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KOF XIII 6th General Thread: Console Released edition

Started by Kane317, November 22, 2011, 12:38:15 PM

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I understand the cautioness of playing against clark, I play him on point myself but  I play  the exact oppisite against him.  Im in that grill  all 60 secs, forcing errors and bating whiff sab.  Clark can be rushed down if you know what you want to look for.  Imo    it works for me at least

Homies Over Shotos

I see lag fireballs as annoying.  I also see people who use nothing but fireball users as the lag team.  Where fireballs are rewarded in a laggy enviorement

L...A...G Surfin' (The Laggers Anthem)


That was perfect timing. I just posted that everywhere.


Yeah, today I've had pretty much the worst experience I've had with this shit netcode, and it was on 3 bars lol.  It was 02UM level, yes, that fucking horrid. 

I'm not even gonna bother playing this online when the patch comes around.  Fuck this online, and fuck SNKP for even letting the game come out with this horrid netcode.  I'd rather the game come with no online play at all, at least then they can be honest about how little effort they put into this.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


On the flip side, I played a 15 game set last night that was as smooth as offline and it was 3 bars. Inconsistency at its finest!

Also, fireballs are an important tool for many situations.

Running Wild

Quote from: LouisCipher on December 23, 2011, 07:52:07 AM
You're right. If I were to make a fighter (A hybrid of 3rd Strike and Last Blade) I would not have any projectiles. I am dead serious.

You know what, if I made a fighter, it would not have any projectiles either.

It would be like a hybrid of Garou:MOTW and Virtua Fighter.

And some Real Bout 2.

Homies Over Shotos

I played a green match that felt like complete shit, then a red match that felt like a green match.  It makes me wonder how do they actually appraise this shit?

Controller is broken now.  KOF broke my controller!


I don't see a thread on team order unless I missed it, so I'm going to talk about my team order.

I just don't like Terry on first but I got this strong feeling to use Goro. so I used him online a few times and got destroyed. I pick him again and just mess around and holy shit he can do 800 damage with 3 bars and it's easy as fuck to do but ya' know, I like his normals, and he fits my team's theme of characters that nullify fireball spam. Billy is pure rushdown and his EX Staff goes right through projectiles, nuff said about Clark, and now Goro with his full screen Jiraishin certainly makes one think twice about running away with projectiles.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


For some reason every match except for 2 or 3 I had online in this game has some type of random lag for me, and it usually comes at the worst times.

Also I think a 2D fighter without projectiles is madness.
I play fighting games much more than I train in real life, yet i'm still a better fighter in real life, guess I can't complain though.

Mr Bakaboy

Terry can be a 1st for me, but it depends on how I need to use him. If I'm going on the offensive, he has enough speed in his attacks to pressure w/o using bar. However his defense is much more damaging if you have bar with the ex rising tackle does either massive damage or at least puts fear in the opponent to do jump ins. Also the ex crack shoot is a good way to get in on players when the match slows down and neither player wants to give an inch.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: LouisCipher on December 23, 2011, 07:52:07 AM
You're right. If I were to make a fighter (A hybrid of 3rd Strike and Last Blade) I would not have any projectiles. I am dead serious.
Quote from: Running Wild on December 24, 2011, 06:29:11 AM
You know what, if I made a fighter, it would not have any projectiles either.

i remember when i used to hate zoners. that's when i started fighters. then i realized zoning completes 2d fighters and that projectiles often do very interesting things that would never be in fighting games without them.(although, moreso in "airdashers")
If you live around Dallas and play KOF, AH3, BB, GG, or MB, PM me~


I hope snk includes a rematch option after match online with their patch.


This is really nitpicky, but I wonder if some of you guys feel the same way. Keep in mind that I fucking love the game but a few little things annoy me:

Comboing into Grabs: I understand there's links but why even have links? Know what I mean? Why is it super easy for Clark and Goro to combo into stLK, but once you do crLK you have to delay the grab a little bit in order to combo. I just don't get the philosophy behind it and the older KOF's (Unless I'm totally mistaken and if so I will humbly eat my words) didn't have links like that.

Alt guard: I hate it. I know it was in the other games but it sucks. I just think of it as counter productive to strategy. If you're on the ground you should not be safe from grabs unless you hit them out or out of range. Thank god for Guard Break.

Activating Hyper Drive: I honestly think Hyper Drive should've been it's own button. Similar to Neo Max and XI. It's not a huge problem and accidentally activating it but still.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


 I agreed with LouisCipher on the Alternative Guard and BC for Hyper Drive. I have a huge problem with ASH A>B>C>D and by mistake I activate HD mode.

Quote from: a11111357 on December 26, 2011, 06:52:08 AM
ags2011 kof13 tournament

Wow that stage looks awesome. BTW, shouldn't this be on the Video Thread?