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Clark Still (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:32:13 AM

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Well, for starters online is a little weird when it comes to that. But to help you out:

The game has autoblock. And how it works is if you block let's say their jump in, you can let go of blocking and you will automatically block any attack that combos, but if it doesn't combo you will get hit. So with Clark it becomes extra risky to try to any funny shit with him. So when they jump in and attack and you block it, let go of the controller and be ready to use D or EX SAB to get them. EX SAB is better because of range and obviously it can be cancelled into super.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I have been hitting practice mode with him, I think I might try using him for real.
What is the deal with the NM? Does it have invencibility or at least goes throgh fireballs?


Just tested and no, his Neomax Super will not beat projectile or super projectile.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Hey guys I was wondering where is the best spot to put Clark at on my team. My two main characters are Terry and Clark but I've been playing Joe as well I just don't know the right order they should be in.

And then also I've played a couple guys that do nothing but spam fireballs the whole match. How do you all get around this to get in and keep pressure on the opponent.


3rd. Maybe 2nd. Depends who you think you're better at and what Neomaxes you can easily pull off. Clark has the best and possibly easiest Neomax/Hyper Drive combo in the game.

What I tend to do against guys that think they're playing SF4 is use Clark's EX Charge Punch (goes right through projectiles) and his jump CD has amazing priority.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Hey all! First post around here. KOF13 is the first KOF game I've really tried to learn, and Clark is on my team. I have a question about the timing of performing SAB>Flashing Elbow-supercancel-HCBx2+p

I can get it to work a few times, if I use the EX super, but I'm sure thats a fluke on my part. Any info on performing this link easier? It seems the timing is lenient for hcf+k to Flashing Elbow. But the super cancel is tough! Is there a shortcut that most use?

Thanks for any info!
Add me on PSN: Username "Arttronik"
Watch our fighting game videos on: http://www.saltynegro.com


You know what? I was just in the lab trying to get my execution down. I wish I could record videos but I use a CRTV and it's a bit of pain with my current camera to capture footage.

Question: Are you on Pad or Stick? I can't quite help you with Stick because I'm a Pad player.

As far as cancelling the EX SAB into Super, the timing is this: After he EX SAB, you do Elbow followup, then as he's running towards them you do the HCBx2 Punch and end it right as the elbow lands. It's not super easy to do, but once you get into the habit of doing it it becomes easier.

Cancelling Grab Super into Neo Max is like this: 3rd time Clark throws them in the air you do HCBx2 +BD  just as he's about to throw them down, but end it just as he lands, not after. The window is kinda' tight.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


I play on stick, but your info is helpful! I'll give it a shot! Next month I'm getting a Hauppage recorder, I'll be sure to record it and upload if it helps anyone else! Thanks man! Can the super only come out after the EX version into elbow? Or can you use the standard version? I coulda swore I did it with hcf+d and not ex ONCE. Perhaps I was mistaken. I had more misses than hits, LOL
Add me on PSN: Username "Arttronik"
Watch our fighting game videos on: http://www.saltynegro.com


Nope, can only cancel into grab super off of EX SAB.
Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.


Cool! That will save me some time, haha. Also, in case you hadnt seen this, or anyone else can learn from it....


Found a trick that will help everyone else with this as well.

So, you actually have a TON of time to input his super. The HCB is actually counted if you do it slowly. Like, really slow. Try it. I was SF inputting it too fast.

So, if you do the EX SAB, then elbow-like Louis said, input the 2xHCB while hes running, you can press the punch for the super input RIGHT WHEN THE ELBOW hits, its a score. It'll work. I can do it easily now!
Add me on PSN: Username "Arttronik"
Watch our fighting game videos on: http://www.saltynegro.com


im having trouble linking Jet Upper to SAB. Is their a certain timing involved? or its really fast?


It's not a link. You just have to cancel the Jet Upper into command grab.
Undefeated online KOF player.


Hey lol, i know its off topic but this is good stuff.

Ok clark heads, you know that combo off the blog where clark does his  b~f+P, b~f+P, hcb,hcb+P

Well i found it hehe, its b~f+C (2nd hit), then you tap p (i think A is easier as its abit slower i think) for the drive cancel vulcan punch, but dont let the vulcan punch hit at all, instead cancel another b~f+C inbetween.

It requires practise though as its quite hard to do. With practise comes better execution tho init.

Have fun kids...


I'll practice these and make videos! For now, I made one of the basics I was practicing earlier!

I placed notations there for newcomers! Also-all of the videos my roommate and I make are on our fighting game video blog: http://www.saltynegro.com
Add me on PSN: Username "Arttronik"
Watch our fighting game videos on: http://www.saltynegro.com


Anyone know that Hyper Drive combo Bala did in the corner with Clark with only 2 bars? I'll have to find the video but he activated Hyper Drive, and did repeat charge punches (I don't think he cancelled into Vulcan at any point) and then ended with his Neo Max.

Team: Billy, Clark, Hwa.