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DOA 5 coming 2012

Started by Ashspiralingblood, September 14, 2011, 05:32:40 PM

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Quote from: Proto Cloud on May 24, 2012, 09:04:51 PM
Quote from: jinxhand on May 24, 2012, 10:19:15 AM
I'm giving them a chance at least... They know their roots (VF)

That's kind of a cop out statement man. EVERYONE knows their roots. It's all about execution and Team Ninja has shown anything but that. I'm pretty sure they'll find something to screw the game up, unless they accidentally make it a good game. It's not like I care, because they're dumb to go after VFFS and TTT2. Last thing I need is poverty Virtua Fighter. RIP Team Ninja. It was nice knowing ya.

Not everyone knows about the correlation between DOA and VF, so I don't see that as being a copout at all. TN has proven themselves at least when they made DOA3. I personally liked DOA2U a little bit because there were a few changes that made the game a bit enjoyable, but I still prefer 3, as its literally a whole different game, kinda like how KOF96 and KOF95 were vastly different...

You also have to take in consideration that they're actually listening to the community, which can be good and/or bad depending on your view, but for me I see that as a good thing. They're actually hitting up DOA vets and not people who main other games and just dibble dabble in DOA. That has to say something in itself...

Quote from: Running Wild on May 24, 2012, 10:17:28 PM
Lei Fang has done the yatta! since DOA1.

And I can name many more female fighters that do that as well.

Tia from Breakers Revenge comes to mind...

But yeah, Zack better have his Shadowman outfit or something equally as great as that outfit was... I'm also liking his delays, as he didn't have any of those in previous installments. He's still got his sway, too, which is good because that allowed him to do so much in terms of mixups and such.
I'm on FightCade!!!

Running Wild

I just noticed Hitomi is not on the official DOA5 website.

Guess they are gonna re-design her.

Proto Cloud

Quote from: jinxhand on May 25, 2012, 07:43:06 PM
They're actually hitting up DOA vets and not people who main other games and just dibble dabble in DOA. That has to say something in itself...

They already had a program for their "vets" in place and it's not exactly ideal. The only legit player on their DOA Champions program is Carl White and THAT'S IT. They're probably listening to all the idiots first and then maybe the ones that make sense.

I'm mostly tempted at times to think that DOA3 was just a happy accident than an actual effort.


So Tom Brady isn't legit??? What about Sorwah, or Rikuto???
I'm on FightCade!!!

Proto Cloud

Tom Brady isn't part of it and neither are they.

I saw the list, hell, it shows up in DOA Dimensions.


Proto Cloud

They definitely managed to make Sarah hotter.


so is anyone picking up doa tonight/tomorrow? or am i the only one who is actually somewhat interested in this game


If the gamestop I pre-ordered the CE from had a midnight release I'd be there this evening.  I'll pick up as soon as I can tomorrow though.  I'm really excited for it, I just haven't been vocal about it on this board.  It'll be taking up a lot of time this week, and for quite a while I think. 


Quote from: KarnF91 on September 24, 2012, 08:28:10 PM
If the gamestop I pre-ordered the CE from had a midnight release I'd be there this evening.  I'll pick up as soon as I can tomorrow though.  I'm really excited for it, I just haven't been vocal about it on this board.  It'll be taking up a lot of time this week, and for quite a while I think. 
i think most will have a midnight release the new WoW expansion is coming out the same day