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Off Topic thread:Gen 8 Edition

Started by Xxenace, November 14, 2011, 08:40:12 AM

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On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.




Happy birthday mang!


Proto Cloud

Was just thinking that I was excited for Ace Attorney 5 until I remembered that we never got Edgeworth 2.


Quote from: Proto Cloud on February 02, 2012, 06:21:36 AM
Was just thinking that I was excited for Ace Attorney 5 until I remembered that we never got Edgeworth 2.

Don't worry, we'll get AA5.  It's a main series title, and Nick's now got exposure in UMvC3 on top of getting a movie which is getting a worldwide release (somehow).  It seems AA and RE are the only anniversaries Capcom actually gives a damn about.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.



Quote from: Xxenace on February 06, 2012, 04:53:36 PM
fuck i hate moving

If it makes you feel better, you'll end up saying lots of things that will compel you to say "That's what she said" while you move your stuff.


"Why does this have to be so big?"
"Man, all this activity is tiring me out!"
And my personal favorite: "Hold on, let me position myself."


Quote from: marchefelix on February 06, 2012, 06:16:35 PM
Quote from: Xxenace on February 06, 2012, 04:53:36 PM
fuck i hate moving

If it makes you feel better, you'll end up saying lots of things that will compel you to say "That's what she said" while you move your stuff.


"Why does this have to be so big?"
"Man, all this activity is tiring me out!"
And my personal favorite: "Hold on, let me position myself."
lol i feel a bit better now



so all my shit is put up got my room organized(if you can call it that) so far Tennessee is cool need to look around some more and see what goes one around here


ok so im gonna rant for a bit so feel free to ignore me if need be, so im honestly done with KoF XIII i had to sit a whole year waiting to play this game was going to put in a immense about of time learning to play this game was glad that they were actually gonna to listen to people concerning the netcode  i was even willing to drop the fact that there were going to have two people per lobby since the wanted the best netcode there could be. of course the release date came and i was sorely disappointed again netcode was more or less just like XII's and it didn't sit well with me that they cut out the lobby system for this "new and improved" netcode had to sit and wait about 3 months for the patch that was supposed to fix most of the problems just to find out that it didn't do much of anything else either sure im seeing a lot more 3 bars and the occasional 4 bars but that doesn't help me none when the 3 bars play like pre-patch 2 bars or 1 bars i always hear people giving the excuse to stop using wireless even though every other fighting game i play i have next to no problems running wireless and getting a good connection with people. I love KoF and i always will love KoF but honestly at this point i feel like ive wasted 50 dollars on this i cant play this game with hardly anyone with out them or me having a problem it's getting hard to find anyone to play with and these days nobody wants to play a fighting game by themselves ive had to sit through 98um,XII,02um and now XIII dealing with these same god damn problems and nobody should make this many mistakes before they get their shit together. until further notice im think im just going to have to be a naysayer because i dont have enough time patience or money to keep buying at home training kits


Oh no, i'm too lazy to read that wall of text, summarize it in no more than 5 words.