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Restructuring the KOFXIII sections

Started by nilcam, November 30, 2011, 11:59:31 PM

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Do you prefer character subforums?

Yes (see details in the post)
22 (75.9%)
No, I prefer the character section the way it is
7 (24.1%)

Total Members Voted: 29

Voting closed: December 02, 2011, 11:59:44 PM


As we rework the wiki, we started brainstorming the challenge of character threads and the changes between the arcade and console versions. We contemplated archiving the current threads into an Arcade Archive and then creating new, more uniform character threads. We also thought about creating character subforums, each containing an arcade archive thread, a console thread and a wiki thread which would only be available to community members. After debating for a few days, we decided to ask the community: Do you want character subforums?


Quote from: nilcam on November 30, 2011, 11:59:31 PM
character subforums, each containing an arcade archive thread, a console thread and a wiki thread

Yes, now with console release the content are flowing :D just a thread isn't enough xD


I would want Character Subforums...if this place were actually a lot more active.  As it stands now, only a few characters even have that much activity to warrant a subforum.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


^--My thoughts exactly, for some reason i got the feeling that lately (like after the release of KOF XIII) the forums are geting less active. Weird thing since i expected everybody comming here to talk about XIII. Or maybe it's just me.


Quote from: Delta on December 01, 2011, 12:40:32 AM
^--My thoughts exactly, for some reason i got the feeling that lately (like after the release of KOF XIII) the forums are geting less active. Weird thing since i expected everybody comming here to talk about XIII. Or maybe it's just me.

I think it's because everyone is busy playing lol.  We're definitely getting an influx of new members.  Every time I want to work on the wiki the game keeps drawing me back in for, urm, "research" so I don't get much work done :)


Well lucky them.  Now a days I can't get a decent match to save my life.  Either the connection really sucks, my opponent does, or no one joins my room at all.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


This is really helpful especially for people like me who transit from previous series and only play the console version.


I play loads of online matches (VS Randoms in Ranked). Many very different experiences, but a majority very playable. About the same pains I had playing UMVC3 earlier this month, really. It's really hard to 100% trust the numbers, as some 2's play better than 3s, and some 1's feel more like solid 2s.

Anywho, I personally like having each character accessable from just a link click away. The most relevant, recent info is a click away, and I personally prefer this than having to click 2 or 3 pages in, just to reach a characters info.

However, I can see how breaking everything up makes it easier to see exactly what you want, if you're new. A lot of the basic info for a character is harder to find when everything is simply "recent info".

Would it be possible to put a direct link to the characters wikipage as a link in their forum section, or as a "sublink" under their forum section? I think it'd help increase the Wiki's relevance to "ground floor" info lookup.

Or maybe even just make it "Team Specific" Forums, with each set of 3 having all their relevant links (Basic / Misc info, Videos, and general discussion) all on one page, clickable from there? That's how character I broken up on character select screen, so it'd be nice to have the parallel, and would still make them easier to organize.

So I'd say something like this:

KoF XIII Character / Gameplay Discussion: [Index Page Link]
Team K' [second page, each team is listed on this 2nd page. Subform links direct to each character under each team from here would also be very good.]
[Info contained on 3rd page.]
>>>> Basic Info / Wiki Link
>>>> Videos
>>>> Discussion
>>>> Basic Info / Wiki Link
>>>> Videos
>>>> Discussion
>>>> Basic Info / Wiki Link
>>>> Videos
>>>> Discussion

KoF is primarily a team-based game, so having the forums set up in a way that keeps this idea in mind, would fit with the game well. It's not just about learning 1 character, it's about learning how to put 3 together, in a way that fits you.

So yeah... do with this idea as you will :)


there is another point to keep in mind, the forum restructuration in that way... are going to talking about only the console version (generic 1.2) ? or keep the old discussion merged with the arcade still at 1.1 (and actually no plane to update, if i understood) just to avoid confusion :)


I feel there are a couple problems with having character subforums:

1) Lack of activity - As it is, some of the character threads barely get used. Having a ghost town of a subforum would be discouraging

2) What new can be said on the forums that isn't covered in the wiki? Like, very specific matchup information and specific corner cases can be discussed, but almost all useful info is already in the wiki.

That's just my 2 cents. Feel free to disregard since I am new here. lol.


I think the character subforums are fine.

You also did a nice job in reorganizing the subforums again. However, I don't think the "Other Fighting Games" forum should be called that. After all, under "SNK Games", we discuss more than just fighting games.

Sorry if I seem like I'm nitpicking (because I am =P). Last thing I want to do is give you more work.


I think we'll let that particular Pandora's Box stay closed...


I'd want character subsections it will make it easier finding information that you need instead of flicking through one thread looking for info you want.
