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Off Topic thread:Gen 8 Edition

Started by Xxenace, November 14, 2011, 08:40:12 AM

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Quote from: marchefelix on January 20, 2012, 05:50:56 PM
Quote from: Xxenace on January 20, 2012, 02:11:46 AM
Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 20, 2012, 02:02:51 AM
Nah, you're already branded for life, so now it'd just be too easy.
well fuck you too bro

You know,  maybe I should write a yaoi story about the two of you. See if that'll get you guys to stop fighting like a married couple all the time =P


On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 20, 2012, 06:42:11 PM
Here's the good news for people that absolutely hate anything that happened to RE after 5 (which means they likely also disliked 4).  You can play the old games, which have great replay value, and pretend the new ones never existed.  That's the great thing about games against movies...most are meant to be played multiple times.

I love when people make this argument. Not only does it sound stupid, but it gets nowhere. I make these comments because I wouldn't mind giving them my money for a quality game, not to mention some of us don't care to replay games. Only sad people are stuck in the past (Retro gamers) How about this? Why don't they actually make a good game for once? I'm tired of them westernizing this series to shit. I barely even recognize RE anymore. What with blonde Jill, Roid Rage Chris, HARDENED BADASS Leon, punching boulders, lack of horror, more guns than an NRA convention?

At least Revelations is turning out pretty good. In the meantime there's a better series called Deadspace.


dead space while good a game isn't scary at all though it made me jump a few times

hell most horror games aren't scary today currently the only on i can think of is amnesia

i think horror games need more than just the setting to scare people it would be nice if the character would at least act scared i mean how many people here wouldn't be freaking the fuck out that something was trying rip you in half even if you do have a high powered laser cannon

also i would to see a horror game that takes place mostly during the day and no i dont mean like silent hill where everything is foggy either


The thing is, Capcom obviously doesn't give a shit anymore.  If you haven't figured that out by now, I dunno what to tell you.

Make all the comments you want, Capcom doesn't really listen to us (especially, you know, in a place I doubt anyone from Capcom would go).  I'm saying it's a waste of time trying to call shit out on them.  I see a game isn't up to par?  Whatever, I move on since there's plenty of other games to play. 

And like I said in the other thread, RE from the beginning was overrated tbqh.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.



Three different things down the tube for RE6 again.

The girl Leon's hanging out with is Government Agent Helena Harper.  After that, who knows?

The 3rd Protagonist still unknown but is related to a major RE character in some way (eliminates HUNK, Alex Wesker the most likely candidate).

The Blonde Girl with him is not Ashley Graham like most (including myself) thought.  It's actually Sherry Birkin.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 21, 2012, 06:04:43 AM
Three different things down the tube for RE6 again.

The girl Leon's hanging out with is Government Agent Helena Harper.  After that, who knows?

The 3rd Protagonist still unknown but is related to a major RE character in some way (eliminates HUNK, Alex Wesker the most likely candidate).

The Blonde Girl with him is not Ashley Graham like most (including myself) thought.  It's actually Sherry Birkin.
has to be sherry looks to you to be ashley


It was mostly the voice that threw me off.  Sounded a lot like the Ashley VA from RE4.  Plus you know, since the President was around and she was his daughter, I figured she might play a role.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on January 20, 2012, 10:51:23 PM
The thing is, Capcom obviously doesn't give a shit anymore.  If you haven't figured that out by now, I dunno what to tell you.

Make all the comments you want, Capcom doesn't really listen to us (especially, you know, in a place I doubt anyone from Capcom would go).  I'm saying it's a waste of time trying to call shit out on them.  I see a game isn't up to par?  Whatever, I move on since there's plenty of other games to play.  

And like I said in the other thread, RE from the beginning was overrated tbqh.

Not complaining is a bad idea, that's like telling me to go back to the old KOFs after dealing with the atrocity of 12 or the same with SFIV. The fact is I'll play a better alternative anyway and they don't get my money until they wise up, plain and simple. If that were the case, we wouldn't need critics at all, we'd take the shit they'd shovel into our mouths.

I can still hold out hope because Revelations is actually, exactly what I want. It's actually tough, atmospheric, scary and doesn't have blonde Jill. Basically, SURVIVAL HORROR. So, so much for your point. I get what I want eventually, someway or another.

As for horror. It's tough to do horror because of the technology involved, it's hard to be scared with such high definition creatures and control schemes. Sometimes the scariest part is that it looked like shit and we were barely in control. I thought Deadspace did it well. Not on the actually jump scares, I thought the atmosphere was just what it needed to be, it did action better than RE5 did and the psychological aspect has kept me tied. I personally am invested as to how Isaac Clarke will turn out in the end because of how he was developed. That's more than I can say for the RE characters that Capcom always feels the need to jump the shark on every one of them to succeed.

EDIT: Where'd you get the whole idea that RE4 is getting the FFVII treatment? That comparison is ill-advised and since when did people treat it as a bad game?


You'd be surprised on the RE4 front.  I was too, I figured everyone liked it, but there seems to be plenty of people who say RE4 ruined the franchise.

I'm just saying complaining's a waste of time.  Honestly, I would've said to go back to the old KOF's anyway, because you know, they're actually good and have decent netplay thanks to GGPO and I honestly didn't expect SNKP to actually make any KOF's after that abomination.

And horror isn't about the control schemes and HD or whatever (well the control schemes deal with it a little).  Scare factor is directly proportional to threat level.  When you perceive something as a big threat upon your livelihood, it's human nature to become scared, especially if you can't see where said threat is.  The only way to obtain a scare factor in a game is to find a way to immerse the gamer within the game.  Of course, immersion differs from person to person.  But as long as even a part of you is aware you're playing a game, it's very hard to become actually scared.  You may get a couple of startles or jumps developers need to put in the game, but as for actual dread level, it's tough.  I think creepiness is a different thing though, and the atmosphere at least needs to promote that. 

But let's be honest, you think I'm an asshole with no taste who defends everything and has absolutely no idea what he's talking about and needs to shut the hell up.  So it's best if I stop now since the only thing I'll be doing with my arguments, right or not (probably wrong tbqh) is annoy you more, and that's a waste of time.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Proto Cloud

I respect that Satsu. Until they get creative, I think the horror genre is going to be steadily worse in the years.


Damn it. I knew it Capcom. You fucking whores.


Well it will, but I think that's just more natural than anything.  Also keep in mind, as we get older, we get scared less.  There was a time in my childhood I couldn't even play RE2 by myself because I was scared of just walking into the Police Station rooms or getting Lickered.  Now (whenever my PS2 actually decides to let my controllers work), it's not a big deal.  Things tend to be less scary as life goes on.

Also, the limitations of older games actually helped lend to some of the atmosphere, like the tank controls, crappy camera angles, and limited saves.  However none of the three are really acceptable in this day and age.  I mean, you shouldn't have problems controlling your characters, fixed camera angles are rarely a good thing, and limited save points are a pain in the ass not so much for the actual game, but then finding time to actually play.

The Save Thing I think can be fixed by something already used.  The Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Save system.  Basically, you had your limited save points (though you'd actually create them, but that's not relevant to this point) which you'd get your normal save system.  HOWEVER, you'd also get a Quick Save where you could save at any time.  However, it'd automatically send you back to the main menu and would only let you continue that game and if you died or just normally quit out, you'd go back to the place of your actual save, not your quick save.  I think that system works.  Have actual save points that will help give consequences to losses and such, but have another system in place in case you need to bail in the middle of something.

But yeah, it's gonna be hard to sell the horror genre, just because we've seen it all at this point.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


they need more horror games were you dont go around shooting or stabbing everything up