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Is anyone else foaming at the mouth and going to bed early?

Started by Sir_Selah, November 22, 2011, 04:11:14 AM

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PSN - Sir_Selah (KoF '95 and XIII).

Batman fights the Riddler while I play unfitting music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gw4sRegYagA


well if anyone was foaming at the mouth i would hope the go see a doctor instead of worrying about a video game

and nope i dont go to bed til about 3 am

but in all seriousness yes im ready for tomorrow


Not foaming, but yeah i will go to bed early, and not because of XIII, i need to wake up early to try to get a new driving license.

I probably will get the game this friday at soonest.


You mean stay up all night to play all the ppl that get the game early?  My dumbass was using a dummy account over the weekend and just realized that all the custom colors I unlocked, Billy etc...doesn't carry over to my real account that I'll start using come midnight.  Sad thing is, I'm kinda attached to my flawless record even though I promised myself I wouldn't get attached to records so it's hard for me to back to Kane317-AI's account.

Nikolai VolKOF


I have work first thing in the morning.  Hours were cut down because of sales but I never leave on time.  The GS that has my copy is in the same plaza where I work.  UGH drives me mad that I won't be leaving on time at all!  Probably won't be playing XIII until mid afternoon at best.
-K'/EX Kyo/EX Iori
-Benimaru(Duo Lon)/Robert/Takuma(Iori)

Might controls everything.


Quote from: Kane317 on November 22, 2011, 05:05:48 AM
You mean stay up all night to play all the ppl that get the game early?  My dumbass was using a dummy account over the weekend and just realized that all the custom colors I unlocked, Billy etc...doesn't carry over to my real account that I'll start using come midnight.  Sad thing is, I'm kinda attached to my flawless record even though I promised myself I wouldn't get attached to records so it's hard for me to back to Kane317-AI's account.

Why you feeding off scrubs, Kane? You, sir, are a terrible person lol :(


Metaphysics was beasting it up, we shared the game since he can't play 3by1 *ahem* (hehe), but we managed to move up to second place within an hour or so on PSN.  I had a couple of 1bar red connections, freaked the hell out of me as I nearly lost the match due to unplayable lag lol.  *repeats to self*, "I will not be attached to my record, I will not..."


I'm not as over-the-top excited as I expected to be.

I think it's because I bought too many games as of late and now don't know what to do with them (I haven't even started my OnLive copy of Deus Ex (which came with Deus Ex: Human Revolution Augmented Edition, so that's another game) and I'm only up to the first save point in Ico from Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD Collection (which means I haven't played SotC yet either)).


Shout outs to honest Oklahoma stores not breaking the street date. I'll be at GS at 10am, waiting and drooling. It may be a bit creepy, TBH.


Quote from: nilcam on November 22, 2011, 05:26:30 AM
Shout outs to honest Oklahoma stores not breaking the street date

Haha that made me LOL hard.  You took the day off nilcam?


Well, I'll be sleeping early simply because I'm tired (that and because my game doesn't come in until tomorrow :(). I should be on most of the day though, provided that these meddlesome family members who decided to show up way too early for Thanksgiving don't pester me lol. Jk, family is gdlk.


Quote from: Kane317 on November 22, 2011, 05:28:52 AM
Quote from: nilcam on November 22, 2011, 05:26:30 AM
Shout outs to honest Oklahoma stores not breaking the street date

Haha that made me LOL hard.  You took the day off nilcam?

I took the week off! 3 day weeks are awesome.

Rex Dart

My copy left the shipping facility at 01:19:53 PM today. It should arrive tomorrow.

I think I'll sit by the mailbox wearing my Fatal Fury hat until it arrives. And yes, probably sleeping a little early.


Unfortunately, I can't play till close to 6 pm since I have to work a full day today. I'll probably spend most of my time at work thinking of color edit themes for my team(s)...oh and gameplay strategies and whatnot as well.