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Who's good at building meter without using it?

Started by Sir_Selah, October 30, 2011, 08:20:33 PM

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Other than K' of course (since 95 percent of matches I've watched so far have at least one K' on point ha ha).

I'm open to suggestions here from the entire cast. Although I may play it safe and play the classic Art of Fighting team for awhile whilst I learn the basics I'm looking to eventually expand into knowing at least a little bit of the entire roster.
PSN - Sir_Selah (KoF '95 and XIII).

Batman fights the Riddler while I play unfitting music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw4sRegYagA


Kula, Mature, Athena, Mai, Andy, Duo-Lon, Terry,Vice, Ryo are a few that can fight well without meter especially Kula.


Well, in Arcade, Elizabeth. Is good for using meter. Duolon is pretty good at raising meter and he doesn't have to use it. Kensou is also pretty good about not using meter. Kula can also build a lot of meter in the first couple of hits of her combo though she needs meter to continue the combo (atleast drive).

Characters that don't need meter are pretty good too even if they don't get in. Ryo's fireball and pressure game allow you to build meter and go for guard crush attacks often. His parrying also builds meter and aside from his C fireball, a lot of his moves are high priority and fast.

Basically, people that can keep pressure on people with multi-hit attacks and people that just hit a lot of times in one combo are pretty good 1st characters.


Glad to hear my default team has a good starter, and Mature is a character that interests me. Of course I know a little Terry because not knowing the basics with him is like playing SF without knowing any Ryu ha ha so it's nice to have that option as well.

Thanks y'all! :D
PSN - Sir_Selah (KoF '95 and XIII).

Batman fights the Riddler while I play unfitting music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw4sRegYagA



Personally, I think it's heresy to not use meter when you have it. But that's just me; I like to see DMs in action.


Quote from: Sir_Selah on October 30, 2011, 09:07:31 PM
Mature is a character that interests me.
I haven't looked into it in XIII, but I know in 2002/2002UM, she actually builds meter a lot slower (on a per-hit basis) to make up for how many hits her special moves have.  She's capable as an opening character because she can fight well enough without meter and her EX moves and DMs are mostly just bigger damage (as opposed to something that bring a real difference like Leona's V-slasher being great for air control or Elizabeth's Grand Rafale being an anywhere juggle), but it'd be worth looking into how much meter she actually gains from stuff before just assuming she builds tons.
Old man/bad player


Fair, but the fact that she can fight well without using meter can be just as important as building it quickly, for the temptation to blow it early isn't there. Having both would be nice but even just one of the two factors by themselves should suffice for me.
PSN - Sir_Selah (KoF '95 and XIII).

Batman fights the Riddler while I play unfitting music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw4sRegYagA


Well, after trying her out, I made a few observations.

Her rekka series coupled with d.B, st.b (2hits) can gain you about 25% drive and almost half your meter bar. Her st.B is notorious because it's a light move with good start up that can hit twice instead of just once. Her low B's are pretty fast. Also, a lot of her moves build both drive and stock meter which some characters and their special moves do not.

Warning though, you have to spend a lot of drive stock to do burst damage. She's pretty much meant to whittle away at someone's life slowly because she doesn't do a crap ton of damage in one go like other characters. It's pretty easy for her to do that though.