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Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 05:27:15 AM

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Shinra Shiranui

EX Kyo's qcf+AC~qcf+A~qcf+P~B/D can wall bounce the opponent on counter hit but only if the B/D(Kick) connects first.

On another note i think i found a combo that best utilize one stock and Drive.

j.2C, j.2C, cl.C, qcf+D~D, qcf+C,(Delay), qcf+A~qcf+A~B/D,(DC), qcf+BD, qcf+C,(Delay), qcf+A~qcf+A~B/D
1Stock and 1Drive
The first juggle with qcf+A's rekka must be done slowly in order for the EX upkicks to hit twice. This combo does very close to half health damage, deals good amount of stun, and can be done midscreen. If you want more damage you can always use his 63214+BD or 214236+A/C after the EX upkicks. Let me know what you guys think.

KOF XIII: EX Kyo,Mai,Saiki


Nice midscreen combo will add that to my inventory :)

Matt Alder

Quote from: Shinra Shiranui on February 10, 2012, 03:44:03 PM
EX Kyo's qcf+AC~qcf+A~qcf+P~B/D can wall bounce the opponent on counter hit but only if the B/D(Kick) connects first.

On another note i think i found a combo that best utilize one stock and Drive.

j.2C, j.2C, cl.C, qcf+D~D, qcf+C,(Delay), qcf+A~qcf+A~B/D,(DC), qcf+BD, qcf+C,(Delay), qcf+A~qcf+A~B/D
1Stock and 1Drive
The first juggle with qcf+A's rekka must be done slowly in order for the EX upkicks to hit twice. This combo does very close to half health damage, deals good amount of stun, and can be done midscreen. If you want more damage you can always use his 63214+BD or 214236+A/C after the EX upkicks. Let me know what you guys think.

That's an interesting combo, I never tried DCing the B/D rekka ender into qcf+BD. Nice find. I guess in the corner the theoretical better damage meterless ender be qcf+A, hcb+A, A? Or does that not work for some reason?


Quote from: Matt Alder on February 11, 2012, 08:00:01 AM

That's an interesting combo, I never tried DCing the B/D rekka ender into qcf+BD. Nice find.

Yea me either until recently when I played someone online that tore me up using that exact combo but extending it longer by doing another qcf+BD after the last part of that combo Shinra shared. Those kicks fly the opponent up really high in the air too for you follow up rather easily...
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."


Actually for that combo you should end with qcf+A, qcb+A, P as it does more damage.

Shinra Shiranui

Quote from: Ash on February 15, 2012, 03:23:11 PM
Actually for that combo you should end with qcf+A, qcb+A, P as it does more damage.

Not to mention a hard knockdown too, thanks for the input.
KOF XIII: EX Kyo,Mai,Saiki


kof 13 ex kyo 807dmg combo

After seeing the answer pull out that combo at UC12 ,I had to try it out, Its not that difficult too.


j.2C, j.2C, cl.C, qcf+D~D, qcf+C,(Delay), qcf+A~qcf+A~B/D,(DC), qcf+BD, qcf+C,(Delay), qcf+A~qcf+A~B/D

how is this combo possible midscreen? I cant get the qcf+A to connect after qcf+C and it doesnt even look like its remotely close to connecting

Matt Alder

Quote from: MysticShadow1453 on February 27, 2012, 06:20:10 AM
j.2C, j.2C, cl.C, qcf+D~D, qcf+C,(Delay), qcf+A~qcf+A~B/D,(DC), qcf+BD, qcf+C,(Delay), qcf+A~qcf+A~B/D

how is this combo possible midscreen? I cant get the qcf+A to connect after qcf+C and it doesnt even look like its remotely close to connecting
Yeah, I was also only able to do this in the corner.


Can someone explain to me how his EX Rekka's work?

It seems to be a hybrid of both his rekkas, but I'm not too sure =/


Simple, his EX Rekkas can be seen as this.

Either the first C Rekka then going into the A Rekka and its chains.

Just the full C Rekka Chain.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Shinra Shiranui

I ran into a tough Robert today and he seemed to beat me at every turn when I used EXkyo. do you guys have any tips on how to deal with him because I can't seem to get in. He expects a R.E.D kick even if I use it out of the blue...
KOF XIII: EX Kyo,Mai,Saiki


If he expects it...stop using the RED Kick.

You just have to be careful with your pressure.  Robert isn't the safest person around, and from what I can glean, I assume he's DPing you on reaction.  Bait a DP, punish him mightily.  Other than that, play patient.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.

Shinra Shiranui

He Rarely used his dp and everytime I got a hard knockdown I would stop and wait for one or something that was unsafe so I could get a hd combo in or simply just punish but no dice.
KOF XIII: EX Kyo,Mai,Saiki


If he's rarely using it, then rush him down relentlessly until he's forced to use it.  Use safe jump setups so it doesn't matter if he uses it or not anyway.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.