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Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:27:15 AM

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Quote from: Tyrant292 on July 28, 2012, 09:17:53 PM

Guys I am having trouble in executing the c dp into qcf c HD combo. Previously I was doing the qcf c, qcf a, qcf c  hcb a, qcf a etc; I can execute this easily but he's my point character and I need the damage.

Any tips?

Don't you just tap P again?  So in HD it's: (dp C, P) xn.  I'll test it later.


yeah you just tap P (C) but still I get a DP for the second cancel.


There is a shortcut for it (like everything else in this game hehe)

Do f,n,d,df,F+C~C and youll get dp into rekka ^^

Here is a nice HD aswell, not too hard and good damage/works fullscreen

st.C, df.D, B+C, st.D x qcf.C [HDC dp.C HDC qcf.C] x2, HDC dp.C HDC qcf.D~D, qcf.C, dp.C HDC qcf qcf.BD

EDIT: wow i need to update this page more often hehe. You have to go all the way to forward when you do the dp, and then hold F to get the rekka IIRC


Thanks Bopper I'll try it out and get back to you. I was doing the same thing but I didnt get the F+C; what I did was f, d,qcf c~c

EDIT: I tried it and still I have the same problem. When I cancel the second DP into rekka, the rekka doesn't come out he just DP's. The first cancel (DP into rekka) goes smoothly. Maybe I can record it and post it tomorrow and see if someone could help.


Hold in the second C input.  You'll thank me later.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.



You just made my day.


Ah Sorry with all the shaking and such:

KOF XIII - EX Kyo Basic Corner Combo # 1

Standing C to QCF+D,D *wait* QCF+A to QCF+A to DP+C [Super Cancel] to QCFx2+A

*The timing for second QCF+A to DP is tricky at first but once you figure it out, it's not too bad.

-With no jump does 387
-With hop Jump Down C does 422
-With normal jump C does 444

*Requires 1 Meter & 1 Drive

Credit of this combo goes to 4Leaf & Sanchez

KOF XIII - EX Kyo Basic Corner Combo #2

Standing C to QCF+D,D *wait* QCF+A to QCF+A to QCB+B&D

*First QCF+A must be done a little early to work and QCB+B&D must be input right away after second QCF+A

- With Normal Jump C does 390
- With Jump Down C does 368
- With no jump does 339

*Only requires 1 Meter

Credit of this combo goes to Sanchez

I haven't tested with Orochinagi instead of the QCFx2 super...Hmmmm


Quote from: DJMirror949 on October 14, 2012, 01:52:16 PM
I haven't tested with Orochinagi instead of the QCFx2 super...Hmmmm
Thanks for posting this, very useful since Kyo's corner pressure is probably the best thing about him.  this will be useful for punishing opponents with close C in the corner, usually if they can't handle my safe jumps.

I tested using orochinagi instead of the QCFx2 super, it does slightly less damage (437 to 444 with HP jumpin), but in my opinion is a bit harder to cancel (I can only do it by doing hcb-f-P for the DP and then doing qcf to cancel into orochonagi, which is slightly awkward).  However, if you have two meter, cancelling to EX Orochonagi does 535 (starting of HP jumpin).  That's pretty good damage for 2 meter 1 drive.

Also for the second combo where you end with command grab, you can get 391 damage (with HP jumpin) ending with EX DP.  This is a little easier to land IMO because the timing isn't as strict and gets about the same damage.  It doesn't get a hard knockdown of course, which is very important to get with EX Kyo, but if you're going to kill, I would do this instead as it's easier.


I thought the Orochinagi would be stronger but I guess not. For the second combo, I forgot to test out the safe jump with it.


yeah, I didn't test stringently, but it looked like I could get either the 2 frame safe jump with a hop or the 5 frame safe jump with a super jump


782 for 2 bars with a hard knockdown Can someone tell me how to do the combo at around 7:20 above?  I can't figure out how the launching is happening before the first super.

Sir Octopus (Saiki)

That would be "rekka, rekka into dp in DM" judging from the hight, I would say it's the  ;a version of the dp


Thanks, I will try that out.


A discovery made by AmedoS310:

There's something unique about both Kyos' CD whiff cancels. Thier CD can be buffered in special moves, so that CD comes out first then whiff cancel into moves like qcf+C/AC or hcb+D. The buffer inputs are qcf+CD/ACD and hcb+CD.
"You had guts kid; now clean them up off the pavement"
-Terry Bogard, 1995


There hasn't been a lot of EX Kyo activity lately, so I thought I'd add this video that one of our local fighting game friends found. It's an HD combo video for Kyo for each amount of meter.


In particular, I've been working on using the 2-bar near-corner HD combo which does 792 damage from a st.C. The combo goes:
st.C, df+D (2) [HD], st.C, df+D (1), qcf+A xx qcf+A [HDC] (dp+C [HDC] qcf+C)x2, dp+C [HDC] qcf+A, dp+C [HDC] qcf+C, dp+A [HDC] qcfx2+K.
360: Ryujinflame, playing XIII