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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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Quote from: marchefelix on September 23, 2011, 09:13:49 PM
Quote from: Xxenace on September 22, 2011, 02:20:08 PM
has anyone confirmed that those dlc leak pictures were fake or not
Sorry for posting so often atm. -_-

Now I'm not sure, but I don't think that they've been officially announced, but considering the artstyle and how well they fit the green blobs. I personally see it as true.


Guys, miss me yet?
Translation again! This time is about the Tutorial!
Origenal Post

OK then, please tell us about the Tutorial Mode.

*Learn to use the basic system
*Learn to use the gauge system
Yamamoto P:
This is a mode to teach the beginners of fighting games or people who play KOF for the first time the fundamental of the game. This is also a practice for them to get used to the system.

Yamamoto P:
There are two big parts of the mode. The first part is Base System, which teach you how to "Go Forth," "Different Kinds of Jump" and "Passive."

The second part is Gauge System, which teach you how to use "Super Move," "Drive Cancel" and "Super Meter."
Both parts are the fundamental to play this game. What we hope the players focus the most is "Different Kinds of Jump" from the Base System and "Drive Cancel" from Gauge System. We believe that these should help the players a lot when they play this game.

*Rose: In this Tutorial Mode, I will teach you the basic of how to control your character.
The tutor of Tutorial Mode is fixed as Rose.
Also, The stage is fixed as Kyokugen Dojo. Player character is fixed as Kyo and opponent character is fixed as Raiden.

I kinda understand why is Kyo, but why Raiden?
Yamamoto P:
Because he is a professional wrestler and he understand how to passive!!
(theodora: For many different reasons, I personally want to beat up Raiden...BADLY.)

BTW, is there any reason for non-beginner players use Tutorial Mode?
Yamamoto P:
Basically, this is a mode for beginners to practice the basic move and learn the basic knowledge to eventually join the real fight. However, for those who believe "I know all of this basic" not to forget the fundamental, please try this mode once, maybe you can find something new out of it.

So that's the reason. I took pride of my strength, but I will try Tutorial Mode once when I play this game.

This is the end of introduction of Tutorial Mode. Since we have a chance here, let's lack something about the "Characters Customize" we have talked about.

..................Light (Pi--) Death!!
Yamamoto P: ......(LOL)

Until we meet again!

Done! (grab my cap and...let's not throw it this time) I saw it after school and I think I better translate it. I know it's not very smart to do such thing before my test, but my love to KOF can surpass everything! (And I can study later anyway)
Guys, KOF console version is around the corner.
Are you ready?
The truth is a lie
The justice is an illusion
Do not accept the world as it is


i gotta say its strange seeing Kyo without gloves. Makes me wonder/wish u can color his bangs differently as well

Silver Shadow

The Fluke

Quote from: Silver Shadow on September 23, 2011, 10:57:34 PM
Piccollo vs trunks? Best colour edit ever!

I recognized piccollo but not trunks though he would make sense i guess. Long time since i read any dragon ball comics.. Then again, they wheren't really my thing anyways.

Thanks Theodora, i'm hyped and I'll happily jump right back off the sf4 bandwagon the day the game drops.

Silver Shadow

Quote from: The Fluke on September 24, 2011, 01:00:19 AM
Quote from: Silver Shadow on September 23, 2011, 10:57:34 PM
Piccollo vs trunks? Best colour edit ever!

I recognized piccollo but not trunks though he would make sense i guess. Long time since i read any dragon ball comics.. Then again, they wheren't really my thing anyways.

Thanks Theodora, i'm hyped and I'll happily jump right back off the sf4 bandwagon the day the game drops.

It would be awesome if there were some other anime themed colour schemes in the game. It certainly seems possible.


Quote from: The Fluke on September 24, 2011, 01:00:19 AM
Quote from: Silver Shadow on September 23, 2011, 10:57:34 PM
Piccollo vs trunks? Best colour edit ever!

I recognized piccollo but not trunks though he would make sense i guess. Long time since i read any dragon ball comics.. Then again, they wheren't really my thing anyways.

Thanks Theodora, i'm hyped and I'll happily jump right back off the sf4 bandwagon the day the game drops.
Wow, I am impressed. I was expecting no one remember to say thanks and yet here is one. You are welcome! I will keep an eye on the official blog and ready to translate anything comes in my eyes.
BTW, I am still practicing MOTW...I am having real trouble on canceling special. I wonder can I make it before the console...Oh well, I will just play with the Tutorial Mode then :)
The truth is a lie
The justice is an illusion
Do not accept the world as it is


Quote from: theodora on September 24, 2011, 07:08:35 AM
Quote from: The Fluke on September 24, 2011, 01:00:19 AM
Quote from: Silver Shadow on September 23, 2011, 10:57:34 PM
Piccollo vs trunks? Best colour edit ever!

I recognized piccollo but not trunks though he would make sense i guess. Long time since i read any dragon ball comics.. Then again, they wheren't really my thing anyways.

Thanks Theodora, i'm hyped and I'll happily jump right back off the sf4 bandwagon the day the game drops.
Wow, I am impressed. I was expecting no one remember to say thanks and yet here is one. You are welcome! I will keep an eye on the official blog and ready to translate anything comes in my eyes.
BTW, I am still practicing MOTW...I am having real trouble on canceling special. I wonder can I make it before the console...Oh well, I will just play with the Tutorial Mode then :)

We appreciate the effort for the community theodora!  Hit up Giby and Nocturnal, they're MOTW gurus.


picollo vs trunks = awesome. and of course the characters for dlc are true. that much should be obvious after seeing the pics fill in the green blobs. worst part about it i actually suspected kyo and mr karate right from the start (kyo because of hair and pose, mr karate because of nose), but i actually skipped from mentioning those 2 ideas cause i didnt want to jinx the shit and get even more pallette swaps in the game. and i was secrectly wishing fr yamazaki tbh.

either way fuck it, even if they are pallette swaps, ex kyo and iori are still different enough to warant a play. saiki looks like he sucks ass though. billy might be half assed in animation, but he looks dope from a gameplay perspective. i wonder what they will do with mr karate though.

also i hope some of the publishers release a version with all 3 dlc characters on disc with a code or some shit. i cant stand the idea of going out to a fucking toystore to buy some psn points. that shit is fucked up. all these extra troubles for 3 extra characters. at least theyre going all out with the package where getting (cept for releasec characters).

all the options in this game make crapcom games look like a big fucking rip off. at least where getting the namco/sega treatment where everything customizable is in the game to be unlocked and not bought like those crapcom bitches. im seriously turning anti crapcom atm with all their bs business antics and milking shit like back in the 90's. they must be real fucking glad they hit a new jackpot with the new player base that will fall for the same retarded shit that the old base fell for 20 years ago. these fucking cows, ofcourse theyll try to milk them.

edit: if i was capcom i would:

ask money for the extra colors.

ask money for the voices to be in english or the english version to have japanese voices.

ask money for special intros and winquotes.

ask money for a second ultra (cant believe they gave these cows a free ultra, tax that shit crappy).

ask money for extra taunts.

ask money for better netcode version.  

ask money for patches.

and after that ask some more.  

and thanx for the translations theodora.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


And that Musolini is why the FG community is so freaking terrible.

Instead of focusing on the good of each game, you're too busy going "ARGH, CRAPCOM IS SO HORRIBLE".  Too many damn players only give a crap about dumping on other companies or games rather than just focusing on what they like and it turns into a complete shitstorm of a place.

Going complete anti-company is such a pathetic line to take it almost makes me sick and it completely hurts actual DEVELOPMENT of a damn community and yourself as a gamer.

Would it hurt someone to take the goddamn high road for once and just be unbiased against all games?  Nah, nope, Crapcom is so horrible that you can't stand it and you hope it dies the painful death it deserves.

Just realize, EVERY company has to make a great game in a while unless they want zero profits.  Just ask SNKP.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


v_V I think both sides of this argument are a bit played.

Yes, whining about a company's profiteering is like beating a dead horse, but it's also true that Capcom is...well...profiteering. I won't go into such colorful detail, but it really feels like they're milking every franchise rather than trying to make a decent game on its own anymore.

Personally, not a fan of SSFIV and its 3-4 iterations. However, it's not a terrible game. KoF XIII will be a great game, despite pallete swap dlcs. Lets all just focus on the pluses and minuses of a game we all care about rather than a game we could all care less about.


you cant develop unless the companies allow you to by releasing games to do so. also you fail at realizing this isnt just at capcom but at companies in general and these fans in generall  that buy every piece of shit released.

going anti company is pathetic? no son, gaming is pathetic, get a fucking life. i do this for entertainment not for a lifestyle. i dont support shit unless it entertains me, and thats not something cap has been doing lately. being a "fan" of any company is retarded, shit being a fan in general means your fucking retarded. just cause i enjoy some cap or snk shit doesnt mean i ride their dick.

also this hurting actual developement of a community and/or myself as a gamer? could you tell me wtf you smoking and if the force is strong in that motherfucker. if so id like some too. only dickriders appreciate what capcom has done so far after the release of the sf4 series. re turned shit. sf4 series milked out. dmc turned bs. only thing crappy cum are doing right now that interrest me, though very little is asura (snkpisspoor hadsome bs releases as well, defendingshit like those releases is retarded). and even that games fighting system may just turn out to suck ass, but ill wait till i play it (it might be good, who knows). instead of defending companies that dick you and rob you, try to focus on shit that actually matters. my thinking of capcom shouldnt be that unless you really aint got no shit to do.

In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!


Quote from: MUSOLINI on September 24, 2011, 07:57:38 PM
you cant develop unless the companies allow you to by releasing games to do so. also you fail at realizing this isnt just at capcom but at companies in general and these fans in generall  that buy every piece of shit released.

going anti company is pathetic? no son, gaming is pathetic, get a fucking life. i do this for entertainment not for a lifestyle. i dont support shit unless it entertains me, and thats not something cap has been doing lately. being a "fan" of any company is retarded, shit being a fan in general means your fucking retarded. just cause i enjoy some cap or snk shit doesnt mean i ride their dick.

also this hurting actual developement of a community and/or myself as a gamer? could you tell me wtf you smoking and if the force is strong in that motherfucker. if so id like some too. only dickriders appreciate what capcom has done so far after the release of the sf4 series. re turned shit. sf4 series milked out. dmc turned bs. only thing crappy cum are doing right now that interrest me, though very little is asura (snkpisspoor hadsome bs releases as well, defendingshit like those releases is retarded). and even that games fighting system may just turn out to suck ass, but ill wait till i play it (it might be good, who knows). instead of defending companies that dick you and rob you, try to focus on shit that actually matters. my thinking of capcom shouldnt be that unless you really aint got no shit to do.

Except I didn't do jackshit to defend Capcom.  Do I agree with anything they're doing?  Hell no.  I personally think SFxT is a waste of time and that the MvC3 series is the absolute biggest disappointment I've ever experienced in my natural born life.  But I give EVERY game a fair shot.  Whether Capcom is failing now or not is irrelevant, ANY company can fail over and over again and then randomly pull out a gem.  As a gamer for entertainment or not, it should be on you to look past any hate towards the company and decide whether a game they release is worth it or not.

The point was, yes Capcom and MANY publishers and companies are horrible (in fact, I can't think of a single one that isn't), and honestly the Gaming Industry as a whole is pretty much going completely awful compared to what it was 5-10 years ago, to where companies feel it's necessary to intentionally withhold parts of a game from us to gain profit (though if I'm a company, I'd do the exact same thing, make the money where I could get it), but there are times where good games do come from shitty companies.

I apologize for the way I responded, I had no reason to.  As such, I'll do the right thing and leave immediately, all it's proven is that there's no place for a hothead like me to come and behave as such.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I don't mind anybody voicing their opinions, but let's please stay on topic. This is the KOF XIII thread after all. Thanks guys.