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Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:27:15 AM

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EXKyo currently being played either 2nd or anchor. I think hes really solid taking a little more work than XIII Kyo but good nonetheless. His cr.b - st.b chain is really good addition for him. Idk if they fixed the bug from the 360 version dealing with the R.E.D Kick during command grabs. Also his EX-Oniyaki (DP) is really good because it hits on both sides so you can nullify crossups along with it throwing the opponent on the opposite side sometimes when they try to jump to you.

Matt Alder

I haven't actually seen anyone mention what exactly the RED Kick bug is. I've seen it mentioned before, but how do you cause it? I would like to test it on the ps3 version.


You grab EX Kyo on the same frame he leaves the ground with the RED Kick.

Matt Alder

So after playing EX Kyo a fair bit, I've been noticing that his HCB+BD is far stronger than I originally thought. It's 200 damage, hard knockdown, full autoguard and... impossible to punish if done correctly. Basically if you use it at the maximum range it's a completely safe reversal. It beats basically any hyperhops and destroys pokes and any form of footsies... basically it shuts down mid range offense completely.

He's probably the strongest battery in the game, or very close to it, but if you put him on second with some meter he not only has insane offensive ability, but his defense is insane as well.


Yeah, that EX Elbow Rush is damn good.  Makes matchups like Kula a lot easier (you wanna Lay Spin?  Screw you).
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Matt Alder

I'm finding it absurdly useful against Mr. Karate and the other kyokugen characters with close range fireballs for controlling space. If you see Karate winding up for a fireball, you can just give him the EX elbow and teach him not to zone you with invisible fireballs.


I hereby rename the EX Elbow the People's Elbow.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Does any one has the  full list of difference between those kyos??
..i meant about attacks the looks similar
thing the i know  right now
1- st  ;a has better hit box unlike the normal kyo  it's also hit the opp in crouch)
2-st  ;b has a better recovery (try to  mash it  rapidly  and  compare   to the  normal one)
3- EX Dp's has auto guard the normal one has inv
4- His st d has less reach than normal kyo


df.D isn't cancellable at all for EX Kyo (other than HD Mode/Bypass).
f.B can combo off of st.C for EX Kyo unlike Normal.
EX Orochinagi is slower for EX Kyo
EX Kyo doesn't have an Aerial Orochinagi
EX Elbow Rush for EX Kyo is not a Command Grab, however it does 20 more damage, and has Guard Point during active frames.

That's it pretty much for moves they actually share somewhat.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Well I finally got the DP+C [HDC] QCF+C loop down (at least on P1 side, having trouble on the P2 side) and yeah, it is much better.

Hell, just my former st.C, f.B [HD] st.C, f.B xx QCF+C [HD] QCF+A [HD] (QCF+C, HCB+P [HDC] QCF+A) x2 [HDC] QCF+C, HCB+P [HDC] QCFx2+P, did 528 damage.

Now just st.C, f.B [HD] st.C xx (DP+C [HDC] QCF+C) x4 [HDC] DP+C did 539 Damage.

Replace the last DP with Final Showdown and you get 589.  Replace with NeoMax, 719.

So yeah, to my delight and dismay, there's honestly no reason to learn that rekka loop other than to give yourself headaches lol.  Now to work on my damn P2 side execution.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Matt Alder

I generally just do c.C, d/f+D (2 hits), HD activate, c.C, d/f+D (2 hits), qcfx2+A, qcfx2+BD, it's 850-ish damage and even a monkey could get it 100% of the time.


True, but if I don't have 3 meters, I'm gonna need the extra damage.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Hey guys,
I've been messing around with EX Kyo and really like his playstyle!
I like that the cost for his execution is worthwhile when it comes to his many options.

At the moment I'm trying to see if one of these team combinations is efficient:

Point: Yuri
Middle: Ex Kyo
Anchor: Mai


Point: Mai
Middle: Ex Kyo
Anchor: Yuri

If you have any other suggestions, I'm all ears.

Matt Alder

Quote from: Glenburg89 on February 02, 2012, 12:37:32 PM
Hey guys,
I've been messing around with EX Kyo and really like his playstyle!
I like that the cost for his execution is worthwhile when it comes to his many options.

At the moment I'm trying to see if one of these team combinations is efficient:

Point: Yuri
Middle: Ex Kyo
Anchor: Mai


Point: Mai
Middle: Ex Kyo
Anchor: Yuri

If you have any other suggestions, I'm all ears.

I would not put Yuri on point over EX Kyo. He barely gains anything from meter, whereas Yuri gains a ton of new rushdown and combo options with EX and Drive. Honestly I'm thinking EX Kyo is meant to be a battery. I usually spend my first round doing just meterless combos, and then if he wins the first round (and he usually does), I just do an HD combo in round 2 with all of that meter and drive that I've built up. Burn through 2 characters really quickly.

Mai is a solid first, I would have Yuri as 2nd or 3rd in all of those lineups, if you're really set on using EX Kyo second I would put Mai on before him.


Hey Matt,
Thanks for replying to my post and leaving your feedback!

I do agree about Ex Kyo being played first.
He's a solid character and battery to get things started.
I decided to go with:

Ex Kyo/Mai/Yuri

I figure this way Mai has more options available, and Yuri will come in with meter for her HD, EX, and DMs.
Good thing health is universal in this game.lol