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Off Topic thread:Gen 8 Edition

Started by Xxenace, November 14, 2011, 08:40:12 AM

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Had a long set with RunningWild. Played a bit of SC5 and I didn't like it. The graphics are outstanding and I love the customization but the gameplay doesn't do anything for me. Played a lot of KOF too. Hwa is the best drunk character in a fighter.


Still trying to apply this style of aggression to my game.

I gotta' get out to Rochester sometime to play some 3S.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Yeah, but his loss pretty much embodied the biggest problem the US has for any FG.  Being too fucking lazy to learn every matchup.  You have to learn every matchup because guess what, it's the one that you don't learn that will fuck you over in the end.

And then he embodied another problem, feigning respect shaking his hand, and then acting like a bitch behind his back.  I honestly would've walked up and rocked him for that, I can't handle disrespectful bitches.  I don't care if you hate how you lost, who you lost to, whatever.  Shake the man's hand and walk away and pop off later, or hell just walk away and say that you didn't like how you lost.  Don't fucking shake a dude's hand and then act like a bitch five seconds later to him when he isn't looking.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

You'll always get douches in the US scene, but honestly, I doubt Kusoru learned his matchups either, there's a billion different combinations in Marvel (you really can't expect everything) and there are a few prominent Joe players out there already. Japan has less play than the US. The problem is adjusting and some of the US players are feeling themselves too much and it showed. They weren't respecting him and their plans backfired. PR Rog had him figured and he blew it by doing stupid shit.


Except Joe wasn't really the problem, it was Log Trap, plain and simple.  While Dieminion isn't exactly the pinnacle of Joe play, he's very solid with him and gives a good baseline as to what to expect at least defensively and he can rushdown so this shouldn't have caught anyone by surprise.

And Kusoru's gameplan was lampshaded by god damn near everyone, it was predictable.  Throw V-Rangs, Triple Jump, H Red Hot Kick + Log Trap.  Repeat until a solid hit is landed into combo.  He literally did not change his gameplan until either he landed a solid enough hit to combo, or Joe died.  He also showed that if Raccoon dies, his team can fall apart EXTREMELY fast.  Yet very few actually did jack shit about it, hell I think Yipes was the only one smart enough to snap him in.  Hell the only reason Rog even got one of his games was because Kusoru tagged Raccoon in for him by mistake.

And for the LIFE of me I cannot fathom why in the world Rog decided to go with Felicia.  His Felicia is mediocre at best.  If you're going to pick someone for their Dark Mode, you go to the King of Derp, Dark Wesker.  At the highest levels of play for each character, I think Felicia can definitely outpace Wesker, but his Felicia wasn't shit, so why not go to a character you barely have to know to win with? 

In the end his team was ATROCIOUSLY built, I mean really Spencer/Wolvie/Felicia?  It's basically a team of three loners, which made Kusoru's strategy a lot more effective than it had to be. 

As yeah you can't learn every team matchup, but there's no excuse for not at least knowing what a character can do on a certain level, which I guarantee Kusoru had in the end.  PR Rog couldn't handle that his knowledge and his team was shit, and he decided to be a bitch about it.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

Log trap definitely made his Joe more fierce, but like you said, he was very predictable and once the Joe/Coon team is done, it breaks apart. Like I said, he had him figured out, but he fucked up, I truly believe he could've reset the bracket and could've won.

I will give you that his choice of Felicia was incredibly stupid. It doesn't work at all for his team, which already had two rushdown characters and could've instead used a character with an assist to stuff keepaway game but didn't, or like you said, he could've gone with Wesker.


I'll say this at least, Spencer loses to that Joe/Coon combo pretty bad, and might just lose to Joe period.  Bionic Arm is made completely worthless thanks to V-Dodge and Mach Speed, his small size and evasive tactics make it a pain for Spencer to land a solid hit or continue his combos, and constant V-Rangs will make Ziplining a pain in the ass.

Wolvie might have a problem too if the Joe predicts a Berserker Slash mixup and V-Dodges at the right time.  That's mostly Theory-Fighter though.

It just makes me mad that not only did PR Rog make it as far as he did with his bitch made team and attitude, it was the fact that he did it over Yipes, who worked his ass off to finally get back to the level he deserved to be at, actually thinking hard and eventually getting his team synergy down.  And even after all that and the shitty way he went out of the tourney, not 60 seconds later was he on the house mic for everyone for Grand Finals, cracking jokes about how he got rabies.  Fucking class act.

And I feel bad for Kusoru.  ANYBODY in the US wins with that team, they're a hero.  But he's just going to catch hate and constant MM threats.  He was just having fun, especially with Mihe striking anime poses and even switching the voices to Japanese for the hell of it.  And he gets disrespected like he did.  I dare PR Rog do that to his face or to anyone else.  If he did that to Noel, he would've popped off at him or would've just rocked him.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

People will hate regardless, but yeah, I do feel bad for Yipes. He does his homework but he just can't seem to find his stride changing from two.

Final Round XV UMVC3 - Filipino Champ vs. Kusoru(Japan)

I also was right. That was Kusoru from GG fame and he's showing off his "kusoge". God knows why anyone would show off that piece of shit game on stream.

Running Wild

lol marvel.

All I can say.

@Louis - At least ya gave SC a fair shot, unlike what I probably won't be doing when SFxT drops lololol.

I really need to get my shit together and find a way to handle Hwa... and better team mates for King. That was a Day 1 Mai. I need more work with her, I got a general idea how her HD combo's work, just a matter of putting it into practice in a real match. Hopefully I can find a complete team before Dust Bowl and get some practice in at RIT/Cyberstorm with the few guys still playing KOF here. I haven't had an offline match in KOF in almost over 2 months.

I need to bring KOF back to Rochester, I know when RIT is back in session, ppl are gonna be playing SFxT... but not me, I'm gonna get there early to steal a tv and run some KOF, don't care if ppl bring their copies of SFxT, or wanna run Marvel or AE, like Juicebox said, this is a real mans 2D fighting game. Not that shitty fake imitation 2D Capcom's been spewing the last several years.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 05, 2012, 08:26:02 AM
there's a billion different combinations in Marvel

For UMvC3, it's 19,600 to be exact. 17,296 if you don't count the DLC characters.

It's a simple combinations problem, really.

/boring math talk

Proto Cloud


On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 05, 2012, 10:52:03 PM
Shut your goddamn whore mouth.

Dear sir, please refer to the text in my sig.

Proto Cloud

That's Satsu's line bitch.


It's SAITSU...damn...even my tag gets misspelled by everyone.

Also, on the 66th Day of the Year 2012 it will be the end of the world as you know it.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on March 06, 2012, 08:19:40 PM
That's Satsu's line bitch.

I am aware of that, bitch. That's why I have his name on my sig.

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on March 06, 2012, 08:23:31 PM
It's SAITSU...damn...even my tag gets misspelled by everyone.

I don't... I spell it correctly all the time, but you never notice  :(

EDIT: Why don't people simply refer to me as "marche" like people refer to you as simply "Saitsu?"