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KOF XIII 4th |OT| Thread:Console countdown edition (UPDATE 10/4 1st page)

Started by Greenwood, September 07, 2011, 10:23:22 PM

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I'm translating today's entry, but I thought I'd pop this in here just for Kane:

- (shown in video) Chin can do a close C from his d,d+K stance
- (shown in video) The weak version of his counter now has the attack come out faster than before and has its animation changed to make him roll recover from the attack. As a result of this the counterattack almost never whiffs anymore, and there are very few situations in which he can't follow up.
- (shown in video) He has less lag after his normal throw (both when in his stances as well as normally) and he can actually do followups in the corner.
- Chin's defense no longer decreases when he has drink stocks
- The active time of his counters has been decreased. The normal version now has the active duration of the arcade's EX version, and the EX version's is shorter still.
- His EX counter does less damage.


So Chin just flat-out has no minus to drinking anymore? So there's no element of being risky... it's just an overall buff? That's kinda scary. Even if his EX counter does less, he can now drink-it-up safely to still do a heap of damage, with the only negative being that he'll have to stand and drink a sec.

Very interesting that he's the only character in the game so far, who can hit after his normal throw! I'm so glad Raiden or Betty cannot land their anywhere-juggle techniques after their throws... especially Raiden, as his always looked as if it left you open for a dropkick.

This other Chin user thanks you as well, SonicTempest :) (Chin / Leona / Clark = THE team in XII, lol)


I just love the auto-guard on Ralf's EX. Gonna' be sexy with that thang.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


The Vice changes are pretty cool. Her Mayhem tweaks could seriously be good but we'll have to wait and see on that. Sucks that her damage is getting reduced on Overkill and EX Mayhem :/


That Chin Drinking Buff is damn scary... wtf was SNKP drinking?


OK, here's my full translation. I stuck to the changes themselves but skipped Yamamoto's notes at the end of each section.

- DM damage can be scaled down to a maximum of 40% in combos now (as opposed to 50% before). However, scaling for NEOMAX DMs is unchanged, making them a better choice for ending HD combos. Moves that were unaffected by damage scaling in the arcade version continue to do 100% of their damage in the console version.
- (shown in video) You now get more meter when you are hit by or block an opponent's attacks, making it easier to escape from a rushdown situation using a guard cancel attack or something similar. It may be better to go for simple HD combos and to keep to combos that do fewer hits. (NOTE: This is something that Dune pointed out in one of the interview videos that Kane317 did recently).

- (shown in video) Chin can do a close C from his d,d+K stance
- (shown in video) The weak version of his counter now has the attack come out faster than before and can connect into his rolling attack (HCF+K). As a result of this the counterattack almost never whiffs anymore, and there are very few situations in which he can't follow up.
- (shown in video) He has less lag after his normal throw (both when in his stances as well as normally) and he can actually do followups in the corner.
- Chin's defense no longer decreases when he has drink stocks
- The active time of his counters has been decreased. The normal version now has the active duration of the arcade's EX version, and the EX version's is shorter still.
- His EX counter does less damage.

- (shown in video) All versions of Genie stay on the screen longer.
- (shown in video) Sans-culotte (ABCD) has had its damage scaling adjusted. It scales more overall.
- Floreal (forward) (b+B) has faster startup and can be comboed from light attacks.
- B version of Nivose (d_u+K) has had its invincibility increased. The invincibility ends as soon as the hitbox appears.
- EX Genie now knocks away while retaining its juggling properties
- (shown in video) Germinal now takes no gauge
- (shown in video) Thermidor's startup is faster
- (shown in video) The version of EX Genie done using both kicks tracks the opponent.

- (shown in video) stand CD has faster startup
- You can't roll recover after being hit by his NEOMAX
- (shown in video) LK Hien Shippuu Kyaku has faster startup, such that it can be comboed from light attacks.
- (shown in video) his f+A floats the opponent upwards if done by itself
- (shown in video) EX Genei Kyaku has less lag afterwards. In the corner you can follow up afterwards without using a drive stock.
- EX Ryuuko Ranbu has more lag after being blocked.
- (shown in video) EX Ryuuko Ranbu has had the damage for each of its hits adjusted. The entire move does the same damage, but its damage in combos has been buffed. The finishing hit now does 100 damage by itself.
- Haoh Shoukou Ken has faster startup and will combo from strong attacks.

- (shown in video) Strong version of Mayhem has less lag. If you hit with the edge of it you can do a strong attack as a followup.
- (shown in video) Added a new chain combo D -> D. Only cancellable in HD mode.
- jump CD is faster.
- (shown in video) EX Mayhem has faster startup.
- (shown in video) Strong version of Decide can be comboed into the Strong version of Mayhem.
- EX Decide has less lag and is easier to followup with normal attacks.
- (shown in video) Splash (including the followup version) can be super cancelled into Overkill AFTER it hits.
- (shown in video) Overkill can be MAX Cancelled.
- Overkill's command has been made easier. If the last input is in any downward direction it will register.
- Damage adjustments:
* Her f+A (when cancelled) does 45 damage (down from 70)
* Her Overkill does 200 damage (down from 220)
* Her EX Mayhem does 120 damage (down from 160)

- (shown in video) Weak Poison Breath has less lag. When it hits you can followup with his command throw
- Adjustments to Super Drop Kick (lol)
* Charge times have been increased.
* Invincibility removed
* Guard crush ability has been reduced
* Can no longer be connected after a guard cancel attack
* Knocks the opponent away.
- Jump D's hitbox has been strengthened to hit downwards. It should whiff less often on short opponents
- (shown in video) Giant Bomb (feint) has less recovery
- EX Raiden Bomb's forward travel distance has been reduced.
- (shown in video) Raiden Bomber now has complete invincibility.

- (shown in video)Strong Burning Hammer has less lag. You can combo it into his C Gatling Attack without needing to cancel.
- (shown in video) During Vulcan Punch (all versions) Ralf can move forward.
- (shown in video) EX Burning Hammer has faster startup and can be comboed from strong attacks.
- (shown in video) Both versions of Galactica Phantom can be charged.
- crouch D has less lag.

- (shown in video) Jump D stays out longer
- (shown in video) close C has faster startup
- (shown in video) D Venom Strike (air) has a smaller recoil
- far D has less lag
- (shown in video) Slide can be cancelled without being cancelled into

KYO (a new color was shown on the video)
- (shown in video) 88 Shiki (df+D) moves forward more. As a result, stand C, df+D, QCF+K now does the full four hits.
- Kototsuki You (HCB+K) has more lag on block
- (shown in video) B version of 75 Shiki Kai (QCF+K) can now be followed up with other attacks. On the ground you can only follow up with an uppercut, but on a mid-air hit you can do more interesting things.
- (shown in video) Added an EX version for his mid-air Orochinagi. It does 3 hits and 300 damage. Unlike the ground version it has no invincibility but is very fast, so you can use it in combos or in air-to-air battles.
- far D has less lag.

EDIT: Corrected some mistakes I noticed after looking at BioBooster's translation


Quote from: SonicTempest on October 27, 2011, 05:52:32 AM
I'm translating today's entry, but I thought I'd pop this in here just for Kane:

My first born will be named after you!


As for the drinking, correct if I'm wrong ST: 『飲酒』も防御力ダウンのデメリットがなくなりAC版より使い易くなっています。 Means there's an Ex version of the drinking, and that's why they said he doesn't decrease his defense, right?



The K' section of the video was just to show the changes in meter increase when you get hit or when you block attacks.

QuoteAs for the drinking, correct if I'm wrong ST: 『飲酒』も防御力ダウンのデメリットがなくなりAC版より使い易くなっています。 Means there's an Ex version of the drinking, and that's why they said he doesn't decrease his defense, right?

That line just says that his drinking is now easier to use since it doesn't have the demerit of lowered defense.


OK, adding mine along with Yamamoto's comments.

(o) means in the vid

•   Changed max combo scaling for specials in from 50% > 40%. Since NEOMAXES haven’t been altered in this respect, damage performance when using them to finish HD combos is improved. Attacks that don’t get scaled for damage will still be at 100% as in the arcade.
o   Gauge gain increased (both pwr and HD) when hit by attacks (including guard). With this change, guard cancels which use gauge will be easier to use. In certain cases it’s better to perform HD combos using less hits. (comparison in video)

o   Added HP variant from d,d+K stance
o   Attacks from hk+LK are faster and can go straight into hcf+K. Attack from a successful parry will almost never be guarded by the opponent. Also, removed the hit back to prevent whiffs.
o   Reduced recovery on normal throw (includes from stance). Although limited to the corner, follow ups possible afterwards.
•   No longer has reduced defense after drinking
•   Reduced parry time (includes EX). The normal parry now has the same parry time as the EX version in the arcade, the EX version has been shortened even more than that.
•   Reduced EX hk+LK damage from 237 to 199

Yamamoto – We added some interesting buffs to gameplay using d,d+K. Although parry time on hk+LK has been reduced, the overall frames are shorter making it difficult to get punished. Drinking is easier to use compared to the arcade now that there is no defense penalty. Please have fun with the now trickier Chin.

o   Increased the amount of time Genie remains on the screen
o   Adjusted scaling on Sans Culotte. Scaling occurs more easily compared to the arcade
•   b+LK is faster making it easier to combo off of weak attacks
•   Weak Nivose has longer invincibility. Invincibility ends at the same time attack frames begin
•   EX Genie will launch and leave opponent juggle-able
o   Germinal no longer requires gauge
o   Thermidor is faster
o   LK+HK EX Genie will appear on the opponent

Yamamoto – Genie remains on the screen for a longer time. It may be interesting to use Genie as a wall of defense as Ventose can now be used while Genie is present. Although Sans Culotte scales more frequently, please try using Germinal as that no longer requires stocks itself.

o   CD attack is faster
•   Can no longer down recover when hit by Robert’s NEOMAX
o   Weak Hien-shippukyaku is faster and will combo from weak attacks
o   Fwd+LP launches when not cancelled. The launch angle on this is similar to Robert’s back-fist in previous games.
o   EX Genneikyaku has increased recovery. Note that this is punishable on guard.
o   Damage within EX Ranbu modified. Total damage is the sambe, but the finish is unscaled at 100
•   Haoh-shokoken comes out faster and combos from strong attacks

Yamamoto – There’s no invincibility on Robert’s f+LP, but when trading with a jump attack, it’s still possible to juggle afterwards. It’s a one command move, so good to keep in mind as an anti-air option. Not only can weak hien-shippukyaku combo from weak attacks, Ryugekiken is useful against opponents who roll forward.

o   Strong Mayhem has better recovery. It’s possible to follow up if you hit on the end of the move
o   Close HK,HK target combo added. Can only be cancelled during HD
•   Jump CD is faster
o   EX Mayhem is faster
o   Strong Mayhem can combo after strong Decide
•   EX Decide recovery reduced. Easier to follow up with normal
o   Splash (includes follow up version) can now be cancelled with Overkill when it hits
o   Overkill is now max cancellable
•   Inputs for Overkill made easier. The last input may now be any down direction
•   Damage adjustments:
1.   Cancel f+LP from 70 to 45
2.   Overkill from 220 to 200
3.   EX Mayhem from 160 to 120

Yamamoto – She’s received a number of damage nerfs, but in exchange she has a lot more combo opportunities making the nerfs not so noticeable. Her air game has especially improved with her jump CD, EX Decide can be used afterwards to follow up.

o   Recovery on weak poison breath reduced. Cmd throws can be used to combo when it hits
•   Super Drop Kick changes:
1.   Time to increase DK level increased
2.   Invincible time shortened
3.   Guard crush value lowered
4.   Adjusted blowback
•   Normal jump HK hit box improved to hit under. Doesn’t whiff against low crouching characters
o   Reduced recovery on Giant Bomb Feint
•   EX Raiden Bomb changed to travel less distance horizontally
o   Raiden Bomber completely invincible

Yamamoto – Although Super Dropkick has been weakened, shorter recovery on Giant Bomb Feint allows him to be played more trickily. With the improvement to his jump HK, he has reliable attacks from the air leading to greater attack possibilities. Worthy of special mention, complete invincibility on Raiden Bomber means no more awkward looking trades.

o   Strong Burning Hammer recovery time reduced. Strong Gatling Attack can now link afterwards without a cancel
o   It’s possible to move forward during Vulcan Punch (includes EX)
o   EX Burning Hammer is faster and can be comboed from strong normals
o   Galactica Phantom (includes EX) can be charged
•   d.HK recovery time reduced

Yamamoto – Ralph=power is the simple equation we used here. The centerpiece being his chargeable Galactica Phantom. Damage increases as charge levels go up, release it earlier to improve damage with a super cancel. It’s nostalgic that he can move again during his Vulcan Punch.

o   Jump HK has more longer attack frames
o   Close HP is faster
o   Strong Air Venom Strike has less recoil
•   Close HK has reduced recovery
o   Stand-alone Slide is cancellable

Yamamoto – We focused on her normals mainly. Although the number of changes are few, it will change gameplay significantly as normals are used most often. Her slide is a great low move and since her close HP isn’t affected by scaling easily, please us it often as a combo starter.

*Kyo:(using new color in video)*
o   Forward distance increased on df.HK. Close HP>df.D>fb.HK now does 4 hits mid-screan
•   Hcb+K has longer recovery on block
o   fb+K can be followed up. When hitting from the ground, Oniyaki will hit, but on an arial hit a variety of moves can be used to follow up increasing his attack options
o   Air EX Orochinagi added (3 hits:300 damage). It’s not invincible like the standing version, but his fast and good for air-air and combos.
•   Far HK recovery reduced

Yamamoto – The air Orochinagi which he learned in KOF Sky Stage (laughs) and now the EX version on top of that has made him a master of the move. It’s now possible to do high damage combos off of a hit confirm with his df.HK>fb+HK combo. Please try him out now that he has so many more attack options.


Seems I made a mistake in translating some of the items (like how Sans-culotte is affected by scaling, lol). Whoops.


Quote from: SonicTempest on October 27, 2011, 06:57:26 AM
The K' section of the video was just to show the changes in meter increase when you get hit or when you block attacks.

QuoteAs for the drinking, correct if I'm wrong ST: 『飲酒』も防御力ダウンのデメリットがなくなりAC版より使い易くなっています。 Means there's an Ex version of the drinking, and that's why they said he doesn't decrease his defense, right?

That line just says that his drinking is now easier to use since it doesn't have the demerit of lowered defense.

Doesn't AC版 mean AC version, I can read that much in Chinese...not that I'm complaining if he doesn't need an Ex version of the drinking to not lose defense.


'AC version' refers to the arcade version :) When referring to the EX version of a special move/DM they use 'EX版'.


I wanted to see how much K' has been nerfed, but i guess that's for next week. Anyways thanks for the work to SonicTempest and BioBooster.


Quote from: SonicTempest on October 27, 2011, 07:14:40 AM
Seems I made a mistake in translating some of the items (like how Sans-culotte is affected by scaling, lol). Whoops.

You did a damn fine job nonetheless (sure I could clean mine up as well). Wanna divvy it up the next time or something?