unless the graphics teams just really screwed up *laughs* .

Third point is indisputable, though.
Old man/bad player


I never suggested Iori is broken. Just really, really good and high or upper high tier. In KOFXI it was Gato, Kula, Oswald. Then immediately after them it was Iori, Kyo, K' and etc. In CVS2 it was the Capcom characters Dictator, Sagat, Blanka, Sakura, and then Iroi/Kyo.

My point was simply that he's always a damn good character, almost always placing S Tier or at least A+ Tier, and he has no real weakness aside from maybe a bad projectile Super in some games that no one ever uses.

*Also, that guy/gal who does NutsvsGuts -animated Nut/Cooch punching videos- will disagree with your opinion on Makoto ;) .
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: omegaryuji on September 09, 2011, 05:12:19 PM
Quote from: LouisCipher on September 09, 2011, 04:52:46 PM
It's one of those indisputable facts of fighting games: Iori is awesome in every game. No such thing as ugly chicks in fighters. And Mashers pick Shoto characters.
Iori was far from awesome in CvS2 or XI, and while he is high tier in 2002/UM, he's not broken in them.

While I wouldn't go so far as to call them ugly, Makoto (SF), Baiken (GG), Hinako (KOF), and Aoi (VF) are a few female fighters I can think of who aren't meant to be sexy...unless the graphics teams just really screwed up *laughs* .

Third point is indisputable, though.

Aoi must be the most attractive VF char for me, between his accent, her graceful moves and her cuteness overall, I love her

Even though I don't get why they made her so fucking ugly on 3 and 4, in 5 she started to look fine

Waifu Material


Um, no, he wasn't that high in CvS2.  He was still a solid character, but he was not better than Geese, Hibiki, Cammy, Kyo, Yun Rolento (Edit:stupid typo), Vega/Claw, or arguably Chun.  Upper mid tier, maybe pushing into lower high tier thanks to RC rekkas, but that's it.

I can't really comment on XI much since I'm not as familiar with it, but from what I've seen, people put him at best somewhere in midtier in that game.

Anyway, yeah, his moveset is well-rounded.  Then again, so are Ryo's and Terry's.  Yet, somehow, those two were considered among the worst characters in XIII v1.1.  Just because Iori has a very similar moveset to his 98 version doesn't mean he's automatically the top character.   Like SAB-CA said, there's no point in calling characters OP/broken/whatever until there's some concrete information on their final versions, which includes stuff like frame data (precise or eyeballed) and hit boxes.
Old man/bad player


Quote from: omegaryuji on September 09, 2011, 05:31:34 PM
Anyway, yeah, his moveset is well-rounded.  Then again, so are Ryo's and Terry's.  Yet, somehow, those two were considered among the worst characters in XIII v1.1.  Just because Iori has a very similar moveset to his 98 version doesn't mean he's automatically the top character.   Like SAB-CA said, there's no point in calling characters OP/broken/whatever until there's some concrete information on their final versions, which includes stuff like frame data (precise or eyeballed) and hit boxes.

Nah, Terry and Ryo were solid mid-tier.


I agree with SAB that we shouldn't declare the characters overpowered- that's not my intent.

My concern/intent is that we have a plan in case they are.  There's evidence that they could be, at least in the case of EX Iori.  This way we don't have ugliness later, which is what I'm really afraid could happen.


Looks like Kane forgot to close this thread hehe, we have hit over a 100 pages again.


News update from Frionel:

QuoteAn official announcement of the publisher is expected to arrive next week to deny that shit.

I can tell you one thing: the arts exist, but the document's author probably had no idea why and how.

I can tell you formally that the information on these characters and the price that was given is completely false.

It was not until the official announcements before rave.

Thank you :)

Source: http://neo-arcadia.com/forum/

No comment... Also, this comes from Yuki Yagami from Cyberfanatix:

QuoteAlso, I received a report from SpekSNK


There is one more on-disc character, but let's wait and see...



Which info gave the original source (the link has been removed it seems that SNKP send some yakuzas)

Waifu Material
