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KOF XIII 6th General Thread: Console Released edition

Started by Kane317, November 22, 2011, 12:38:15 PM

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I was wondering the same exact thing. Proper match filtering by itself would be huge, but hopefully there will be other tweaks for better connectivity overall.

nilcam, I'll hope for the same while trying to expect the above :)


I disagree.  I think that the fact that they only even addressed the matchmaking issues gives me very little hope, and it was little to begin with.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


If that's the case, peeps will have very few matches to choose from.


I like what I've heard so far, but that's not enough. It's very important that they actually try to improve the netcode instead of just improving network options.


well i guess i should be glad that they give us the option to kick 1 bars out now of course im hoping that the put in some work with the netcode id be more optimistic about that but optimism annoys me and the whole fool me once, fool me twice deal comes into play now


Well it's nice, but lets be honest, who gives a rat's ass about Ranked anyway?  I was staying out of it even before I found out about the crappy matchmaking on it.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Talking about being able to find true 3bar~4bar connections and hanging out in your own room for hours.


I kinda wish they added some Display options, like HUD movement, contrast, brightness, screen size, etc. The TV I'm playing cuts some parts in the border and that is kinda annoying. =/


I'd like to be able set HUD position.

Adding on, I would really like savable default settings for practice mode.


Quote from: BioBooster on December 20, 2011, 07:27:03 AM
I'd like to be able set HUD position.

Adding on, I would really like savable default settings for practice mode.

Good one, forgot about it. But yeah, having the settings in Practice mode save should save us the annoyance to change the settings each time. I mean, I can do it fast, but is nice to have it saved.


Quote from: DarKaoZ on December 20, 2011, 07:57:16 AM
Quote from: BioBooster on December 20, 2011, 07:27:03 AM
I'd like to be able set HUD position.

Adding on, I would really like savable default settings for practice mode.

Good one, forgot about it. But yeah, having the settings in Practice mode save should save us the annoyance to change the settings each time. I mean, I can do it fast, but is nice to have it saved.

Totally, feel your pain man. I have had that thought each and every time I do it - sounds like something that should be fairly easy to implement via a patch. Heh, have gotten fast at it too.
Another while-we're-at-it, but would be nice if we got the button config along the lines of how everyone wanted it. Push button to set button, but have the current functionality available as well where you can move left or right if you want to assign buttons to no action, or set button combos, etc.


^ It would be awesome to have the "press button" configuration, but if they didn't add it after hearing all the fans request. I doubt they would add that after a patch, maybe in the next game. But as everybody here, I wish it was implemented already.

Meanwhile we are at this wishlisting patch conversation... I wish they allow us to enter the "button config" option in characters select by pressing "START". For what I notice, START doesn't do anything in the character select and as for now, you can only go to the "Button config" by pressing O/B before picking the 3rd character. You can press O/B even if you selected the first or the 2nd character and still access it, but I find START a better button to use.

BTW, why the heck I can't custom color FOXY and DIANA? =(

Nikolai VolKOF

Quote from: BioBooster on December 20, 2011, 07:17:32 AM
Talking about being able to find true 3bar~4bar connections and hanging out in your own room for hours.

:( for real


Quote from: DarKaoZ on December 20, 2011, 09:13:17 AM
^ It would be awesome to have the "press button" configuration, but if they didn't add it after hearing all the fans request. I doubt they would add that after a patch, maybe in the next game. But as everybody here, I wish it was implemented already.

i think the way button config works now is fine, press button config is a lil easier but the difference is minimal and not even worth complaining bout.

the horseshit they call netcode, hud options etc need bigger improvements and way more urgently.
In the end, there can only be XIII.


Still mo sweet Chariots, keep on swingin'!

Homies Over Shotos

I have a feeling they're actually tweaking the netcode.  In all honesty, if the patch did just what they said it did, would it not be a lot quicker and a lot easier to just put that in rather then have an unknown date for something that should feasibly be a quick patch?

I have a hunch that they're actually doing some tweaking and fixing on the netcdoe and they aren't confident enough to tell us about it.  But then again, it's SNK so who really knows.  The one guy who's making this patch is probably doing it in his spare time between making athenas legs chubbier, making Yuri have bigger meat buns and deleting e-mail requests for Yamazaki as DLC.