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Off Topic thread:Gen 8 Edition

Started by Xxenace, November 14, 2011, 08:40:12 AM

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The main reason why all characters that started without dialogue should never gain it.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.



Is metroid other M really that bad. I did not play it yet but all I hear about it is shit; some people say that its different that's why people did not like it.

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on March 23, 2012, 08:53:24 PM
The main reason why all characters that started without dialogue should never gain it.

It would've been fine if they kept it to a minimum. Basically, the whole point the character doesn't talk much is that from birth she's had to rely on herself and her training from the Chozo. That's why she always flies solo and keeps to herself because everyone just abandoned her and she trust anyone. The only human character that she ever had a relationship with was Adam Malkovich and they decided to flesh that out in the worst way possible. It could've actually been the most important game in the series if they actually put some time into writing and pacing.



The first two episodes of A:TLoK are here.  The animation is greatly fluid, and I do enjoy the characters and how you can sympathize with them.  The music seems very well done and is keyed in at the right moments.

Also, I loved the introduction of Pro Bending introducing new fighting styles into the mix showing there's not just one way to bend, and the protagonist team is the perfect example of that.  Active Earthbending, only rooting yourself to the ground at the moment of striking itself.  More reserved Firebending, bobbing and weaving rather than ferociously waving fire around and then throwing precision strikes.  And then Korra utilizing an Airbender's movement in order to enhance her own fighting style and Waterbending.

It's also interesting to hear the explanations behind Airbending and such, things we never got in the initial series since Aang was the only Airbender, and already a master thus...you know, no point in explaining it.  And lastly it's nice to see that they mention the fact that the toughest element for Avatars to master are the ones that lie at the opposite of their personality, not necessarily their main elements.  Aang played it straight as Earthbending was not only the opposite of his element, but at a complete contrast to his personality.  Whereas Korra's problem is Airbending, while she's a natural Waterbender yet an Airbender's "personality" would be at complete contrast with her's which is actually much more like an Earthbender's (people do tend to compare her to Toph).
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


well i finally got a dota 2 invite but i seriously suck ass at that game i know no clue what the fuck im doing



Quote from: Delta on March 24, 2012, 07:33:44 PM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on March 24, 2012, 08:00:36 AM

That link sends me to the facebook page of that korranation thing :\

That can't be right, I just clicked it myself and it led to the right page.  If it still doesn't work, just Google it.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Guess who just got a new Hori controller that doesn't have a shitty d-pad?

Runningwild you got problems now man. No more dropped Hwa Jai Drunk combos!  ;)
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Running Wild

I got another problem.

And his name is Chin.


Quote from: Xxenace on March 24, 2012, 05:55:23 PM
well i finally got a dota 2 invite but i seriously suck ass at that game i know no clue what the fuck im doing

Well If you want I can give you some tips. I'm not a pro but I'm good in pugs. Well I play in the European servers probably you play in the US. Just PM me if you want.


Now that I think about it I don't think I've ever fought a Chin. I've fought all of the other characters at least once online but never a Chin.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Proto Cloud

After playing Masta CJ. I can say with certainty that Chin is the best anchor in the game.

Running Wild

Quote from: LouisCipher on March 25, 2012, 07:19:08 PM
Now that I think about it I don't think I've ever fought a Chin. I've fought all of the other characters at least once online but never a Chin.

I lost pretty bad at Dust Bowl to a guy that used King/Kensou/Chin. I could deal with his King pretty easily, and I'm not too used to fighting Kensou, but the real problem was Chin. I had no idea how to fight him, nor did I really know what he was completely capable of.

There was only 4 players signed up for KOF, so it was decided it would be a Round Robin, first to 3, winner take all. So I go 1-1, and I'm doing pretty good in game 3, I was just about to finish off Kensou with King, and then the power at the venue goes out for about a hour. Power comes back, and KOF is put on hiatus until about 7 hours later, and by then I am just completely mentally drained. The score is reset and I lose 3-0. And that was it. After that turn out, I don't think KOF will be back, and neither will me lol. The venue was really hot and stuffy making it very uncomfortable, and I feel the tournament wasn't organized well, it took a long time for UMvC3 and SFxT to finish and I don't think they had enough setups either. It was just an unbalanced setup between the Capcom trinity, and there was like only 1 setup for Soul Calibur I think. One dude threw his stick to the floor after losing in Marvel lol.

Jug/Guyofkaillera took SF4 again, he took it at the last 2 tournaments, his Guy is insanely good.

So yeah, I doubt I'll be doing anymore tournaments anytime soon, especially with how KOF is handled around these parts, but maybe if something for Third Strike popped up again, I'd do it.


Yeah, I kinda' got that vibe from Dustbowl. Waiting 7 hours is fucking crazy dude, knowing me I would've just walked away. That's pathetic. Maybe if there's something happening in or around Brooklyn we could meet up with Eltro and represent Upstate?
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.