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Netcode testing

Started by nilcam, December 01, 2011, 07:05:57 AM

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Mr Bakaboy

Quote from: KBlackNoah on December 04, 2011, 04:33:11 AM
Quote from: nilcam on December 04, 2011, 03:31:17 AM
How would one measure the ping between 2 console players when the game only provides bar ratings?

pablofsi is worse than a troll.Stop telling everybody it's their fault this netcode is shit.Me and a lot of people have A wired internet and we get nothing close to playable.Please put some videos of you playing this online and do some decent hd combos.Netcode is unstable and fucked up - FACT.

I have very good experience with BBCT/CS, AH3, UMVC3, SSF4.End of discussion.

Technically you could get the ping between the two people if you visited an older xbox arcade title like 98um then go to xiii after getting the ping. I thought about asking fellow DCers but figured it would be too big of a pain in the rear.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


After playing the online tournament, I feel very pessimistic about this game surviving in the USA because of its netcode. I feel that a patch might help a little but it won't save a lot of its current troubles, kinda like what happened to KOFXII. The patch helped the game look smoother but had massive input lag. The only thing the patch might do is what happened to KOF2002UM, just change the connection meters...I think the GSS code can't properly handle this game as appropriately as it can without the super noticeable input delay. I really don't know what to say. I really like playing this game, but it sucks that we have been duped again with the so-so netcode performance.
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on December 04, 2011, 06:25:02 AM
After playing the online tournament, I feel very pessimistic about this game surviving in the USA because of its netcode. I feel that a patch might help a little but it won't save a lot of its current troubles, kinda like what happened to KOFXII. The patch helped the game look smoother but had massive input lag. The only thing the patch might do is what happened to KOF2002UM, just change the connection meters...I think the GSS code can't properly handle this game as appropriately as it can without the super noticeable input delay. I really don't know what to say. I really like playing this game, but it sucks that we have been duped again with the so-so netcode performance.
well lets hope SNK can finally get their shit together and fix it a lot of people are keeping their eyes on it and KoF fans everywhere are doing all they can to help this game be a little bit popular it be a damn shame to see all this work go to waste because SNK cant find a stable netcode


GG's to Nilcam. It felt pretty good, it started lagging (not as bad as other guys I've played though) in our 3rd set of matches, but after that it was fine. I could get out moves on wakeup, do my combos, etc.


Love that moment where you did Kyo's Super on wakeup and my B Sab didn't absorb it. I was curious if it would absorb supers, so now I know.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Quote from: Desmond Delaghetto on December 04, 2011, 06:25:02 AM
After playing the online tournament, I feel very pessimistic about this game surviving in the USA because of its netcode. I feel that a patch might help a little but it won't save a lot of its current troubles, kinda like what happened to KOFXII. The patch helped the game look smoother but had massive input lag. The only thing the patch might do is what happened to KOF2002UM, just change the connection meters...I think the GSS code can't properly handle this game as appropriately as it can without the super noticeable input delay. I really don't know what to say. I really like playing this game, but it sucks that we have been duped again with the so-so netcode performance.

I have a hypothesis here: That SNKP is waiting maybe a month or two after release to patch it out and release Mr. Karate and EX Kyo to drive interest again.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.

Mr Bakaboy

I don't want to speak out of turn, but we all, as a community, decided that the netcode has issues and needs to be fixed. Nilcam took it upon himself to write the letter and try to contact Atlus to get things done. Atlus contacted him back and asked hom for info about what we see and don't like. In doing this it put nilcam's and DC's rep on the line to do something.

When we sit there is the room he constructed for this purpose and say the netcode is garbage makes us look like a bunch of idiots. It would be like going to your boss ad saying you don't like someone. Why? Is he name calling? Not doing his job? Does he give the stink eye? Just saying I don't like something doesn't give much input.

If anything I am annoyed at Atlus cause we have no idea what they want. When I am writing things down, I am flying blind here. I appreciate all the input I have got so far in what I am doing. I appreciate Steam mentioning slowdown. Personsonally I think we all should all have a system so everyone can report the same stuff. Personally I want to play more DCers to get an idea if what my experience is and what I am writing down is what you are seeing as well. If not then what is the difference.

Please if possible try to look at this like a job. Instead of being pissed cause your game has issues be objective and try to narrow down what makes this game unplayable in your eyes.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


My problems in a nutshell:

Matchmaking: Hard to find Green connections, and the bars can be deceptive. Nilcam was a Yellow connection, we played coast to coast, and for me it felt like a Green connection. And sometimes you play dudes who are Green or Yellow and it feels like Red.

More search options: If you go into a Ranked match there is no option to specifically find Green connections, or search by location. If we could see the countries of people online, this would help immensely.

Delay online: If they could adjust the delay, in any way, shape or form, this would help.

I don't have a problem with constant synchronization messages as you get a match going. I'd much rather wait before the match than have the game randomly freeze.

I haven't experienced that Desync issue I described in quite a while now.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Well so far 3 bar matches are good...although the other guys connection dropped twice...as far as in game goes it was smooth, he pulled off some really good combos with Kula, Iori, and Terry. minus the dropped room it was good.

1 bar was playable but noticable lag

2 bar...had sync issues after 1st round and dropped. weird...the 1 bar seemed better.


Quote from: Kusanagi-Style on December 04, 2011, 04:46:21 AM

Hey, you're really close to me. Make sure to add me on PSN cause we can probably play together and see if we can get a 4 bar connection going. I'm in Lake City, so I'm like an hour if not less away from you. If you're actually in jville. Even still, I'd like to test same-state connections.


@Mr Bakaboy

This is not a random problem.Atlus and playmore knew very well what kind of netcode they put out but still decided to go with it.Competitive Games (fps, fighting, rts ...etc) today weight heavily on online multiplayer.If in 2012 you  can't provide it you have a huge problem.Personally i do not want to see another kof from playmore if they can't provide a good netcode + i won't ever buy anything from both companies unless it's a used game.I spent ~ 150$ on the us and jap copies ... last time i make that mistake for sure.I am not bitching - i want what i paid for (they promised better than ssf4 netcode).. and for sure i wouldn t have spent 150$ for a game with no online ... which this practically is.

Mr Bakaboy

^ This particular thread isn't a conversation thread. It's supposed to document your experience to give them data. If you want to complain there are multiple threads to complain on. If you don't want to do what nilcam asked to do at the beginning of the thread hit up the others to complain. That's the whole point of the post.
Say it with me now: "Variable input lag BAAAAAAD!!!"


Quote from: steamwolf on December 04, 2011, 11:09:27 AM
Quote from: Kusanagi-Style on December 04, 2011, 04:46:21 AM

Hey, you're really close to me. Make sure to add me on PSN cause we can probably play together and see if we can get a 4 bar connection going. I'm in Lake City, so I'm like an hour if not less away from you. If you're actually in jville. Even still, I'd like to test same-state connections.

Ping each other first through pc and use that to post your ping time in relation to him along with the rest.


Quote from: Mr Bakaboy on December 04, 2011, 03:03:59 PM
^ This particular thread isn't a conversation thread. It's supposed to document your experience to give them data. If you want to complain there are multiple threads to complain on. If you don't want to do what nilcam asked to do at the beginning of the thread hit up the others to complain. That's the whole point of the post.

You should have done the same wise guy...i just replied to your post.Sorry for the mess ... post can be removed to the specific thread.


Quote from: steamwolf on December 04, 2011, 11:09:27 AM
Quote from: Kusanagi-Style on December 04, 2011, 04:46:21 AM

Hey, you're really close to me. Make sure to add me on PSN cause we can probably play together and see if we can get a 4 bar connection going. I'm in Lake City, so I'm like an hour if not less away from you. If you're actually in jville. Even still, I'd like to test same-state connections.
I live in Oregon, I was just doing a ping test from portland to florida.
KOF XIII: Iori/King/Yuri



my skype is running might be why my upload is so low  :(

Anyway i'll b down to test some more today

(Please avoid double or triple posting. - Rex)