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The Official What's Streaming Now Thread

Started by Kane317, December 03, 2011, 04:49:56 AM

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Hyun Sai

Who was this player Reynald just double OCVed with Mr Karate and Andy ?


I think that was koogletranslator from cafeid.

Hyun Sai

Ok, I was not sure if the name was correct... ^^

We had a glimpse of Kaoru's Raiden, this will be interesting...


Taiwan's Yao Ren is no joke, his Karate and Mature were pretty damn solid. Took out DJ Houshin rather easily.

Kaoru is so freaking good, that defence.


Was a little heartbraking to see Kane(BlueRiver) lose to ChrisKOF; was hoping his awesome Vice would prevail.

Dakou took Sparkster a lot easier than I expected him too. Though his Kim would be a little more optimal than that, but EX Iori did most of the leg work.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


Nice Ash OCV by mr KoF =]

Edit: make that 2, with a neo max troll finish and ball bounciness for good measure...
KoF XIII... Needs more Angel, Vanessa and Blue Mary! ^^

Rex Dart

Highlights for me (thus far):

1. Pikachu's double Leona OCV
2. Mr. KOF's double Ash OCV
3. BBZ's and Haitani's (sp?) Goro mirror match
4. Mago vs. Poongko

Maybe I'll update this later.


Heya :) i know it's a little ridicolus with EVO right now... but we in Italy hold a tourney (with stream) right now... so if you intereset here is it the link!



Thanks for posting, shall catch the archive!




They're either still streaming, or started streaming again.  http://www.twitch.tv/cafeid