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Mature (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:14:04 AM

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;a = Light Punch
;b = Light Kick
;c = Strong Punch
;d = Strong Kick

* = EX version possible

Special Moves
Despair - ;dp + ;a / ;c *
 ∟ Tsuika ;a / ;c  

Metal Massacre - ;qcb + ;b / ;d *

Death Row - ;qcb + ;a / ;c (up to 3 times) *

Ebony Tears - ;qcf ;hcb + ;a / ;c *

Desperation Moves
Nocturnal Lights - ;qcf ;qcf + ;a / ;c *

Heaven's Gate - ;qcb ;hcf + ;b / ;d

Awakening Blood - ;qcb ;hcf + ;a  ;c

Mature's Wiki entry.

Console changes:
* Ebony Tears comes out faster. Can hit opponent afterwards
* Weak Metal Massacre is a one hit attack
* EX Deathrow correctly puts crouching opponent into hitback state on a hit unlike arcade version. If the opponent is crouching during 1-4 hits, a fierce Metal Massacre can still combo with a drivecancel.
- EX Despair doesn’t move Mature behind the opponent even if they’re crouching

Producer Yamamoto says: Ebony Tears is a lot easier to use now. Weak Metal Massacre has been changed to a single hit and does less scaling, so it might be useful for fast paced matches.






from the old thread:

Quote from: JoeFor a simple HD combo that I was trying to do with Mature, I've noticed a lot of notations will say QCB+P(7)x3 or something similar. But I can't seem to HD cancel the move into itself, which I'm sure I can't. I've noticed her QCB+K move looks like the third hit of the rekka, so if I do something like QCB+Px3 HC QCB+K repeat, am I doing it wrong all together and thus ruining my damage output? (I can record something quick if it helps to understand). If I remember correctly, doing that combo from j.C>C>etc into QCB,HCF+K to Neomax only got me slightly over 620 damage.

If anyone has better ideas for HD combos, I'd like to see them, honestly I'm  bad at trying to pick up combos from videos (but I'll try nonetheless).

Since I've recently taken a liking to the character, I'd like to know of a good placement for her on my team as well. From my small experience she needs some meter but she also doesn't seem to thrive off of it either (meter helps everyone for sure, duh). The other characters I am using are Joe and King, and maybe I can use her on point, or maybe second?

I don't think she has any "easy" hd combos. If you need to cancel the last rekka into hcb+k then back into qcb+p it will take some time practicing that combo to do it on the fly, the timing is very tight but possible. I wouldn't say it was easy compared to others I've seen but it is not "youtube tool-assisted" hard either.


Mature's my second on my current back-up team.
I think she's pretty good in this game and will continue
to play her.
I'm surprised by the fact I can do Mature's rekkas more easily
than kensou's.
KOFXIII team: Team Japan as of 2013


You shouldn't be, the timing for her Rekkas are slightly more lenient and open, it's also easier to stagger her Rekkas as well.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


I always played Mature in most of the KOF games she appeared. Im in the dojo right now trying to find good bnbs, block strings, etc. in the corner. Right now, I do a mixture of LP Despairs and very few HP Despairs(because of the height it has) in the corner, following with some basic come like st. LP, st. HK,  Deathrow( 3-5 depending on bar), Metal Massacre or after Metal Masscare, Nocturnal Rites and ending with Awaking Blood. I don't know if is a bad habit of myself, but I always perfered short to medium combos that still do nice damage without the damaging scale totally effecting. Do you guys know if Mature got any death touch combos that are worth learning? Thanks in advance....
Death before Dishonor, the words I live by in fighter games and life itself. What do you live by?????


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on December 09, 2011, 01:19:44 AM
You shouldn't be, the timing for her Rekkas are slightly more lenient and open, it's also easier to stagger her Rekkas as well.
I guess I can do qcb rekkas better than qcf ones.
Yeah,I'm weird like that. ;)
KOFXIII team: Team Japan as of 2013

The Villain

I just picked her up and now shes in my main roster now and man I must say she has some very good and scary frame traps..If you dont count your rekkas its easy to get lost in her combos lol


I found when doing her HD combo 214A x3, HD cancel, 214B is easier by doing:
[214A, 214A, 214A, 21[4]B~A]xN
This will get the 3 rekkas into 214B and will immediately cancel into the rekkas again with having to doing another 214A for the rekkas

After the 214Ax3, you do 214B and hold 4, and hit A since the 214 from 214B carries over to 214A if you hold 4 and then immediately hit A


Quote from: Braver on December 18, 2011, 10:31:57 PM
I found when doing her HD combo 214A x3, HD cancel, 214B is easier by doing:
[214A, 214A, 214A, 21[4]B~A]xN
This will get the 3 rekkas into 214B and will immediately cancel into the rekkas again with having to doing another 214A for the rekkas

After the 214Ax3, you do 214B and hold 4, and hit A since the 214 from 214B carries over to 214A if you hold 4 and then immediately hit A

I think I see what you're saying here. see this is what wierds me out about this KoF so far... the input reads feel very precise but the windows in which to input - especially button presses -  seem very open. I've got a couple examples;

I was in training with Saiki, full meters, I input  ;fd ;dn ;df ;fd ;b ;d - mash  ;c. the result? His EX flipkick comes out, and then, with NO additional input, his  ;dn ;df ;fd ;c comes out as a drive cancel 0_0. a more general example, that drives me NUTS, I see a wiffed DP, and walk in for a punish, starting with a close  ;c, with well, ANYBODY. I hit the  ;c, THEN start buffering a move, and a throw comes out, even though the  ;c input was at or slightly BEFORE the directional input.

I needa see more usages like this Mature combo because it'll really help me use this input leniency to my advantage, rather than keep me fuckin tripping over it as I have been so far.

keep playing and keep thinking


Some small notes.

Use her ;c ;d as a Anti-Air is great. It may be slow, but it beats & or trades with alot of shit.

Also, her Short Hop ;c ;d causes good pressure.

Also just like in old KOF's, I find it very important that Mature players practice her Ebony Tears and get them down smoothly one after another. Furthermore, practice to understand the correct spacing & timing for tossing them out. This move is one of Matures very few strong points. It covers a good amount of the screen and can blow up short hops if used correctly. Also, clearly the EX version is Very good. Can make some pretty good pressure setups off of them.  


Quote from: BiGGDaddyCane on December 23, 2011, 04:43:42 AM
Some small notes.

Use her ;c ;d as a Anti-Air is great. It may be slow, but it beats & or trades with alot of shit.

Also, her Short Hop ;c ;d causes good pressure.

Also just like in old KOF's, I find it very important that Mature players practice her Ebony Tears and get them down smoothly one after another. Furthermore, practice to understand the correct spacing & timing for tossing them out. This move is one of Matures very few strong points. It covers a good amount of the screen and can blow up short hops if used correctly. Also, clearly the EX version is Very good. Can make some pretty good pressure setups off of them.  
You don't think she's very good? Her damage output is low I know, but...


Quote from: Terrastorm on December 26, 2011, 07:36:06 AM
Quote from: BiGGDaddyCane on December 23, 2011, 04:43:42 AM
Some small notes.

Use her ;c ;d as a Anti-Air is great. It may be slow, but it beats & or trades with alot of shit.

Also, her Short Hop ;c ;d causes good pressure.

Also just like in old KOF's, I find it very important that Mature players practice her Ebony Tears and get them down smoothly one after another. Furthermore, practice to understand the correct spacing & timing for tossing them out. This move is one of Matures very few strong points. It covers a good amount of the screen and can blow up short hops if used correctly. Also, clearly the EX version is Very good. Can make some pretty good pressure setups off of them.  
You don't think she's very good? Her damage output is low I know, but...

Huh!? R you sure your referring to me. If so I didn't say or mean that at all, this is just some ways to play her. I think shes very good. She or Vice are always the anchor on my team.