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Leona Heidern (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:35:08 AM

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Somebody moved this vid over to an SRK thread, just got done watching it. Came here to say good stuff man, likin this trick.


My apologies, Fatacon, didn't mean to toot my own horn. With her ability to cross-up and overhead multiple times, I'm finding Leona to be a hard person to block. I was facing off against a local player who mains Leona and a majority of the time I was being hit with a set-up that was just so simple. He'd land in a deep hop D, land, then instead of doing any lows, he'd go for another overhead or her F+B. If you got hit with f+B, it meant another overhead mixup.

I can see a real big aggressive push with Leona, and that's just scary


Oh yeah, interesting tip. Did you guys know that if you hold forwards you charge for the opposite direction? So for example, if you're holding forwards and you and your opponent switch sides you can immediately perform a charge move. If this is an old KoF mechanic then don't mind me as I'm new to the series. Worth noting that it might be a good idea to hold ;df if you're going for a crossup though.

Another thing I've noticed is that ;bk ;fd ;a will completely lock down your opponent. Training dummy was set to Guard Cancel and I would block before the ;c + ;d could hit me (This was vs Iori, maybe different characters have different speeds). If they don't Guard Cancel then you are free to use another move which will connect before they're out of blockstun. Standing ;d will lock them in, crouching ;b or instant overhead with ;a / ;d seem to be good options here as well though. Although it's not a true blockstring (if it was it would be an infinite), ;bk ;fd ;a, ;d (1 hit) xx ;bk ;fd ;a seems to be a great way to keep your opponent still.

Yet another tip, Leona's running animation for ;fd ;fd and ;bk ;fd ;b / ;d appear to be very similar, if not identical (except for the few frames at the very start) Might be worth practising a running grab. Best way to do that so far I've found is ;fd ;fd until you're next to the opponent, then neutral ;c / ;d almost instantly followed by ;bk


Combo video coming up later today similar to the Andy one I made, has a few interesting tricks. For example, Leona can guarantee a Guard Crush if the opponent's stock is empty. Also modified the 'Dirty Double Crossup' from my last video a little.

EDIT: Finished my video, managed to repair my PC in the end so editing went smoother than expected luckily!
The King of Fighters XIII: Leona Combo Video


Pretty fun and inventive video, Mienai. Thanks for putting it together and sharing it.


Quote from: Mienaikage on January 05, 2012, 05:27:26 PM
Oh yeah, interesting tip. Did you guys know that if you hold forwards you charge for the opposite direction? So for example, if you're holding forwards and you and your opponent switch sides you can immediately perform a charge move. If this is an old KoF mechanic then don't mind me as I'm new to the series. Worth noting that it might be a good idea to hold ;df if you're going for a crossup though.

It's sort of the ways Inputs work in this game and I believe they've been the same through out.  Unlike in SF (SF4 particularly) say when you're gonna DP your opponent jumping in and they cross you up but the game holds the input in the direction you want briefly so you get an auto-correct DP.  In this game, there's nothing like that.  Take Kensou for example and you're on the P1 side.  Say you do QCB or 214+P to do his Fireball, but before you input your P, your opponent crossed you up.  Now your input is still there as 214, but because your opponent is on the other side, it's now a QCF motion, and instead of FB, you get Rekkas.

Leona has the same philosophy.  You're holding forward and have the charge for that (but in KOF...and most FG's, there are no Charge Forward moves).  But if your opponent crosses you up, now the game reads you as having the charge for holding back, thus enabling an immediate charge move.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


wdf with d~uP scaling?
j.qcb+HP - 60 dmg
dD - 70 dmg
d~uP - 80 dmg
1)j.qcb+HP,dD - 2hit, 126 dmg(normal 5% scaling)
2)j.qcb+HP, d~uP - 2hit, 117 dmg(why?)
right way - my way


Quote from: Broken_Angel on January 08, 2012, 02:44:11 PM
wdf with d~uP scaling?
j.qcb+HP - 60 dmg
dD - 70 dmg
d~uP - 80 dmg
1)j.qcb+HP,dD - 2hit, 126 dmg(normal 5% scaling)
2)j.qcb+HP, d~uP - 2hit, 117 dmg(why?)

2 different hitboxes I believe, ;dn ;up ;c on a standing opponent does 80 if they're standing/jumping, 60 when they're crouching.


Quote from: Mienaikage on January 06, 2012, 11:12:08 AM

That guard crush potential is real scary. Quick question, are using normal Moon Slashers -> Grand Sabers in that combo pretty frame tight? I imagine some instant / 1-frame moves could stop it but I may want to save some bar against people who don't have a reliable means to punish it.
360: Ryujinflame, playing XIII


Can anyone give me tips on drive cancelling charge special?
MBAA: C-Wara, CWLen, C-Aoko, C-VAkiha
KOFXIII: Kula, Vice, Iori, Mai
GG: I-no, A.B.A
Umineko: Eva Beatrice, Lucifer
IaMP: Patchouli, Sakuya


did u try if the blockstun of the guard crash combo is enough to freeze the opponent ? cause i dont know if it is the lag and online issue but someone could throw me in the frames of b,f D while in the rush and first the hit comes out.of course this must have been a panic situation for him and i can imagine he pushing buttons and stick like a crazy and the throw came out but since u can get throw in the rush of the sabre the block stun should be tested


More awesome stuff with Leona,Leonas so fun always fighting neat stuff with her



Awesome combos pain, especially capitalizing on those air-to-air hits under the opponent and the counter-hit CD.
360: Ryujinflame, playing XIII


Quote from: p___a__i__n on January 25, 2012, 04:04:17 PM
More awesome stuff with Leona,Leonas so fun always fighting neat stuff with her


Dude the fact that you hopped in your highest damage combo was killing me! Came up with a variant 3 bar kill combo plus added a full jump to your 1186 damage one and credited you. Totals up to 1198, now the hunting begins for 1200!

The King of Fighters XIII: Leona 3 Stock Death Combo + 1198 Damage HD Combo