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Ryo Sakazaki (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:04:02 AM

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t3h mAsTarOth...!

Oh man that corner one is so flashy and cool...

Picked up something from this beast japanese Ryo... When you are doing hcb.B+D mid-screen and not going for a drive cancel, finish with f~b~f+A... It will plant them in the corner with a hard KD...

Also you can pressure mid-screen with Ryo extremely well with s.C+D, qcf+C... This is a true block string... Can't really be punished due to the pushback... but the best thing about this is on counter hit the string will connect... On top of that you can hit confirm the string into his DM/EX-DM for big damage... iirc about 500 with EX-DM...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


you're talking about Yukichi, right? Yeah. His dominant matches all seem like one long ass pressure string. Watching him also makes me realize how good EX Kouken is, how it leads to huge damage in the corner if you catch the jump. It never seems like there's a bad time to fire one off.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


it official for me ryo iz the second funnest character 2 use... been practicing alot wit his parry but the problem i do have with him iz his hcb D will only hit 1 time but whiff the other hits hon crouching opponents... which really sucks


you really shouldn't be using D Hien like that anyway. I only ever use it in drive or HD combos. It's really slow and leaves you completely vulnerable if it whiffs even partially, which most of the time it will. In general it will get totally stuffed. I use B Hien occasionally to tag far pokes. Kouken should be your standard for hit confirms and general space control.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


all that iz needed iz 1 successful parry then u can tear that azz up....

now that i think about it can he parry a cross up

The Fluke

Found a two bar corner hd combo with Ryo that does 865 damage, pretty neat.

j.D, s.D, f.A, HD, s.D-qcf.A, srk.C-hcb.D, srk.A-hcb.D, srk.C-2xqcf.A+C

I've seen similar posted, but this one seems so effective i thought i'd post it just in case.

Forgot to mention but you can change the ender to just srk.C-qcf.A f,b,f.A for 696 (i think) damage. Fantastic new alternative for me, though i don't know if it will work all too well online hehe.. Nothing wrong with the simple loops though.


KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


You guys think Ryo can win tournaments?


Reynald says yes. The potential is great.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma

t3h mAsTarOth...!

If played properly, Ryo can deal with anyone pretty much... He is not easy to play at high level though... To deal with certain match-ups, your Kohkens have to be timed and placed properly... Obiously normals have to be done right but Ryohas a high pressure game, using normals correctly is extra important... Another important part of his gameplay that is only really used in high level are his parries... They are game changers and at tourney level, if you can't parry right then you loose out right in certain match-ups...

Overall his pressure game is great... Footsie game is really good... Damage isn't high unless he corners you or has some meter to spend... His HD damage is amazing anywhere as long as he 1 meter... With 2-3 meters, he just does too much damage...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


his general game plan especially in the corner lends itself to crushing the guard as well. Hard-hitting blockstrings, counterhit conversions, parry-cancels, overhead mixup---he's an extremely dangerous character.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma

The Fluke

I found a new combo variation for ryo that opens up some new possibilities. srk.A DC qcf.A hcb.D srk.C.

You can either use it from d.B s.A in the corner. d.B s.A srk.A DC qcf.A hcb.D srk.C does 346 damage off of a low for only 1 drive.

Or use it off of a qcf.C in the corner. s.D qcf.C srk.A DC qcf.A hcb.D srk.C does 429 damage yet again, for 1 drive.


Yo, that's really dope man. I think I'll start using that! BALA actually found some combos using the same dp+A (DC) qcf+A string using 1 stock and 1 drive that does a good amount of damage:

Ryo KOF XIII Easy Damage
"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

The Fluke

Nice, i'll go ahead and try those out.



Trying to learn Ryo. Here's some casuals with a few friends who are newer to the game. Matches start at 30 or 40m in, but I get more on point as I warm up and we buckle down and stop chatting as much while playing lol.
(check out the safejump playlist!)