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KOF XIII 6th General Thread: Console Released edition

Started by Kane317, November 22, 2011, 12:38:15 PM

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Quote from: Xxenace on January 01, 2012, 10:17:31 AM
i live in a pretty small-ish town and the the most where most of the people just play call of duty  or other various shooters if i had to take a guess at what fighting games were played around here it would be either mk or mvc

and let me explain my situation to you since you dont seem to understand where im coming from. i have very little time, patience or money among other things that aren't gonna be explained here, as much as i would love to drive about to play games with other people i just cant which is why i absolutely rely on the online part being at least decent.

and yes i did bit of offense at your comment it bugs the fuck out of me when people who have a offline group of people make it seem like its so fuckin easy to find one, it also bugs me how they just blow off the online part just because they dont give a shit about it then proceed to bitch and moan when other people wont play the game

I think you need to reread my posts, I'm not blowing off the importance of online play at all, but it's just a fact that KOF's is virtually unplayable.  I would love for it to have a functioning online play so I could get some practice in between local sessions but it's not possible. 

Does everyone on this forum take differing ideas or opinions as a personal attack?  It's very frustrating for a new poster to try and express thoughts when people put words in my mouth (strawman) and throw a hissy fit about things I never said nor insinuated. 


Look this site is dedicated to a game that doesn't get that much love compare to other fighters. I'm pretty sure the guys that took offense to what you said heard the same thing before you. I know you didn't mean it as an insult but see it in their perspective for a bit. They want the game to blow up, but some doesn't even have a local fighting game scene let alone a KOF scene. They need the online portion to even compete. Offline and online are both very important to the scene. For some it's a necessity. Don't let the argument discourage you from posting your thought as long as it's not a flame bait or troll.
Main team: K, Kyo, Iori(claw)
Secondary team: Ash, Robert, Shen
Third team: Ryo, EX Kyo, EX Iori (my 98 team)

Mr Bakaboy

I also think there is a problem with different opinions on the netcode. If you have a slower netspeed then you are probably going to have a hard time getting a decent match in. However people who have a better net connection are getting games in that are quite good.

It gets tiring to hear this is shit and everyone should drop this game cause it's shitty netcode. I understand the complaints to some degree, but for people who lived in the arcade generation, it's not like you could show up at any old time and the place would be jumpn. Sometimes you could get a match. Sometimes you don't especially if your game is not the popular one.

If you do strggle to find a decent match bug the people who you have a decent match to be on your friends list. I struggled through the xbox 180 years doing the same thing and having crappy internet so my options were limited, but it nice to have at least some options.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


I wouldn't drop the game over bad netcode. Luckily I know some people in relatively close by but still. It's not the worst netcode known to man and if you find a few good connections it's pretty manageable.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I don't see why these companies refuse to use a GGPO style of netcode.  There's no excuse for the netcode to be this unplayable when the technology is out there to reduce input delay to virtually nothing.


Would have been great if atlus could get what the guys at arc system works used on blazblue for their netcode seeing as how atlus is chummy with them recently with the upcoming release of the persona fighting game, but then again SNK probably too stubborn with Game sync software since i heard snk owns a part of them.


Quote from: oricon on January 02, 2012, 05:15:01 AM
Would have been great if atlus could get what the guys at arc system works used on blazblue for their netcode seeing as how atlus is chummy with them recently with the upcoming release of the persona fighting game, but then again SNK probably too stubborn with Game sync software since i heard snk owns a part of them.

That's a bit of a maybe to me if that was ever possible. I could expect excellent netcode from ArcSys if XIII was constructed or played similar to BB. I do wonder if that 5 frame delay they used for BB would've helped. But since the current netcode has been proven to work under some circumstances now, hope one or a few attempts will make it decent for most.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Quote from: Tanner on January 02, 2012, 05:03:20 AM
I don't see why these companies refuse to use a GGPO style of netcode.  There's no excuse for the netcode to be this unplayable when the technology is out there to reduce input delay to virtually nothing.

Third Strike online uses GGPO and Honestly I could say that the netcode is worse than the one used in XIII, at least from my experience

People should realize that netcodes are not some sort of magic device that will run everything fine, the netcode used to run 95 on psn will not necessarily run well in XIII, and so and on, even from experience, the only flawless netcode is the one used in BB, and still I'm sure that is not as perfect as how some people could describe, at least from a more hardcore perspective, at least I thought that a yellow bar connection  in SF IV was good, but after a while learning better the game I realized that there was a semi notorious lag

At least, SF IV and BB netcodes are miles better than XIII, which IMO really sucks, and still don't know how much the update could help, at least I think that the game should be playable in yellow bars when the not so hardcore players don't realize that there is some flaws, but at least for KOF I don't think that there will never be a netcode that could handle well the most complicated stuff (98 runs fine for me, 2002 in ggpo runs good as well, but not exactly perfect) at least I think that is bad to follow a game for his netcode since never will give the full experience, but still understand that at this age is necesary to give a large life span to some of the players with no access to other guys, but it will not help to gro a wcommunity necesarily (BB netcode is flawless but the game is not at full power at this moment, MVC3 netcode completely sucks but the game is doing well community wise)

Waifu Material


Well, GGPO was used for 3SOE but until Skull Girls comes out it has to be assumed that 3SOE was programmed by trained monkeys in a room.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: LouisCipher on January 02, 2012, 07:04:56 AM
Well, GGPO was used for 3SOE but until Skull Girls comes out it has to be assumed that 3SOE was programmed by trained monkeys in a room.

And if Skullgirls netcode goes down...well we're all screwed.

But the thing is, about all netcodes.  The affects of delay or rollbacks become more drastic the better at the game you become.  When you're bad at the game, you won't notice it a lot or at all unless it's REALLY bad (my friend who doesn't really do FGs could feel the delay on Release MK9).  As you get better, and your timing improves and you use more advanced tactics, the delay or rollbacks become more and more apparent.

So maybe...we're asking the wrong questions.  Maybe we should find out exactly how far low players can feel the lag.  To try and word it better, let's see if we can find the consistent level between players good enough to be truly affected by lag, and those who don't really notice it as much. 

For this, we'd have to purposely avoid 4 Bar matches.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


We can only hope that the netcode patch will be the holy grail. I need match up experience and my scene is not providing it atm. I'm afraid in going to a local and get dominated by Chin and Elizabeth. Also playing Raynald's Saiki made me realize how scary that character can be.
Main team: K, Kyo, Iori(claw)
Secondary team: Ash, Robert, Shen
Third team: Ryo, EX Kyo, EX Iori (my 98 team)


Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Yeah during NEC, I was like who is this guy destroying me. Had to ask his name. Ocved me with Saiki like 3 time  :(
Main team: K, Kyo, Iori(claw)
Secondary team: Ash, Robert, Shen
Third team: Ryo, EX Kyo, EX Iori (my 98 team)


I played Reynald...and I don't think I got OCV'd by Saiki...thankfully I had my own that at least got me to his second character.

Didn't even notice it was Reynald until he got to my second character so easily and I turned and looked. 
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Proto Cloud

Quote from: Tanner on January 01, 2012, 07:50:44 PM
I think you need to reread my posts, I'm not blowing off the importance of online play at all, but it's just a fact that KOF's is virtually unplayable.  I would love for it to have a functioning online play so I could get some practice in between local sessions but it's not possible. 

Does everyone on this forum take differing ideas or opinions as a personal attack?  It's very frustrating for a new poster to try and express thoughts when people put words in my mouth (strawman) and throw a hissy fit about things I never said nor insinuated. 

You called the person in question a baby and continued to insult him for little to no reason at all. That's not exactly a good way to get someone on your side.

I just wish everyone would stop playing shooters, period. It's getting real boring lately.