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not as bad as i thought

Started by B1gblack, October 12, 2011, 05:51:42 AM

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after playing against Romance, Mr KoF(for the first time swear he was not wat i expected lol) and getting destroyed for more than 2 weeks by them and nobody at my level i finally play against people that ARE at my level i lose but i KNOW that i can win....now i just need a general set-up strategy and more importantly patience. i tend to fuck up on some sweet ass openings and i overrush my opponent by running in too much. my challenge still goes on for those that can make it to japan arcade. and(if possible) this saturday i will be giving alex's arcade a try so hopefully people you give me you PM and accept(just a reminder this is for people that arent that good at it yet(like me))


That's good! Posting a video of you playing could help you so we can give advice, you should try it :P


i will start doing that like i used to do in 3rd strike when i get another camera that plays videos that will truely up my gameplay



i only play 3rd strike(after stopping im not as good as i once was years ago) and KoF 13 right now...although back in the day i did play a few other games but i didnt play them like i am playing them now


You should try out Garou, its fighting engine is somewhat similar to third strike.


oh dude i fuckin LOVE mark of the wolves shit is amazing a really good game and storyline i like how it takes place after everyone doesnt fight anymore just terry lol


yeep, its like my favorite fighting game :P