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KOF XIII 5th |OT| Thread: Console Change log edition

Started by Kane317, October 27, 2011, 12:42:32 PM

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well that's nice to know that you were able to have decent matches online and that there wasn't anything that made the matches unbearable.

and we only have a few more days till the release for the US.
psn: darkTown2
kof 13: kyo,iori,k'



Waifu Material



The true test will happen when everyone gets the game and goes online with it. It probably feels good because not alot of people are online right now for obvious reasons. Until then, I'm still going to be cautious. It does put my fears to rest a little bit after hearing the good impressions though, just a little.

Also, that combo video is scaring a few people off. Some of my friends and people I know feel it is broken due to what they saw. Last comment I read from my friend thinks that UMVC3 is more balanced than this.

I know exactly what I saw in that video and understood what was going on, but it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall  if I try to explain what was going on to them.
You're too slow!!


Quote from: FreeRunner on November 18, 2011, 05:15:45 AM
The true test will happen when everyone gets the game and goes online with it. It probably feels good because not alot of people are online right now for obvious reasons. Until then, I'm still going to be cautious. It does put my fears to rest a little bit after hearing the good impressions though, just a little.

Also, that combo video is scaring a few people off. Some of my friends and people I know feel it is broken due to what they saw. Last comment I read from my friend thinks that UMVC3 is more balanced than this.

I know exactly what I saw in that video and understood what was going on, but it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall  if I try to explain what was going on to them.

Tell them what I have told several people online:

"To get those 100% Combos, you need Skill and lots of Meter to do so, unlike Marvel which you require Skill also, but 2 bars are enough to kill a character."

Which is basically true in both cases.



My youtube



From that submission from the french guy, when he says "all my combos came out!" it effectively means that this game has some type of delay hiding technique. Congrats SNKp...

Btw for the chilean guy, in South America, being on the same country does not always mean that your ISP has direct routing with your countryman, you should do a /ping test through the pc using the cmd window first, to know your exact ping, because bars aren't exact. After that you will have a clearer panorama of what kind of lag you get and what are it's causes, and only doing that, you will be able to tell how is the game's netcode.


Quote from: oricon on November 18, 2011, 05:27:29 AM
Anyone else order from shopto.net hoping they deliver early!
Yep! I'm gonna check my orders and e-mail multiple times a day. :)
Quote from: pablofsi on November 18, 2011, 05:29:42 AM
From that submission from the french guy, when he says "all my combos came out!" it effectively means that this game has some type of delay hiding technique. Congrats SNKp...
Hrm. Would you say that this could be a bad thing if it's the case?


The best possible thing that we can expect, and I'm seeing it happen.


Hi, have a few questions on some modes of the game.

1) How to complete 100% story mode? I'm still stuck at 91% after trying out all the selected routes and a deliberate lost.

2) How to unlock Billy Kane? I understand that to unlock these characters, you need to beat them when they challenge you. So far I have gotten Saiki and I always encounter Saiki during the character challenge.

3) How to unlock colours and more icons?

4) Anyone manage to unlock 100% for the invitation for the gallery mode?

5) Anyone mind sharing color codes for character customization? I'm pretty bad at mixing colours.

PS: This game really rocks!! (Mod please delete this post if it can't be posted, TIA)


^ The game isn't out yet (officially), so most of those questions will be hard for you to get answers atm.


Quote from: gazette on November 18, 2011, 06:34:37 AM
Hi, have a few questions on some modes of the game.

1) How to complete 100% story mode? I'm still stuck at 91% after trying out all the selected routes and a deliberate lost.

2) How to unlock Billy Kane? I understand that to unlock these characters, you need to beat them when they challenge you. So far I have gotten Saiki and I always encounter Saiki during the character challenge.

3) How to unlock colours and more icons?

4) Anyone manage to unlock 100% for the invitation for the gallery mode?

5) Anyone mind sharing color codes for character customization? I'm pretty bad at mixing colours.

PS: This game really rocks!! (Mod please delete this post if it can't be posted, TIA)

Yeah, instead of being able to answer these questions I'm pretty sure most people just hate you right now. Let me the first to tell you so.

I hate you.

(4 more days)


Quote from: gazette on November 18, 2011, 06:34:37 AM
Hi, have a few questions on some modes of the game.

1) How to complete 100% story mode? I'm still stuck at 91% after trying out all the selected routes and a deliberate lost.

2) How to unlock Billy Kane? I understand that to unlock these characters, you need to beat them when they challenge you. So far I have gotten Saiki and I always encounter Saiki during the character challenge.

3) How to unlock colours and more icons?

4) Anyone manage to unlock 100% for the invitation for the gallery mode?

5) Anyone mind sharing color codes for character customization? I'm pretty bad at mixing colours.

PS: This game really rocks!! (Mod please delete this post if it can't be posted, TIA)

2)Don't do any target (or do few of them in the first 3 matches)
3)colours: According to how many times you pick a char, icons, just play the game, or buy them if the leaked screenshot is true, those will be dlc


5)After I unlock them sure

Waifu Material