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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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I thought people were saying 95 had GOOD netcode...yeesh if that is the case.

And unfortunately, most reviewer sites aren't carrying FG experts in tow, so it's gonna be hard to get the expert opinions (for example, IGN is probably jizzing over Pandora and the Gem System in SFxT when in reality it's making the FG community sick to their stomachs).

FGs are a weird creature and it's hard to get the right look at them because most sites don't know how to play them and I doubt they care enough to look for someone that knows just to get better previews/reviews up.  I mean, at least some places are trying (like, G4 still seems a bit oblivious, just look at Sessler, but you know, I can't fault them for actually attempting to figure it out).
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Eripio on October 15, 2011, 06:52:12 PM
Quote from: BioBooster on October 15, 2011, 04:01:41 PM
Quote from: HaxMurderer on October 15, 2011, 12:10:46 PM
Quote from: Xxenace on October 15, 2011, 09:58:27 AM
Quote from: Phoenixazure on October 15, 2011, 04:00:18 AM
Ahh its in December? I heard it was October but i guess i had the dates mixed up.

Edit: IGN uploaded some KOF XIII footage. Some crappy play overall except for one vid which is a complete online match.


Now to find both their locations. on another note, load times is shorter
how exactly would be able to find out the locations of the players?

Well since IGN didn't write something up about this, yet, explaining exactly what was happening here, we won't find out. My guess is it was on two systems in the office..which is..well on office-grade net, it's really hard to sell to consumers. "Look how well netplay runs on our offices awesome network, you guys should buy this!". If they on the other hand, playing on consumer grade net, in two different locations and had a positive experience, that would be sweet.

And because the play is crappy, there is no way to discern tightness of online... Think they just wanted visits to their site IMO.

This. We need high lvl combos to decide on the netcode. The video looks smooth, so does KOF 95 on neo-geo station which has like 1 second delay input.
You must be playing people on the other side of the world if that the case, I've had pretty smooth matches.


Netcode & Community:

Most seem to count 95 & 96 PSN, and NGBC XBLA as solid netcode in SNKP games. I'd toss 2K2UM in there at the low end, myself. People with both consoles seem to think The PSN releases are even more solid than NGBC, which I think is a bit unlikely, but if it really is, that's great for those games & gamers!

Anyway, the FG community over-reacts at things WAY too quickly at times. You'd think fans of games that take so long to master, would be more patient in their judgements. However, there's lots of knee-jerk reactions to new announcements, new systems, impressions, etc. There's also a quick "bandwagoning" mentality that makes judgements without any experience, simply following the lead of known individuals.

It's be great if KoF can use it's unique strengths to stand out as different in the FG community. Compared to the more casually-accepted fighters, we have members that are few-and-far between. Maybe this can encourage more tolerance and understanding, for example.


The "Online" Vid:

As far as that online vid, yeah, it's not good to base any solid judgemnts on; very little is, without some foreward on what we're actually seeing. It's an interesting curiousity, that doesn't answer any of the big questions at all, but it's interesting for the simple fact that it claims to be related to a mode we haven't even seen screenshots of yet. "More info, than none at all."


Purpose and Promotion:

I've really become a fan of Scheduled events in the modern FG climate. It's GREAT knowing when/where to expect things, and it also helps smooth out "leaks" and rampant, uncomfortable speculations. Knowing WHEN you have to look forward to things, or at least around what time, helps maintain a constant interest.

That's probably my biggest grievance with how things are going with XIII's US marketing, ATM. We're constantly sitting around the SFxTK hype vids for character reveals, the 5-minute long vids of system demos and promo-movie style "cinematic trailers", right along side monthly UMvC3 info that gets everyone dead-set on the days when info is coming out. Discussion of other games get very quiet around those times, and it's not even as much about the content; it more about how it's being presented.

I guess the base of it, is that us who wanna see XIII succeed, already feel like it's a first-class product. But when we see how other 1st-class stuff is being promoted, we wanna be able to say "well, our product is just as good, and here's why!"... but we have so much less stuff out there to work with! This'll change a lot once the game is finally out, but for now, it's just a bit demoralizing. I can understand why those who are not as sold on the game, could lose interest, because there are much bigger dogs barking out there, constantly, and it's easy for attention to sway in those situations.


Hey, when Clark does his Command Grab (forget the name of it) with Autoguard, I assume he can be thrown out of it, right? I assume it has 1-2 frame startup but I'm curious. That's one thing that pisses me off when using Alex in 3S is being thrown out of my Powerbombs.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


KOF95 and 96 netcode is similar to SSF4 netcode in latency/lag. To compared it to another fighter.


Most likely, he can be thrown out of it, yeah. But can he then Tech the throw attempt? Not sure. If autoguard absorbs a hit, the only way to throw the person who absorbed it, generally, is to cancel the normal into a command throw yourself.

This basically NEVER HAPPENS, however! I can't think of any matches where I've seen, say, Maxima's Autoguard beat by someone cancelling into a throw. 99% of the time, the people are thrown off by the obb pauses, and the blow lands.

If you use Maxima's Autoguard to counter a special / DM with ANY type of recovery, you should win out. The opponent MIGHT be able to Super Cancel into something, but with the length of this guard, you'd probably absorb that too, and still win out.


Quote from: DarKaoZ on October 15, 2011, 08:48:41 PM
KOF95 and 96 netcode is similar to SSF4 netcode in latency/lag. To compared it to another fighter.

So it is bad then.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I find 95 and 96 to have the best online of almost any fighter. SFIV sucked for me for the short time I played it.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on October 15, 2011, 09:01:00 PM
Quote from: DarKaoZ on October 15, 2011, 08:48:41 PM
KOF95 and 96 netcode is similar to SSF4 netcode in latency/lag. To compared it to another fighter.

So it is bad then.

SF4 netcode is tolerable to me.  Yeah, I'd like better, but if KOFXIII came out with SF4-quality netcode it wouldn't hurt sales, and I'd be able to play online as long as I found players in my half of the US.

I'd rather play KOF with a tiny amount of lag then the CPU.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on October 15, 2011, 09:01:00 PM
Quote from: DarKaoZ on October 15, 2011, 08:48:41 PM
KOF95 and 96 netcode is similar to SSF4 netcode in latency/lag. To compared it to another fighter.

So it is bad then.

I find SSF4 netcode to be good, I can play and do the tricky 1 frame stuff when I want. Obviously I only play people with Yellow/Green bars. No fighting game will play well if the game is in red bars, KOF95 and 96 play great when they are in yellow/green bars. Dunno what kind of netcode you are specting.


Preferably not input lag...though honestly most of our problems over here can be explained by our terrible internet infrastructure so...meh.  Idk, there are days I don't mind SF4's netcode, but for most of them it bothers me.  Of course I play a character that needs to use 1-Frame links for any type of hit confirmation so that might explain my annoyance.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: SAB-CA on October 15, 2011, 08:49:26 PM
Most likely, he can be thrown out of it, yeah. But can he then Tech the throw attempt? Not sure. If autoguard absorbs a hit, the only way to throw the person who absorbed it, generally, is to cancel the normal into a command throw yourself.

This basically NEVER HAPPENS, however! I can't think of any matches where I've seen, say, Maxima's Autoguard beat by someone cancelling into a throw. 99% of the time, the people are thrown off by the obb pauses, and the blow lands.

If you use Maxima's Autoguard to counter a special / DM with ANY type of recovery, you should win out. The opponent MIGHT be able to Super Cancel into something, but with the length of this guard, you'd probably absorb that too, and still win out.

Thanks dude. I think I'll give Clark a spin. The other grapplers (aside from Vice) are too slow for me. I'm used to being really aggressive, though I might use Kyo and make him into a grappler with his EX.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Well if you're gonna use Kyo as a Pseudo-Grappler even though has to burn meter to get that property, then you can open up more characters like ones that have 1 frame Grapples as DM's, like for example (at least for Console) Kensou and Hwa Jai.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


NP:) Don't Forget Elisabeth, Athena, Shen, and Yuri, if you're willing to use "kinda grapples" as the basis of a potential grappling game. All 4 can combo off their EX grapples, and Athena can even Teleport -> Grapple.

Oh, and Benimaru. Benimaru Collder (and that Unique DM he had in CVS2) were the entire reason I picked him up originally, in that game. And he has one of the game's few air grabs, which he can combo into, which is pretty satisfying.

And like Saitsuofleves mentions, Console Hwa and Kensou!


Quote from: SAB-CA on October 15, 2011, 10:06:34 PM
NP:) Don't Forget Elisabeth, Athena, Shen, and Yuri, if you're willing to use "kinda grapples" as the basis of a potential grappling game. All 4 can combo off their EX grapples, and Athena can even Teleport -> Grapple.

Oh, and Benimaru. Benimaru Collder (and that Unique DM he had in CVS2) were the entire reason I picked him up originally, in that game. And he has one of the game's few air grabs, which he can combo into, which is pretty satisfying.

And like Saitsuofleves mentions, Console Hwa and Kensou!

Didn't Shen get his toned down to like 3 frames or something?
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.