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NGBC - Iori Yagami

Started by jinxhand, December 08, 2010, 09:00:47 PM

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* cl.  ;a / ;b / ;c / ;d are cancel-able.
* cl. ;b hits low.

* Stand  ;a / ;b / ;c / ;d is cancel-able.

* ;dn  ;a / ;b / ;c  are cancel-able/whiff cancel-able.
* ;dn ;a / ;b are chain-able and his best low ground pokes.
* ;dn ;c is a moderately good anti-air if  ;fd ;dn ;df + ;a / ;c doesn’t suit your style. Iori can still cancel this move even if it hits an airborne opponent.
* ;dn ;d has bad recovery, so only use it when it’s guaranteed.

* ;ub ;up ;uf ;c is a great move to use in combos. It’s not as great as it is in KoF games, primarily due to the lack of a short hop to  ;ub ;up ;uf ;c pressure, but it still has its uses.
*  ;ub ;up ;uf ;d can be used to counter some aerial moves if timed right.
(more to be updated)

Guard Cancel Tag Attack
Pressing the ;e button while blocking will allow Iori to do counter with a headbutt attack similar to his CD attack from KoF, and he will then tag out.

Sakahagi: ;bk / ;fd + CD
*Can be broken. Regular knockdown.

Command Moves
Ge Shiki Goufu In Shinigami: ;fd + ;b
* Iori does an overhead kick. This move comes out kind of slow, but can still be used in mixups.

Ge Shiki Yuri Ori: in the air ;bk + ;b
* Iori does a backward kick. This is also an excellent crossup tool that will help with combos, or if desired, a throw attempt.

Ge Shiki Yumebiki: ;fd + ;a , ;a
* Iori does a punch to backhand combination. This counts for two hits, and can be canceled into a special or super move.

Special Moves
Oniyaki: ;fd ;dn ;df + ;a / ;c
* Iori does an uppercut attack similar to Kyo’s  ;fd ;dn ;df + ;a / ;c . The button strength determines the height of the uppercut, as well as the number of hits. The ;a version has high priority. The ;c version can be canceled to a super.
Yamai Barai: ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a / ;c
* Iori throws a projectile that runs to the ground. The button strength determines the speed of the projectile. This move can hit opponents that hit the ground depending on the move they got hit with that made them grounded.

Koto Tsuki In: ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;b / ;d
* Iori does a crouching run to a single-hand takedown. If Iori is not in range, it simply turns into a run without the takedown.

Aoi Hana: ;dn  ;db ;bk + ;a / ;c (up to 3 times)
* Iori does a small slide forwards while doing an uppercut on the first hit. The second hit is the same, but slightly launches the opponent. The third hit is a small hop with an overhead hammer strike with both hands together. The third hit causes knockdown, and can be followed up with ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a / ;c . On block, this move is not good at all, but can be used as mixups (although risky) if delayed. Each part of this 3 part move can be delayed slightly. The button strength determines the distance traveled, which gives a slight delay in the moves done with ;c .

Scum Gale: ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk , ;fd + ;a / ;c
* Iori grabs the opponent, and shifts them to the other side of the screen. This move has a whiff animation. Scum Gale can also be used in combos, but the combo counter doesn’t necessarily consider it part of a combo.

Desperation Moves
Maiden Masher: ;dn ;df ;fd , ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;a / ;c
* Iori quick dashes towards the opponent and does a series of strikes to the opponent, and follows it with an explosive one hand takedown.

Eight Wine Cups: ;dn ;db ;bk , ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a / ;c
* Iori throws out a super projectile that rides the ground, while shooting bursts upward. If it connects, the opponent is stunned for a few seconds, allowing a combo attempt. This move can be charged, thus adding a bit of a mind game to this move.

Chi no Bousou:  ;dn  ;df ;fd ;df ;dn ;db ;bk + ;b / ;d
* Iori does a flips forward with hand in the air moving in an arc towards the ground. If the move connects, Iori grabs the opponent and does a series of slices each time the screen flashes from black to red, doing damage to the opponent. This move has some uses, but it can't be used in a combo. It has mixup and setup potential.

A/D Assault
Final Showdown:  ;dn ;df ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd + ;c ;e (When partner is Kyo and within 10 counts after Chi no Bousou [ ;dn ;db ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd + ;a / ;c ])
* Iori does an spinning jump towards the opponent, while swinging his hand from the air towards the opponent's head. He grabs the opponent, raising him and releasing Orochi energy. Kyo jumps in and does a super charged punch for the finish.

Strats and combos can be found here: http://dreamcancel.com/wiki/index.php?title=Iori_Yagami_(NGBC)
I'm on FightCade!!!


heya, ive been messing with iori a bit in ngbc recently and i was wondering if there are any better bnbs after command throw.

so far ive been running:
scum gale> cr.C> QCB+C (x3),
scum gale> yumebiki> Maiden Masher & scum gale> DP+CxxMaiden Masher

getting super to actually connect after yumebiki consistently is kind of a pain and dp>super still doesnt give great damage. ive tried to somehow get the A rekkas to combo so i could get OTG yamibarai for some good meterless damage, but it doesnt seem to work at all. is there any way to get some really good/consistent damage out of this command throw?

also ive been wondering if there were any known setups for the riot of the blood super yet.

edit: there are ai specials mixed in with the moveset on the wiki.


Quote from: whatever on June 12, 2011, 10:57:21 PM
heya, ive been messing with iori a bit in ngbc recently and i was wondering if there are any better bnbs after command throw.

so far ive been running:
scum gale> cr.C> QCB+C (x3),
scum gale> yumebiki> Maiden Masher & scum gale> DP+CxxMaiden Masher

getting super to actually connect after yumebiki consistently is kind of a pain and dp>super still doesnt give great damage. ive tried to somehow get the A rekkas to combo so i could get OTG yamibarai for some good meterless damage, but it doesnt seem to work at all. is there any way to get some really good/consistent damage out of this command throw?

also ive been wondering if there were any known setups for the riot of the blood super yet.

edit: there are ai specials mixed in with the moveset on the wiki.

Sadly, there's not awhole lot that Iori can do other than that which you have mentioned. The only real exception that I know of is using ACTS ( ;a ;c Tactical Step) to cancel normals, which allow Iori to get closer to combo. The downside to this is that it costs meter to do ACTS, but it can extend your combo. The best option off of Scum Gale imo is ;dn ;c , ;qcb + ;a (x3), ;qcf + ;c which hits grounded. Constantly rushing down while mixing up and training the opponent to block and/or bait wake up attacks to possibly get a free ;hcb ;fd + ;a is pretty much Iori's game.

As for the wiki, its fixed. There were some "issues" with the page, so I had to rely on a template, but it wasn't cleaned up fully. Thanks for the heads up.
I'm on FightCade!!!


Jinx, you can't follow up the C version with a fireball, only the A version.

You can combo from close.5A / close.5B / 2A into 6AA (like MB's 5A 6AA when on half-moon) into 214A (whiff) 214A 214A 236A/C, or from 6AA into 236E

His best combo from command throw is probably 2C 214A 214A 214A 236C. The first 214A will often whiff, but the second one will keep it alive and the damage output will be higher due to the fireball OTG. You can also go for 2C 2363214C if you have the meter to spare.

You can also combo off his sweep midscreen by doing 2D -> bluecancel -> 623A, and in corner you can go for a few 623A's. To end this, you can even OTG. Midscreen it's best to use the C fireball, while in corner you should always go for the A fireball.

When Iori gets a knockdown, you've secured yourself a valuable asset. He has the most useful wakeup tools like his crossup and fantastic normals.

His 214C is always unsafe, his 214A is unsafe on second and third hit.

His A fireball is generally better unless you're going for an OTG.

Blah, that's about all I know aside from other misc stuff
MBAA: H-Aoko
MBAC: Hisui & Kohaku
LB2: S-Akari
NGBC: DIO & Kaede
KOFXIII: Yuri / King / DuoLon


Good catch Remzi. I don't play Iori as much as I used to back in '06 so I still mix up the combos and follow ups. I wrote ;qcb + ;c because the range is longer, meaning that there's less chance of dropping a combo. I didn't think that using ;a instead would still combo even if one whiffed. I felt like if I used ;a that I would have to input that command in instantly to avoid whiffing after ;dn ;c because it pushes quite far. I'm definitely testing that out this week.

Yeah I remember being able to ACTS off of ;dn ;d into his ;dp ;a . But then I saw Kyo's corner combo and felt bad for Iori (they just don't compare; why does Kyo always get the better buffs?).

He still doesn't do enough damage overall like he would in a KOF game, imo... That's why I picked up Genjyuro over Iori. Granted, with Genjyuro, he's more unsafe and has only a few mixups, whereas Iori has tons of mixups, but his overall damage is higher and his range is slightly better. Plus, even though you build meter ridiculously fast in this game (so the system can be fully used), Iori can't do things like backdash, ;bk ;b like he could in KOF, which would allow him to stay with at least 1-2 stocks of meter if it were possible. So he's forced to constantly mixup (including ACTS mixups) and OTG when possible to stay ahead. He's still a very solid character though.

Scum gale can be beaten by some moves, so if the opponent expects it, try to bait a wakeup move out. This doesn't always fair out well if Iori just throws out a couple lights and blocks, so I believe throwing out 2 lights then backdashing can serve as a better option vs certain characters like Dio, who can raging demon on wake-up. I believe Cyber Woo can command throw on wakeup as well (I'll test that to see if its possible - I don't fight many Cyber Woos to truly tell). Fighting Rock can prove to be a challenge if he knows what he's doing, and isn't always using Rishing Tackle on wake-up, since if you're blocking anticipating one of those, it can guarantee Rock a free 360 throw, and in many cases, a combo follow-up to another 360 throw setup if not careful.

The one thing that I think makes Iori great is his ;qcf ;hcb + ;b / ;d super. It allows for quite a few setups, especially in the corner. There are some good setups, but the timing for them can be hard at times to get right, unless its a tech trap into his super. The downside to this super is that its not a real "catch" super similar to Heidern's ;qcf ;qcf + ;a super, so the opponent can jump to avoid it. Now I'm not sure if one can get caught with the super as they're landing from an anti-air, so I'll test that out as well, and see what I can come up with.
I'm on FightCade!!!

Bloom of the Wolf

Quote from: whatever on June 12, 2011, 10:57:21 PM
so far ive been running:
scum gale> cr.C> QCB+C (x3),
scum gale> yumebiki> Maiden Masher & scum gale> DP+CxxMaiden Masher

getting super to actually connect after yumebiki consistently is kind of a pain and dp>super still doesnt give great damage. ive tried to somehow get the A rekkas to combo so i could get OTG yamibarai for some good meterless damage, but it doesnt seem to work at all. is there any way to get some really good/consistent damage out of this command throw?

also ive been wondering if there were any known setups for the riot of the blood super yet.

always do Ya Otome with A instead of C. it'll connect more consistently as it starts up faster. to be completely honest, i'm not sure if there's any reason to EVER use the C version over the A version since it doesn't do any more damage.

as for rekkas, as written above, always use the A rekkas, continue the rekkas even after the first one whiffs and OTG with a Yamibarai at the end for the most damage you're going to get out of a rekka combo.


Here's some frame data from the livedoor wiki. Currently, there were no postings for frame data with the supers. Please pardon the alignment. If there are any issues with this, let me know. Enjoy!!!

       EXE | GRD | HIT
cl. A 6   +4  +5
cl. B 7   +5  +6
cl. C 4   0    +1
cl. D 7   +2  +3
st. A 8   +7  +8
st. B 8   +2  +3
st. C 9   -2  -1
st. D 12 -7  -6
cr. A 7   +2  +3
cr. B 7   +3  +4
cr. C 7   -2  -1
cr. D 7   -16 KD
JA  5    -     -
JB  6    -     -
JC  10  -     -
JD  8    -     -


                       EXE | GRD | HIT
6+A,A (1st hit)     7   +3  +4
6+A,A (2nd hit)    -   +2  +3
6+B                  26  -2  -1
Jump 4+B               5    -   -


                       SPECIAL MOVES
                       EXE | GRD | HIT
623+A                  7  -22  KD
623+C                  7  ―37  KD
236+A                 11 -11 -10
236+C                 10 -15 -14
214+A                 8    -5   -4
214+A (2nd hit)      -   -6   KD
214+A (3rd hit)       -  -12  KD
214+C                 10  -9   -8
214+C (2nd hit)      -   -11  KD
214+C (3rd hit)       -   -18  KD
63214+B/D           10   +3   KD
632146+A/C          11   -    +8
I'm on FightCade!!!