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Takuma Sakazaki (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:06:57 AM

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first off welcome to Dreamcancel!   

To answer your question its much more easier than your making it. Remember when your doing the Ko oh ken (qfc+A orC)  that you've ended the motion in Forward, all you need to do from there is perform another HCF+A   or C or AC for the supercancel to come out.


Hi bzerk. Thanks for the welcome and quick reply.

I tried initally your method but it is for some reason extremely unprecise. When I do the input as you stated it does not do anything (1:1 clean and fast input). If I do it drastically faster and do a at least twice button mash sometimes it does a super cancel. Maybe it is some kind of buffering ?! Also it seems to depend on timing during the qcf+A/C or a certain frame because there is a clear difference between HP and LP.

I use a SFIV Fightstick TE XBOX360 (tried with square gate and octagonal gate, otherwise bat top and TE Kitty Chipset for PS3 compatibility)

I enclosed pictures of the input where the super cancel worked but where a registered double input can be seen.
"LK" marks the beginning of the input. The clean input does NOT work for some reason ( ;dn ;df ;fd ;a ;bk ;db ;dn ;df ;fd ;a).

For example, the super cancel from qcf+A/C to Ryuuko Ranbu is a piece of cake in comparison.

t3h mAsTarOth...!

Uhh qcf+A/C to hcf+A works every time... You just have to do it extremely fast...
KOFXIII - Raiden, Billy, Mai, Karate, Kim, Ralf, Ryo, Robert

SC 1-5 - Astaroth

SaMsTarOth t3h mAsTarOth of AsTarOth...!


Hi. I wouldn't post it as a problem if I really had no idea. Is anyone maybe able to film the input and put it on youtube? (be it a gamepad or a fightstick) Though I am a casual player I consider my execution average and had no problems with other inputs so far. Otherwise I can film it to show that it does not work.


The super cancel window is pretty tight. Like "right as the ko'ohken leaves his hand" tight, if not sooner.


atm i'm on the front page of dream cancel stl bar warz matches. if anybody spots anything i could do differently please feel free to share. constructful criticism is appreciated.
Midwest KoF rep

"No Justice, Just Us"


Thanks to Frionel :

927 with 80% drive and 10% meter anywhere on screen
J C, C, f B, qcf D, cr A [HD], C, f B, db f D, (db f B [!] qc D) x 4, f b f A [!] hcb B, C, f B, db f D, db f B, db f B, DM
Follow me on Twitter for a lot of stuff on KoF XIII :


I love how with Takuma we're getting "fraction of a meter" combos.


@ ocktoberfest-   yeah sorry forget to mention that cancel window on that pretty tight until u get the hang of it, but as others said it has to fast, really fast.

Quote from: KCs NOTORIOUS on January 16, 2012, 01:28:31 AM
atm i'm on the front page of dream cancel stl bar warz matches. if anybody spots anything i could do differently please feel free to share. constructful criticism is appreciated.
good matches man. just my 2 pennys here, I thought there were a lot of points during your match where u could have zoned more. iirc your entire set with sparkster you threw a total one fireball. Not sure if you were being cautious or respecting his options but takumas FB  is good for traps into SC'ing into ranbu or haou kuohsho if your paying attention to how they are dealing with your FB's. Also near the corner  throw more short hop D instead of CD, if you catch em crouching its a great crossup.

looking  at the above takuma combo makes me wish I posted more often lol, I've had that exact combo in my playbook since early december :)   The cr.a,[HDA],st.C   link is a bitch to learn mid combo.   If u want  to make that combo harder just for the sake of being hard, you can throw a st.b in there before hd activation.

J C, C, f B, qcf D, cr A, st b, [HD], C, f B, db f D, (db f B [!] qcf D) x 4, fbf A [!] hcb B, C, f B, db f D, db f B, db f B, DM

Does 918 dmg, or

J C, C, f B, qcf D, cr A, st B, [HD],    C, f B, qcf D, cr A, db f BD, (qcf D, db f B) x4, fbf A, [HDC] hcb B, C, f B, db f D, db f B, db f B, qcf hcb A          940 dmg


Quote from: KCs NOTORIOUS on January 16, 2012, 01:28:31 AM
atm i'm on the front page of dream cancel stl bar warz matches. if anybody spots anything i could do differently please feel free to share. constructful criticism is appreciated.

You have a huge flaw in your game plan, in that you do absolutely zero when it comes to high/low mix ups. I saw entire rounds/matches go by with not a single attempt from you at starting something from a low attack, and this when all three of your characters can deal great damage via combos starting with crouching lights. If you're jump-in didn't work then you would just jump-in again, over and over. So yeah, I think you should incorporate more high/low/regularthrow/command throw etc mixups and pressure into your game.


Is takuma's best AA option his ranbu? I have problems with people flea-manning me and attacking from all sorts of angles in the air. c.C kinda blows, and I guess s.D is okay, but I'm really looking for something I can rely on.

Trapping with qcf+A/C and punishing jumps with ranbu is a legit tactic, right? How much invicibility does ranbu have?


Jump.CD it's Takuma's main and strongest anti air.
qfc hcb.C is also invincible and be used as AA for long range jump.
Follow me on Twitter for a lot of stuff on KoF XIII :


Hmmmm... tried his ranbu as AA, it's not great. There's some specific situations where it's pretty decent, but all in all, I don't think I will use it that much unless my opponent is being really sloppy with his jumps.

What are his "get the fuck off me" moves? Seems like none of his EX moves have invincibility, and going for EX command grab is risky at best, especially against flea man. Once they're on top of you, j.CD is pretty much out of the question.


@ugft: Sorry, no reply for that. Have exact the same problem that most of Takumas EX and Super moves are useless in such case when you are cornered. Only doing footsies helps sometimes  ;b, ;b, ;db ;fd ;b.
Maybe some pro will tell you.

Another thing: In practice mode (dummy is standing, 1st hit guard) jump  ;c, st  ;c connects very well but jump  ;d, st.  ;c connects very inconsistently. Is there a rigid pattern, that can me memorized or is jump D, st.c dependent on certain factors (like upper/lower torso of enemy is hit, or your jump-type: for example short hop vs hyper hop).

Anyone knows details?


Does anyone know where I can find some good videos of a top Takuma player? I'm trying to better my Takuma and want some visual aid.