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Takuma Sakazaki (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:06:57 AM

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Jungle/Drum n Bass.....more than just music. It's a lifestyle.


very nice overview of Takuma. I'm thinking about doing a video to go over stun and guard crush setups. Should really invest in a good capture device, though.
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


Interactive Takuma Combos KOF XIII
Player:  JohnGrimm

This video goes from Takuma's basic specials all the way to his 100% stun combos. It should be a good help to anyone who's is learning or mastering Takuma Sakazaki!


I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice dealing with Takuma when I'm cornered.  Here's the situation:  I get knocked down in the corner.  I don't ukemi/recovery roll because if I do I'll forfeit the 7 frames of grab invulnerability and get command grabbed into massive damage/death.  So, as I get up, I have a few options... I can jump and eat his j.CD into massive damage or I can not jump and get command grabbed into massive damage.  I feel like the only viable options I have are a hop B or a GC roll, or a command grab/cl.C if he's close enough... but he'll usually hang back just slightly out of that range and just wait to j.CD me on reaction or run in/tick command grab.

This character is starting to hurt my enjoyment of the game (900+ damage off 1 meter 1 drive... really?), so any advice would be appreciated.  I play Kula, Claw and Saiki most of the time.
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


Back dash.

Mash normals. Regular version has 8 frames of startup and no invincibility.

Use Iori's command grab and Saiki's grab super on wakeup. You can also dp with Saiki. You might miss/whiff a few times but showing that you are reversal happy on wakeup will make your opponent hesitant about standing grounded next to you regularly on wakeup.


Quote from: Diavle on November 12, 2012, 12:39:50 PM
Back dash.

Mash normals. Regular version has 8 frames of startup and no invincibility.

Use Iori's command grab and Saiki's grab super on wakeup. You can also dp with Saiki. You might miss/whiff a few times but showing that you are reversal happy on wakeup will make your opponent hesitant about standing grounded next to you regularly on wakeup.

Hi, thanks for the advice.  DPs/command grabs are not usually viable because he'll hang back just outside of that range as I mentioned. Mashing normals... seems to usually lose vs his j.CD.  Back dashing I could see working somewhat since if I get hit it'll just reset me... I'm just afraid he'll command grab afterward or still be able to link EX Zanretsuken off it.

I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to think about counterpick options at this point.  Any of the cast good at blowing Takuma up specifically?
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


Quote from: JennyCage on November 12, 2012, 03:30:37 PM
Quote from: Diavle on November 12, 2012, 12:39:50 PM
Back dash.

Mash normals. Regular version has 8 frames of startup and no invincibility.

Use Iori's command grab and Saiki's grab super on wakeup. You can also dp with Saiki. You might miss/whiff a few times but showing that you are reversal happy on wakeup will make your opponent hesitant about standing grounded next to you regularly on wakeup.

Hi, thanks for the advice.  DPs/command grabs are not usually viable because he'll hang back just outside of that range as I mentioned. Mashing normals... seems to usually lose vs his j.CD.  Back dashing I could see working somewhat since if I get hit it'll just reset me... I'm just afraid he'll command grab afterward or still be able to link EX Zanretsuken off it.

I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to think about counterpick options at this point.  Any of the cast good at blowing Takuma up specifically?

I don't get it, if he's hanging back outside the range of a DP or command grab then what's the problem? There is no way he is in range to do his own command grab.

Mash normals (cr.A or B) when he's on the ground and going for tick throws, is what I meant. Of course they will lose to his jCD (which you can see coming and block/dp/super).

If you want you can try characters like Duo Lon and Chin, they shut down his fireball game almost completely and can keep the pressure going thanks to his very limited defensive options. You can also use Athena, who is also good at shutting his fireballs down and has a teleport which you can use as a get out of jail free card.

Overall Takuma is a sitting duck without meter, especially on wakeup.

Try watching the EVO grand final between Bala and MADKof, see what MADKof did in situations which give you problems.


Cr.B is always my answer to tick grabs, but it doesn't get me out of the corner.  I don't want to make it sound like I can't beat the character - I can.  I just feel like this character gets so much for so little.  One j.CD or one command grab and I'm dead.  There's lots of characters that can threaten big damage off a j.CD/command grab but they have to spend upward of 3+ meters and both drives to do what Takuma can do with 1 or 2.  It reeks of cheese and I'm looking to give some of that cheese back.

I think I'll give Duo Lon a try since he can EX teleport out of the corner situation (which is my biggest issue), and maybe Athena, too.  Thanks again for all the advice Diavle, I appreciate it. :)
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


Didn't see this posted anywhere, my apologies if this is already known throughout the Takuma community...

A nice fellow over at the KOF portion of SRK posted a 100% combo with Takuma for the console version!
Seeing as how Takuma's stun output was nerfed since his arcade incarnation I'm sure some of you are curious for what the new 100% is/are or if they even exist anymore...

Rest assured the combo that I'm about to go over does work, it does do 100% and it is from the console version but there are a a couple key things I need to go over before hand in order to get you guys going and that's the usage of Takuma's EX command grab!

For the few of you who may not already know, Takuma's EX command grab along with it's other great qualities, gives Takuma a little more than DOUBLE the frame advantage, +26 frames iirc...
Taking advantage of this enormous frame advantage is going to be KEY in the 100% combo!

It may sound impossible, rest assured is it very hard, but from an EX command grab, Takuma can actually HOP in toward the opponent and HP!
Yes! Takuma can EX command grab and then hop toward the opponent and hit them with HP mid combo!
It is somewhat difficult to do let alone to get down consistently but I think it would be beneficial for the lot of you to go into training mode and give this a try!

As soon as the EX command grab is finished, hop toward them and delay your HP ever so slightly as to assure enough grounded frame advantage!
Once you get this single important piece you can move on to trying the 100% combo!
Which I'll walk everyone through in the next post!


This 100% combo requires from the beginning: 2 Bars and Full HD meter
It obviously occurs in the corner therefore the positioning as a minimum must be at least 40-45% away from the wall...

Alright, enough blabbering
Let's get to the combo!

The combo is thus:

Jump in HP
Target combo xx HK Flying kick, 2xLk Flying Kick, HP xx EX Zanretsuken (HD Cancel) EX Command Grab

Jump in Fierce
Target Combo xx Hk Flying Kick, 2xLk Flying Kick, HP xx EX Zanretsuken (HD Cancel) Lk Command Grab
Target combo xx Hk Flying Kick, 2xLk Flying Kick, HP STUN!

Once they're stunned you continue.....

Jump in HP
Target Combo xx HK Flying Kick, 2xlk Flying Kick, HP xx EX Zanretsuken (HD Cancel), Lk Command Grab
Target Combo xx Hk Flying Kick, Lk Flying Kick(Only 1), Hp or Lp Zanretsuken


In case your asking yourself!
"But this combo uses more than 2 HD Cancels and uses more than 2 bars worth of EX moves! how can this be?"
AnswerThe extra HD and Meter is build throughout the combo!
Like a Boss...



Quote from: LazieFreddy on November 13, 2012, 01:26:28 PM
Takuma actually has a few kill combos with 1 bar, 50% drive

See here for example:


That first combo is nuts! Those light jabs I'm sure are pretty hard to get consistently like that!
I'll be sure to give this a try later on, thanks for the link

As for the 2nd one... I'm afraid I can't understand all those inputs....


here it is in more condensed notation:

[hcb+B -> cl.C xx fwd+B xx qcf+D -> cr.A xx cr.A xx ~df,f+BD -> qcf+D -> ~df,f+B -> fbf+A/C] x 2 ->
hcb+B -> cl.C xx fwd+B xx qcf+D -> cr.A xx cr.A xx ~df,f+BD -> qcf+D -> ~df,f+B -> ~df,f+B -> cl.C (stun) ->
j.C -> cl.C xx fwd+B xx ~df,f+D -> ~df,f+B -> ~df,f+B -> qcf,hcb+A
KOFXIII: N-Robert, Ryo, R2 Takuma


Quote from: Splurgendii on November 13, 2012, 09:49:58 PM
Quote from: LazieFreddy on November 13, 2012, 01:26:28 PM
Takuma actually has a few kill combos with 1 bar, 50% drive

See here for example:


That first combo is nuts! Those light jabs I'm sure are pretty hard to get consistently like that!
I'll be sure to give this a try later on, thanks for the link

As for the 2nd one... I'm afraid I can't understand all those inputs....

They're effectively the same combo, it's just instead of the jumping C you grab in the corner, and you use 2x cr.A instead of one after the first QCF+D.