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Off Topic thread:Gen 8 Edition

Started by Xxenace, November 14, 2011, 08:40:12 AM

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Mr Bakaboy

Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on April 22, 2012, 06:46:12 AM
Your first statements would be more true if not for the fact that there were months between KOFXIII's release, and SFxT's release.  That statement works a LOT better when talking about UMvC3 as it was released a week before KOFXIII.  Those who might express interest in KOFXIII could easily go "yeah...but Marvel's coming out so I can't get a look".  Then if Marvel disappoints, they switch to the other game that came out in that time frame.  SFxT didn't really stop ANYONE from becoming interested or playing KOFXIII.  More likely than not, if you weren't interested or didn't feel like playing KOFXIII within the months of its release before SFxT drops, it's not gonna change afterwards.  It'd be like a Shin Megami Tensei coming out, seeing it, not being interested, then a Final Fantasy coming out 3 months later, and then not enjoying that.  I don't suddenly gain an interest in SMT, just because this current game happened to suck.  And if I had an interest in SMT, I had more than enough time to play it without conflicting with FF's release.

On your second point, I'll concede to you about Capcom fans calling on hate.

I never made any statement about online and what it did for the community because...honestly, other than GGPO and up until SF4's "passable" netcode, the online components for games were HORRIBLE.  And they're still bad for consoles other than Blazblue which is built around it, SFxT and Skullgirls both using Rollback, and Soul Caliber V apparently, along with random games along the way (like the REALLY older KOF's for PSN).  It was so bad to a point where...you can't even take online for Fighters into account until GGPO's start for PC, and then SF4 for consoles.  The main way to get games was the same way you got them before.

And not ONCE did I say the "Dark Age of the FGC" was great or anything of the sort.  Again, I just said, to which I will repeat, it's not as big of a hellhole as some would like to believe until SF4's release.  But it taught players true commitment and desire, something seemingly lost in not just "09ers" but even older players.  As it is now, people are more worried about playing games just for the chance of greatness, rather than enjoyment, or just playing for money.  Players aren't just looking for the next shiny thing, they throw temper tantrums when it doesn't happen fast enough, and then throw some more when it happens too fast.  Now's a time where people will bitch about how much a game sucks...but will play it anyway just because "everyone else plays it".  And the worst offender, where people will only play games just because it's "good for the community" whether or not they might actually enjoy the game or not.

For the longest time, I did have problems with people saying the old days were better, but now I'm starting to almost agree on the sense that while so many things are so much better, with information retrieval, better online play, more streams to watch play, and more events in general, one major thing changed.  The mindset of the community.  Nothing is about enjoyment, which always bothered me.  If you don't enjoy playing certain FGs then why do it?  If it EVER comes to the point where I have to do things or play things I absolutely do not want to play or do in order to stay within the FGC or continue playing FGs, that is the point I leave, and I'll have no regrets.

If you had ABSOLUTELY NO ONE to play your games with back in 03-07, then I personally apologize and am sorry for what you had to go through, I'm sure it was a tough time.  If you did, but couldn't find enjoyment, then maybe you needed Capcom games more than you think.  If you did have people to enjoy games with, then I personally don't understand why you seem to be so upset about it.  But honestly, no matter what happened back then, it doesn't mean it will happen now.  Capcom could crash tomorrow, but people would still play its games.  KOFXIII won't really benefit unless the "Shiny New" syndrome takes them over as well by way of getting a revision (hopefully FAR) down the line.  And honestly, I wouldn't want it to benefit just because something crashed.  If you didn't have interest before, I'm not gonna take you seriously now, nor should anyone.  I'd want people who actually took an interest to begin with (or after seeing the game in action or playing it themselves), since they're the people I'm more likely to enjoy playing the game with.

Personally, and I'll go real talk here, I don't give a shit what the community does.  I don't give a shit what Capcom does, I don't give a shit what anyone does, if it doesn't do anything to my enjoyment of the game.  PPV Streams, sponsors, DLC crap, bad business, whatever, I don't care.  If you don't interfere with how I enjoy the game I was given, I really don't give a shit.  If you do something to increase it, yeah, cool, great.    But if something fucks with my enjoyment, and people expect me to go along with it just because it helps the community?  Yeah, fuck that.  Even if it hurts the community, I won't go along with it if it screws with what I can do for fun, and I will not bat an eye because at least I'll be man enough to do what I want.

And I realize that half of this huge wall o' text is just a tangent rant, but it's been a long ass day and I needed to vent.  I figure you'll either discredit everything I say or whatever, but I don't have it in me to do another one of these so...don't expect a decent reply of meaning even if you kick my ass...at least not for the next couple of days.

The 1st statement was actually an all together statement with what came out back to back to back, You had MVC3, then KOF XIII, then SSFIVAE2012 patch, then Soul Calibur V, then Street Fighter x Tekken. That's a lot of high priced games ('cept for 2012 patch but it might get people to buy AE) dropping one after another. If we are talking about titles that are $15 and below I don't think it's that big of a deal, but a $40 and up titles I don't know about you but there's only so much money I can shell out on the more expensive games let alone unlockable characters, costumes, etc.

The renewed interest would come from the FGC. If everyone is still hyping KOF XIII, then joe schmoo who is looking to get into a FG might take a look at KOF XIII cause the FGC is still raving about it. Why do you think people were still just getting into 3rd Strike a decade after it released?

Online really ushered in the new FGC. Whether we like the netcode or not (and believe me I had most netcodes out there) the fact that you can play someone in a fighting game, as crappy as the match may be, was a major accomplishment. The market I was trying to point out was if new fighting games came out, then they should have been played with online in mind since 2003 there has been a push to get the games online. The FGC shunned a lot of newer titles (though most were forgettable) to play the old titles. Basically making this timeframe where FG's didn't really do much. People played the old game and shunned most of the new.

I don't think of that time as the dark ages either. More like time stood still. Personally I think the computer age made gamers look at the game in a different light. When you can look at videos of players doing crazy things on a game you gave up years ago, it makes you look at it again and say "I want to be able to do that!" So, players went from playing as a more basic level doing simple combos, to more complex combos, infinities, and generally flashy combos. IT breathed new life into what were considered old games.

The old days were better for certain people. I might be one cause I am from that age. My style is simple. I don't like practicing all day doing impossible combos. I love working on strategy instead. I am a dinosaur when it comes to this age. Online kills my game cause it slows down what I am capable of and adds a level of difficulty to reading movements of your opponent by the lag constantly being different. For people who like the combos, infinites, and overall flashiness it's a great new day cause no longer is general talent going to stop players from winning. If you practice long enough at learning the combos, to a certain extent, you have very few limits with how good you can be.  Fighters now are built for the newer generation. Not old farts like me.

I'm not really angry at all. Unless you count the FGC shitting on this and that game without giving any of them a chance or understanding why people liked the older games, or why people might like a certain game even though it might not be your cup of tea. I have my own preferences, but I always try to keep an open mind. I may like KOF XIII, and I am not the biggest fan of SSFIV, but I still own and play them. I also try to understand the merits of why people like said game. Most of the people on the other boards (personally I have mass respect for this site in general) like to crap on a game without even understanding why you are crapping on it.

For example SVC Chaos is a widely crapped on game. I'll ask the question why. I get Geese can do infinites. So?!? Not the easiest ones to pull off and he is only unlockable through a code on the arcade version. Serious Mr Karate and Shin Akuma are ridiculous. THERE BOSSES!!! What do you think they play like??!? Ryu is boring. Ryu plays like Ryu from SF2. He has mad priority on DP and good distance and Hurricane Kick. Ryu has never really been the character with the most moves. Guile is cheap. Well Guile has to either charge for Sonic Boom or charge for Flash Kick so you have to attack accordingly. The game is too hard to do moves on. It take time to learn the execution. This goes on and on, but most people's arguments get ridiculous. 

In the same breath you bring up a game like MVC2 (to which is not my cup of tea but I respect it) it has infinites that are relatively easy to master. Assist characters that you can spam like crazy and general brokeness that makes 10 characters out of 50 or so the only ones people play and that is considered one of the best games of that decade. Again I have no qualms with it and do play it from time to time with friends, but the logic the FGC community has in branding one game great and another a turd astounds me.

I actually did find plenty of competition through that time actually. My arcades locally did dry up in the early '00's I did have a community of friends that played fighters and got to play quite a bit. We made due and sometimes drove 50 miles or more to get to the bigger arcades. I was lucky when I moved to St. Louis in 05 that they had a good community as well. It dried up a few years later, but for 2 years I got a lot of good games in there as well.

Now I am in the family life and can't get into the local FGC like I used to. Online is what I have a chance to play. I am not angry. Sad sometimes cause I miss playing people in offline settings, but I have hope in a couple of years the online will truly be powerful enough to support the FGC to the point where old farts like me aren't so handicapped with the new games.

My opinions are merely that, opinions. I may come on strong and I find people trying to be on defense when debating with me, but personally I enjoy a good debate. I like to get my feelings across of how I feel of the FGC. FG's have been my main video game entertainment for years now (though I do play other games). When it comes down to it if the FG market crashes it won't bother me that much. A little, yes, but when it comes down to it I play a lot of older titles enough to get my entertainment in fighting games. What makes me sad is to see the players go, but like everything people come and go. Hopefully you can collect a few to play with over the years. I still play my ex-roommate who I have really played the most through the years even though we live 4 states or so away. If I pissed you off I apologize. No harm ment.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

Mr Bakaboy

Quote from: Proto Cloud on April 22, 2012, 08:46:19 AM
Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on April 22, 2012, 03:51:47 AM
No not mass exodus, but more hate yes. The more critics you hear, the more people will turn to another game just cause player a said it's crap. Why do you think KOF has had such a hard time over the years? Capcom fans crap over KOF then other players hear and think I'm not wasting money on that.
Reason people trashed KOF because they had a string of bad games and terrible ports. The hate was justifiable. I'm not sure where you were in the old KOF days, but it was anything but good. And that's not counting that the only KOFs that people cared about were 98 and 2k2. I don't know what you're talking about.

QuoteThe genre basically froze from 2002 till 2008. Online got it started but what NEW games then really got the fans going? VF4. Niche community. I know since I played VF4 and hung around a few. DOA3? Never really got a lot of attention too bad cause it was better then DOA4 or DOA2 IMHO. Guilty Gear XX Reload close to the same as Guilty Gear X which was very similar to Guilty Gear. It's the SF2 of updated games. Also the community was small. I played in that one as well.
VF4 sold very well because it came at a perfect time when people were pissed over the Tekken 4 debacle. Both versions. DOA3? That sold REALLY well and it was a launch title! It definitely had a lot of attention. GGXX was NOTHING like GGX or GG. Because it didn't suck. Both its predecessors had major issues and GGXX blew up more than any other versions before and those weren't revisions. Also the community was very big when it came out. Are you talking out of your ass? You're really off.

QuoteThe only big market new game back then was Tekken and they were reeling from the backlash of Tekken 4. Tekken 5 I didn't see a big rise till DR came out which was 2006. KOF XI I was in an arcade with that game in there and it did minimal numbers. CVS2 probably had more plays and MVC2 definitely did. KOF02 was not a big player in arcades in the US unless you had a strong Mexican community. It gained attention slowly more from online matches. SVC flopped, Sam Sho V flopped, Sam Sho V Spec nobody really had.
Even with Tekken 4 being awful, it still sold and so did 5. People respect 5 for the most part, but they made a terrible mistake on not coming out with DR on consoles, instead of keeping on the PSP as long as they did. The fighters that stood strong were VF4, T5/DR, CvS2, MvC2, 3S, SCII/III and the latest version of DOA.

QuoteOnline opened up a lot of gaming, yes but looking at xbox what were people mostly playing. CVS2, 3rd Strike, SF2. I was all over the SNK games and it was hard to get games compared to Capcom, Guilty Gear dropped like a rock after a few months, Dead or Alive 2 got same decent plays but that was almost time for the 360 to come out and DOA 4 to split the players on which game to play.
GG didn't drop like a rock, the online netcode sucked, but it still got a great community. DOA2 got A LOT of play online. DOA4 didn't split shit. Everyone flocked to it and little stayed behind for 2. Only split was for players playing DOA3.1.

Quote360 before SFIV was SF2, DOA4, UMK3 (kinda slow) , and FF Special (which was so-so on players just like xbox 180 SNK games). The players gravitated to the same Capcom and Namco titles over and over. If you could get games in something else you like (say KOF 02 or 03, or FFS) you basically had to get on SRK to schedule matches. If not you usually had a long wait or played the one lag playing jerk who was always online and dropped if he lost.
You forget Battle Fantasia and Soul Calibur IV.

QuoteSo, talk to me about how great 03 - 07 was. Tell me how everybody was playing all these new titles. Personally maybe Chicago and St. Louis are just too small of areas to have FGC. Maybe going to communities like West side of Chicago which is Mexican side to play KOF, the Midway testing arcade on the south side of Chicago, or going to arcades in St. Louis that closed at 11P.M. when the place was jumping doesn't give me an accurate assessment of how the FGC really was. Or how about the tournaments in Chicago that I went to that mostly consisted if the same games mentioned earlier with VF4 getting play the 1st year it was released then dropped. I must not know anything I am talking about.
Yeah, you must not, because you live in an alternate dimension, sorry. I had people play whatever when you're looking in the right places.

QuoteIt'd be like a Shin Megami Tensei coming out, seeing it, not being interested, then a Final Fantasy coming out 3 months later, and then not enjoying that.  I don't suddenly gain an interest in SMT, just because this current game happened to suck.  And if I had an interest in SMT, I had more than enough time to play it without conflicting with FF's release.
Basically, this.

I am trying to unserstand to this is an honest question, but when did you get into FG's. I've read a few of your statements and it seems like you started after the youtube era. It makes a lot of difference cause a lot of opinions about fighters are way different if you didn't have the internet to look stuff up on.

To answer your KOF where was I question. I was playing KOF. '99 I owned on Dreamcasy and had fun except for the added strikers on DC got a little crazy, but they were not on MVS. I thought it's a fun game at the time. Now it's hard to get into cause it feels basic and the back roll that you end up where you started drives me nuts.

'00 I give you is messed up I bought it on Neo Geo AES when it came out. On a competitive level you can spam a lot of the striker B.S. and do a lot of crap that kills the game for me. Thought, like you said, it's kinda expected given what was going on with SNK. Though I still liked playing it with friends.

'01 I bought on AES when it 1st came out. It's a pretty balanced system. A lot of tournaments show many defferent fighters being used. That's a sign of a good game IMO. Hatred for music, artwork, or cause the combo system is not '02 is just personal opinion.

'03 I played on xbox quite a bit. Except for Duo Lon and Malin B.S. I had a lot of fun with this. I can see the hate for the aforementioned characters, but I don't see the hate as a bad game. Just not a great game.

XI I played in the arcades. To me this was a blast and a good game. Are there elements that can be abused, yes, but compared to other titles out there it's not ridiculous. I know I am not alone in the thought that this was a good game either. I know a lot of XIII players say that this was the start for their KOF gaming.

DOA3 was on a system that nobody bought for fighting. The only reason they bought it was Halo. DOA3 was an afterthought. The FGC stayed with PS2 till CVS2 came out where online brought in the FGC by then though there wasn't a real interest in DOA3.

GGXX I might give you cause of the EX modes. I forget cause online people pitched a fit in selecting any of them, however still to me it feels like the jump from KOF '97 to '98. Really similar. I didn't miss a beat with any character I played on dreamcast. Compare that to playing KOF'98 then KOF '02. That was my point. Though like I said I might give you the point there.

The community was not that big for Guilty Gear ever. I had it on xbox when it came out. It lasted a couple months. Offline I could only get a few into it. The arcade machines I saw never got the action that any Capcom game would. Once in a while I would see someone playing it. There is a top player in St. Louis in GGXX and whenever I saw him in the arcade he was NOT playing Guilty Gear. Not cause he wouldn't want to I'm sure but people just didn't want to play. So, maybe where you are it blew up, but where I was it did not.

Tekken 4 did sell, but the communities disbanded pretty quick IMO. Compared to Tekken Tag I didn't see serious Tekken action in the arcade till Tekken 5DR. This doesn't mean people didn't play Tekken at all. IT seriously slowed down for a bit though. I forgot about Soul Calibur but where I was Saoul Calibur 2 was the played game. 3 didn't do as well cause the changes were not well met. I knew people that played it, but it jsut wasn't as played as 2. Also cause Link and Heihachi was a good selling point for 2. Also reason why 4 had Vader, Apprentice, and Yoda.

DOA had a fanbase but 2 & 4 split the crowd like I said earlier. 4 got more attention from 360 users for simply being a launch title. However I didn't see DOA4 making tournament rounds like crazy. Maybe I'm mistaken.

BTW if you use the netcode as a reason why people split then why were people still playing CVS2? 3rd Strike played awful as well. That game always had players. If people wanted to play the game, then they would have played. Heck SVC's community lasted longer then GG's and people crap all over that game.

Again. I'm answering your questions without insults. If you want to debate more please try to do the same or I'll just ignore you. I've been in too many flame wars to bother with getting into another one. We are just exchanging opinions. Neither one are correct. Just opinions.

Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

Proto Cloud

TL;DR. I don't feel like reading and I'm not exactly a fan of your posts. I was just posting the facts man. I've kept track of NPD numbers, and have been a part of various communities and the like. Just pointing those out. It ain't opinion, try saying that at SRK and see how fast you get shut down. Also, your defense of KOF '01 and SvC doesn't help. Both games were shit and everyone knows it. People shit on CFJ too.

Also, if you don't want to hear insults, you're talking to the wrong person.

Quote from: solidshark on April 22, 2012, 06:54:26 PM
Less likely it's a CVS3, probably Darkstalkers, if it's even a fighter. I just hope it's something that doesn't warrant a lot bad press again, and something I wouldn't regret buying the first version of it, whatever it is.

If it's Darkstalkers, I can almost guarantee it's going to be shit.

Mr Bakaboy

So your arguement is if SRK doesn't like it it's shit? Great arguement since most of the newbies just follow a few people and have no decent arguement back or go with telling technical jargon hoping that makes them sound intelligent enough to win. Short message I mainly want to ask YOUR reason why you hate those games. Not someone else's reason.If you hate a game you must have a reason other then it's shit.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

Proto Cloud

*sigh* I played them. They're poorly balanced, rush jobs that have little to no redeeming value in its broken mechanics or shit design. There's a reason both '01 and SvC never had communities and that's because they're no good piles of donkey shit. (Hell, most people I've talked to unanimously agree that '01 may be the worst KOF next to XII) It's the same damn reason no one plays CvS1, CFJ, KOF:MI, SFA, MSHvSF or SFEX3. They're inherently bad games that could easily be replaced with much better and more competitive games. (In this case 2k2 and CvS2)

I thought we buried the hatchet long ago on why they're bad to begin with. Honestly, if you want to try, please explain to me in detail what's so great about both of them and why I shouldn't just let them go for much better titles?

Running Wild

I thought it was common sense '01 and SvC Chaos were horrible. Not just SRK, but pretty much nearly every site with Neo-Geo/SNK fans gather, they all agree those two were terrible. Save 1 guy on GameFaqs who constantly makes new threads about SvC Chaos asking for an English version of the game to be released on PS2 or PSN.

It's not hard to see why both '01 and SvC Chaos were bad. Both games have incredibly stupid crap to them, tons of broken shit, not to mention the presentation and music in both are terrible compared to previous titles made by SNK.

Mr Bakaboy

Quote from: Proto Cloud on April 23, 2012, 01:48:56 PM
*sigh* I played them. They're poorly balanced, rush jobs that have little to no redeeming value in its broken mechanics or shit design. There's a reason both '01 and SvC never had communities and that's because they're no good piles of donkey shit. (Hell, most people I've talked to unanimously agree that '01 may be the worst KOF next to XII) It's the same damn reason no one plays CvS1, CFJ, KOF:MI, SFA, MSHvSF or SFEX3. They're inherently bad games that could easily be replaced with much better and more competitive games. (In this case 2k2 and CvS2)

I thought we buried the hatchet long ago on why they're bad to begin with. Honestly, if you want to try, please explain to me in detail what's so great about both of them and why I shouldn't just let them go for much better titles?

Again examples? You sit there are say it's bad. I ask why you say what other people say. I ASKED YOU WHY? Why do you hate it? There's the problem.. There has never really been a good reason why.

I never said it's a great game. I even said reasons why it's hated. REAL REASONS. Look at the combo videos. Finding infinities for this game is a lot harder then you think, and most have to do with using an assist character which takes a super stock.. I found 4 (1 I think it character specific and Kula who works off the wall but can get there with a slide but takes a bit of effort) which for a completely broken unbalanced game is not that big of a deal. Compare that to 2002 which has a bunch. Garou has brokenness with Kevin Rian MVC2..... not going there. Hell Kof 99 is a ton. Yet KOF 2001 is slim pickings. WHERE'S YOUR PROOF THAT THIS IS A BROKEN GAME?!?!?

Now balance. I'm going through videos.

MWC KOF 2001: Dark Geese vs. Cesar

Found ones with Dark Geese who would use every glitch in the book whenever I see anything and all I see him use is Kula's. It's bad but if that's it it looks tame compared to "Good" games I see out there. Considering banning 1 character in a tournament on a game that has 40 or so is minimal.

kof'2k1 tournament "Japan VS Korean" n'1

Here's a Japan vs Korea tournament and I see lots of different characters being used. A badly balanced game would have people playing the same characters over and over yet I see a bunch of different ones being used. AGAIN WHERE'S THE UNBALANCED?!?! I hear people yelling it's crap yet that's all I hear.

Now the reasons I KNOW that's it's hated is music, ending artwork, and compared to 2002 combo system, this is boring. Having to use Super Stocks to do long string combos is not for a lot of KOF fans. To me it's a matter of preference, not a bad game. If that's the case MVC2 should be hated cause the music was shitty, the graphics were horrid with bad 2d sprites and 3d backgrounds. Yet we all play that right?

Quote from: Running Wild on April 23, 2012, 08:15:06 PM
I thought it was common sense '01 and SvC Chaos were horrible. Not just SRK, but pretty much nearly every site with Neo-Geo/SNK fans gather, they all agree those two were terrible. Save 1 guy on GameFaqs who constantly makes new threads about SvC Chaos asking for an English version of the game to be released on PS2 or PSN.

It's not hard to see why both '01 and SvC Chaos were bad. Both games have incredibly stupid crap to them, tons of broken shit, not to mention the presentation and music in both are terrible compared to previous titles made by SNK.

See above for the most part. I can do a list of SVC but tired of typing all this crap out for now. Main thing is, if everyone says it's shit in the FGC it doesn't necessarily mean it's shit. Mostly it means nobody want to go to bat for the game. With KOF 01 I understand why. It's not a preferred game for a lot of people. Not hated, just not well liked. The FGC craps on games cause it can all the time. Hell SFIV is crapped on quite a bit by half the populous and it seems to have quite the following. MVC3 is considered a pile of crap by most and it makes the tournament rounds time after time. If you are not aware that the FGC craps on games and have no real good reason by now I'm surprised. KOF 2001 is something people hated for simple reasons and made it worse then what it was for some reason. Personally I have no idea why.

BTW I do play SVC a lot yes, but honestly I don't play KOF 2001 very much. I just hate seeing hate for a game just cause you don't care for something simple.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"

Running Wild

All I'll say is, there is a reason why people are still playing 98/2k2, and not any of the KOF's inbetween.

Mr Bakaboy

Yeah cause they're Dream Matches. Most bang for the buck. Always been the case. Why does everyone play Super Street Fighter II Turbo? Most characters with most game speed. Why do most people play Marvel vs Capcom 2? Most characters. The list goes on and on. Why do you want to play a game that has less then the other game and is superior to it?

Nobody wants to come to the aid of KOF 01 cause it was ordinary at best. Who wants to defend a game they really don't play? My problem is if you want to rip on a game have valid reasons why other then SRK says so. If you prove me wrong, and you might, I'm not the guru of KOF '01, then more power to you. All I see is a game people play competitively that people use a bunch of characters on. Don't know much else.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


I remember reading somewhere on SRK that SVC sold the best out of all the SNKP games around that time.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Mr Bakaboy

MVS wise I wouldn't doubt it. I've seen it in a lot of arcades. Not to open up a can of worms but the major issues I saw with SVC was the controls were unforgiving like KOF XIII, however, from a simple basic gameplay knowledge. The game has characters, like Guile, who you can spam moves right off the bat and get results. Never mind that he has drawbacks like the sonic boom and flash kick can't be charged at the same time or the supers that do the most damage (flash kicks) have a hard strict motion to pull them off making him vulnerable to jump ins when spamming the quick sonic boom. People who play SF won't do that for fear of the Sonic Boom Flash Kick BS.

Thing is it has a learning curve and if you don't give it time SVC is easy to toss aside as a waste of a game. I bought it on AES, played it one month, got spanked by easy spams, then tossed it away for 1 year. I get the hate for it. I give SVC credit as to why I won't just say a game is shit anymore without giving it a good look and having good reasons. Am I calling it a great game? No, it has it's major faults, but it is still fun and different then just plugging in the same characters with the same moves and controls. It had a different feel to it I liked.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: Proto Cloud on April 21, 2012, 10:12:23 AM
Ryu's FADC Shinku Hadouken had me hype!!!

Project X Zone - Nintendo Direct Trailer

Marriage of RPG and fighting games...ME WANT!

That's actually... Metsu Hadouken... <_<

Proto Cloud

^^ Same difference. Don't pester if you're going to be a sperglord.

Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on April 23, 2012, 09:56:11 PM

Again examples? You sit there are say it's bad. I ask why you say what other people say. I ASKED YOU WHY? Why do you hate it? There's the problem.. There has never really been a good reason why.

I never said it's a great game. I even said reasons why it's hated. REAL REASONS. Look at the combo videos. Finding infinities for this game is a lot harder then you think, and most have to do with using an assist character which takes a super stock.. I found 4 (1 I think it character specific and Kula who works off the wall but can get there with a slide but takes a bit of effort) which for a completely broken unbalanced game is not that big of a deal. Compare that to 2002 which has a bunch. Garou has brokenness with Kevin Rian MVC2..... not going there. Hell Kof 99 is a ton. Yet KOF 2001 is slim pickings. WHERE'S YOUR PROOF THAT THIS IS A BROKEN GAME?!?!?

Now balance. I'm going through videos.
Boy, you're dense, I told what I didn't like outta the game on the most basic of levels on top of the awfully broken ratio system. I wasn't talking about infinites, I wasn't talking about balance. I'm talking about how it's an awful game. Just like how I could care less of how "balanced" SFxT is or how it doesn't have infinites, it's still an awful game. You're really going to compare 01 to Garou and MvC2? You're fucking outta your damn mind. Both are fantastic and fun games. Their play increased because of how much depth persistent in the game. I could care less how "broken" they are. They both have great mechanics and are a blast to play. Don't start dragging in games just because you don't like them. I'm not going to shit on 3S, just because I don't like how the system works or how bullshit Yun and Chun are in the game.

Basically, a game is only as worthwhile as its community IMO. Because honestly it never fails. If you've got a shit community (from a global mindset), you've got a shit game. Let's look at DOA and SC. Both series being terrible as of recent and as a result, having terrible communities as a result of a bad game. I could even say to a certain extent that Blazblue is in the same category to an extent. And for the record I never like '99. It had some of the worst versions of many characters and was loaded with bugs.

Also, Dark Geese will play anything anyone else doesn't because he's a match dodging fraud who's scared to lose. So I could care less about those videos.

QuoteSee above for the most part. I can do a list of SVC but tired of typing all this crap out for now. Main thing is, if everyone says it's shit in the FGC it doesn't necessarily mean it's shit. Mostly it means nobody want to go to bat for the game. With KOF 01 I understand why. It's not a preferred game for a lot of people. Not hated, just not well liked. The FGC craps on games cause it can all the time. Hell SFIV is crapped on quite a bit by half the populous and it seems to have quite the following. MVC3 is considered a pile of crap by most and it makes the tournament rounds time after time. If you are not aware that the FGC craps on games and have no real good reason by now I'm surprised. KOF 2001 is something people hated for simple reasons and made it worse then what it was for some reason. Personally I have no idea why.

BTW I do play SVC a lot yes, but honestly I don't play KOF 2001 very much. I just hate seeing hate for a game just cause you don't care for something simple.
Look bro. Every damn game in the FGC gets crapped on nowadays. Gotta make that extra clear.

Seriously, people are bunch of babies and will whine about Marvel 3 because they can't handle the bullshit that comes standard for the series. (Most of them 09ers) You either like it or you don't. It's a very competent game and the only legitimate complaint I have ever heard is X-Factor. As for SFIV, there's a reason it's popular, it's solid. It's boring, but it's a solid game nonetheless. Those who want to shit on it are basically haters. I don't like it, but I respect it. Their strong communities despite the hate show that.

Comparing SvC and KOF'01 to them is foolish and your SNK fanboyism is clouding your judgment. Why don't you go out and have some variety in your fighting games for once.

Your name suits you btw.


i remember when this thread used to be fun and full of laughs now it's just fighting gamers being fighting gamers
