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KOF XIII 6th General Thread: Console Released edition

Started by Kane317, November 22, 2011, 12:38:15 PM

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Quote from: Xxenace on February 01, 2012, 01:29:43 PM
Quote from: sociald on February 01, 2012, 01:25:34 PM
so it seems patch is on just in the usa ? i plaied last nite (around late afternoon time in usa ) and what i noticed is just less ppl available in player match. connection was still the same shit , i didnt noticed any parameters of search or preferences memorized (of course cause i didnt get the patch yet ) so i think im in the box of ppl without patch and i see less players available for this ?

for those who have the patch : when launching the game u received a message saying there was an upgrade for the game or u have to look for the  patch in the marketplace ?
it should ask you if you want to install the patch before you start playing the game it wouldn't be in the marketplace unless it was some type of dlc im guessing if you haven't got it yet it might not be up in your area

fock !! :(

@ M4zinkaiser : did u get the install message of the patch yet ?


Yup, Desmond, I had about half-a-second or so of lag. Enough that even blocking was spotty.

I plan to do the full out reset today - reinstalling the game, resetting my modem and router.

Mr Bakaboy

Of late it's been unplayable for me. One sided lag. I had 1/4 second lag on my end. Makes a lot of moves unpunishable. Debating if it's on my end or what.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Seems they payed particular attention to inputs. I noticed this specifically because when a family member starts downloading or watching youtube I instantly notice a substantial input delay kick in. Now, even though the game gets choppy, the inputs are still excepted well. So when this occured in one of my matches I was still able to finish a Kula combo for the win.

Also, a message now pops up telling you when new colors have been unlocked.

Seems bars are calculated differently for sure, one guy I played a few times with before used to have 2 or 3 bars but this time it was 4 bars every time.

And due to the new filter yesterday was the first time I played ranked since a couple matches on day of release and I think I had more "lost connection with opponent" instances occur during those few hours than all my time playing till now. Definitely seem to be intentional quits since its before losses. Against one guy it lost connect before I did the finishing blow. He then rejoins my game again and again it disconnects right before the finishing blow. He kept doing this in hopes of winning I guess.

And the load times have been improved but they were solid before so I don't know if it worth the annoying stutter on the order select screen.


I got in about 3 matches last night, 1 green and 2 blue. The green match was pretty laggy for some reason, but the blue matches were flawless. Hopefully it gets better from here.


Quote from: nilcam on February 01, 2012, 04:54:51 PM
Yup, Desmond, I had about half-a-second or so of lag. Enough that even blocking was spotty.

I plan to do the full out reset today - reinstalling the game, resetting my modem and router.

I think just doing the latter would do just fine.


Quote from: sociald on February 01, 2012, 01:36:24 PM
Quote from: Xxenace on February 01, 2012, 01:29:43 PM
Quote from: sociald on February 01, 2012, 01:25:34 PM
so it seems patch is on just in the usa ? i plaied last nite (around late afternoon time in usa ) and what i noticed is just less ppl available in player match. connection was still the same shit , i didnt noticed any parameters of search or preferences memorized (of course cause i didnt get the patch yet ) so i think im in the box of ppl without patch and i see less players available for this ?

for those who have the patch : when launching the game u received a message saying there was an upgrade for the game or u have to look for the  patch in the marketplace ?
it should ask you if you want to install the patch before you start playing the game it wouldn't be in the marketplace unless it was some type of dlc im guessing if you haven't got it yet it might not be up in your area

fock !! :(

@ M4zinkaiser : did u get the install message of the patch yet ?

nope :\ still waiting


Quote from: Terrastorm on February 01, 2012, 08:13:44 PM
Quote from: nilcam on February 01, 2012, 04:54:51 PM
Yup, Desmond, I had about half-a-second or so of lag. Enough that even blocking was spotty.

I plan to do the full out reset today - reinstalling the game, resetting my modem and router.

I think just doing the latter would do just fine.

Nope! I learned a valuable lesson from Breaking Bad: No half measures!


You reminded me of DAT ending of the "Half Measures" episode.


Played for about two hours some thoughts:

Played Eltro and KimKaphan for a bit. Connections felt about the same, but Kim's felt like it lagged a little during the first set, I don't know if it got better or I just adjusted.

New bug, please tell me I'm not the only one it affects: The game will freeze at the 'obtaining player information' screen. It will happen randomly and you have to exit out of everything every time. WTF?

Thoughts about online: It's almost exactly the same but slightly better. The player sync box doesn't appear nearly as often, and luckily it will kick people from your room who don't match your bars. Which is nice because there's been more than a few times where some red ping retard constantly enters my room and trolls.

Mashing backdash on wakeup is a lifesaver. It's scrubby as hell to do, but it's way better option than trying to do a move on wakeup -even it's a good move that should absolutely not be interrupted by normals- and it fails and huge damage is done.

There might be a bug with Hwa's Drunken state. When I was playing Eltro I got drunk (boy I love saying that) and did D SRK when he was in the air, it landed, then I did B Dragon Tail which is an easy cancel and for some reason the B Dragon Tail came out but didn't hit him and I was free as a result.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


plaied in player match and i saw something i never saw before
his chess piece changed in vertical colored lines with the write image in the middle and in the part showing the score between me and him he had random numbers like win : 78650126502605561923695 lost: 462956254125628551 changing everytime i dont know if this is the reset score affecting the ps3 players u were talking about. first time on xbox



The experience has been very positive for me thus far, tried it in the morning and struck 4 bars right away. It felt pretty much offline good.

Quote from: LouisCipher on February 02, 2012, 07:24:23 AM
New bug, please tell me I'm not the only one it affects: The game will freeze at the 'obtaining player information' screen. It will happen randomly and you have to exit out of everything every time. WTF?

Its not a new bug, happened to me lots before. You can wait it out but it can take a while (will eventually tell you that the connection has been lost with the opponent).

Mr Bakaboy

Played matches. Almost positive it's a GGPO formula. Feels exactly like SF 3SOE. Personally I'm pissed cause I hate the feel of GGPO w/ the fire of a thousand suns but sure others will be happy.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


GGs to Mr Bakaboy this morning!  The connection was good considering how far it is from CT to STL.  It was a four bar connection, and there were small input lags, but overall it was playable.  I doubt it's ggpo though, since I never saw any rollbacks during the games.