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Athena Asamiya (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:38:50 AM

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Both of us were able to get the first f+b off of the hop (maybe not necessarily position-wise which may be the key).

Holding f and spamming B doesn't seem to get another attack to happen - just stays in initial atk animation...

You able to pull it off?



I could use a little bit of clarification too. 

Let's say Athena is on the left, right after we do the Ex Psycho Ball, do I keep walking to the right until we switch sides and immediately hop right to get a "back hop" and press left + B to get the phoenix bomb?


That's how I interpreted it.

Direct translation of that bit:
after EX psycho ball, walk fwd (till behind) then do a backwards hop into the f.b's

So makes sense that the hop would be to the right if you're starting on the left. It may have to happen like the *pixel* (exaggerating) after crossing over to the other side.

Looking at the video again, it seems to be taking advantage of this and Athena is facing the wrong way while hitting Beni and that keeps her from bouncing away from beni. No idea why that allows you to use the move multiple times, but assuming it's taking advantage of a glitch.

The jump clearly looks like she's jumping fwd, but think we're calling it backwards bc of the split second that beni is on the other side before the momentum of the hit from the psycho ball moves him away so looks like that's the exact point where the hop needs to happen (so would be a back hop at that instant).

The guy in the video's some kind of whack savant for coming up with this.

LAB Falken

Yea this is pretty specific overall I find. I've been working on it for a couple days, I think there's a few things that are very important but I'm still testing a lot so I can't be too sure.

I got Joe's dizzy figured out way faster than this though. What I'd like to know is how did someone come up with this crap in the first place?


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LAB Falken

Hahahaha that's awesome.

Well after that last post I nailed it, it's actually pretty lenient (height of jump limits the amount of  ;fd ;b reps, timing of jump alters height of first hit depending on where their hurtbox is) at least off the raw DP (;c used, it pushes them out further so you can simply hold forward off something like st ;c, chainx2 ;b, etc). I would suggest you use the timing of the final hit of the fireball to do hop forward  ;fd ;b off of a normal cancelled into a psycho sword, it lines it up perfectly. It's also worth noting that since ;a psycho sword has faster startup you can get the first hit of it from further away, such as  ;dn ;b ;dn ;b ;fd ;a ;dn ;df ;a and still get the butt loop.

Off the command throw you need to hit them with the first hit of whatever DP you're using, preferably lower to the ground (less chance to get a miss or staggered fireball hits) wait a moment, then walk forward and forward hop ;fd ;b.

TK the fireball so you don't get EX super!


Very nice.

If you get a stable one going, sounds like a good candidate for the 50% thread:

I see them doing mid/upper 400's for dmg off of 1stk 1drv.

LAB Falken

sure I'll crank out a few variations right now and notate it.

cl C XX 623C [DC] 214AC (walk forward, hop forward on last hit) > 6B x4 > 6B XX 214B > 623A = 500 damage exactly. Works everywhere onscreen but in the corner AFAIK.

Off the command throw it does 464 omitting the cl C, but everything else is the same.

Starting with 2B2B5A XX 623A [DC] etc it does 434.

It's worth noting that sometimes the character falls out of the last hit of the buttloop, going for 4 6Bs and cancelling the last one is probably the safest option. In the combos I listed there are 5.

LAB Falken

Pardon the double post but I have been experimenting with Athena's butt loop a little more lately. I was trying to pump out some extra damage after watching the aforementioned video, turns out if you delay the second fB (or potentially any of them barring the first of course, if done properly) you can squeeze out just a tad bit more and be set with a better leave allowing for a 214D followup at max height, or a 623C after the 214B.

Honestly I don't see much use in doing such a thing, since if you mess it up (very easy to mess it up) you lose a fair amount of damage, but it's worth noting that that is how it is done. So if someone decides to put that into their muscle memory they'll be a bit better off in terms of damage output.


Wait, so is it a forward or backward hop after the ex fireball?


Technically I think it's a backward hop just after crossing the divide.

@Falken, what say u to that?

LAB Falken

Kind of a matter of perspective. Technically it's a backhop (otherwise she wouldn't turn around for fB) but for all intents and purposes you do it as if it were a forward hop. If memory serves, she doesn't turn around period so it looks like a forward hop, not until you initiate fB does she change sides. If she DOES turn around, odds are you're going to just get a jumping B.

It is a really really strange loop though, let's say you were facing the right side of the screen and you did the 623C (DC) 214AC and walked forward and did the hop, you initiate the fB's by holding to the right (6B) still, and continue doing so for every single hit. I have a feeling by doing this you confuse the game since you're constantly travelling between their hitbox crossing them up then bouncing back, all the while their hitbox is popping back into you allowing it to continue for several reps.


It's not 'technically' a backhop. It IS a backhop. The opponent just crosses back over it and ends up behind you.
f+B is inputted the way it is because moves are always inputted with relation to the opponent's position.
i.e. If you're facing left and the opponent is on your right then you input it to the right, but the move will still come out facing left.

I've been messing with this recently as a midscreen HD combo:
2B, 2B [HD] 2C, 623C [DC] 214AC, [walk under hop] 6B, 6B, 6B, 6B, 6B, 214D [DC] 236B, 623A [DC]* 426A, 623C [DC] 426C, (optional 624624P), 6246AC

It's quite easy with a little bit of practice. Hell, I mess up the initial psycho sword input more than I mess up the rest of it.

(* If you want to show off, you can DC into another 214AC here and send them to the moon twice in one combo)
(note: input psycho sword DC into command grab as 641236 and double tap punch)


i still cant get this loop. @_@

f.b still crossing up but hitting from behind instead of front. does that mean im doing the hop too late? whenever i try to do it earlier it has much worse results =p

i cant tell if the timing is really just that tight, or if im still not understanding how to get it to connect properly.


So after messing around in training mode for the whole morning, I'm starting to get the butt loop combo.  I can do it from a cl.c or cr.b x 2, but i haven't figured out the timing off a comand grab yet.

This is how I do it:
Let's say Athena is on the left, after the Ex Psycho Ball, keep walking to the right until we switch sides and immediately hop right to get a "back hop" and press right + B to get the phoenix bomb.  Don't ask me why it's right + b when the opponent is supposedly on the left, it just works.  The tricky part after this is to time the rhythm of phoenix bombs to get maximum hits.