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Kula Diamond (Console)

Started by nilcam, December 06, 2011, 06:46:14 AM

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Thank you, Sharnt.  I'll try your advice and see if I can get it to come out.  I'm glad to know it's not a forced limitation (seemed that way since it was so easy to do inside of HD).

Also good info about cr.Bx3 st.B dp+C not whiffing No Limitz, I'll try to verify it later and add it to the wiki.
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


In fact the dp.C will whiff depanding on the distance between you and your opponent, you can do d.B,d.B,s.B,dp.C starting stick to your opponent and it may either whiff or hit. But it's because of your timing. If you delay as much as possible you'll end far enough and it won't whiff (Because the delay will let time to Kula to be pushed far enough by the B hits).
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"Do not place so much importance on winning. The fight itself has value."

Vitrolic Edge

I am having real trouble with cancelling dp+C into qcb+k, I can't seem to do it fast enough. I have done it, but it was a rare moment. Any tips from cancelling from Kula's dp? I also hear that I can use hcb+f > hcb+A/C or B/D to buffer Freeze Execution so tips like that will help. I just seem to struggle doing DP's occasionally, I swear it's like this mental block. I can perform DP's at will then not at all, but what I think I do is that I actually 'over think' about performing a DP I always end up stuffing it and doing a crouching C.

I can cancel into Diamond Breath qcf+p and Diamond Edge (qcf+p)x2, though I still face some difficulty with them. I really need to learn to execute cancelling into Ray Spin because that is how to extend the basic BnB and HD combos.


Try doing it all as one gliding motion.  Imagine it almost like a DM command.  It can sort of be rolled in the same qcf hcb motion, except it'd be dp hcb+K.  Not sure if I'm explaining this well, but that's what works for me.
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.

Vitrolic Edge

Oh yeah that definitely helped. The thing I've been doing for a DP is after pushing forward I try to go to neutral then down then downforward but in doing so I sometimes hit downback which then screws up the DP input and when I hit the button on downforward a DP won't execute and a crouching attack will happen.

I felt like a complete noob because I've been doing DP's all wrong, right? Easiest way is to hit forward then glide the stick to down then back up to downforward. Sorry if this was common knowledge and considering all the research I did to get back into fighters and KoFXIII I felt really dumb.

So in terms of combos: in most cases I should be cancelling into a qcb+B with a follow up (depending where I am, B for corners, D for midscreen carry) or a qcb+BD then link another Ray Spin? With a possibility of catching them with a Freeze Execution too? What would I use qcb+D for?


Dp+A (DC) qcb+D is the most common use of qcb+D inside of combos.  It can also be used off dp+C as long as the opponent is really low to the ground (like in this combo for example: KOF XIII [K' Team 100% DMG Combo]).  Another use is after qcf+AC, qcf+C in the corner.

Kula's wiki has a lot of her most practical combos listed.  They should give you an idea of qcb+D's role.

Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.

No Limitz

Hey jenny, if you're still trying to do C Crow Bites DC into EX Diamond Breath, try 632146+C xx 2369AC.
Much more consistent than doing perfect DP motions and going back to neutral for 236.


Hello everyone, I just picked up Kula the other day and I'm kind of having trouble with vs Vice. What's the best way to approach this matchup?

Thank you


My advice would probably be... stay on the ground as much as possible.  Any lost air to air (even something as small as her st.A'ing a hop) can allow Vice to EX Deicide into a combo or HD.  If you do leave the ground, use only j.B vs air to air.  Once you have her in the corner, try pressuring her with short hops and fundemental mixups as her anti-air options are really weak, but again be careful of that st.A->EX Deicide.  If your opponent doesn't do that, just go nuts on her in the corner.

If she's one of those Vice's that end blockstrings with Splash, poke her out of it before it hits.  I know it's easier said than done, but it's very doable.  If she ends a blockstring with Mayhem, she's unsafe and punishable.  Be careful of common grab setups (empty hop into command grab, tick command grab, run up and grab, etc.).  Use st.B/cr.B a lot when you feel like this is going to happen.  St.B and st.CD when used at range can cut down on some of her approach options, but she can always Deicide, so be careful.

Overall you want to force her into the corner and see how much you can get away with.  This will be player dependant.  Good luck!
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.

Dark Chaotix

Quote from: JennyCage on March 22, 2012, 06:00:14 PM
Still looking for confirmation about dp+C into EX Diamond Breath.  The Shoryuken and Dreamcancel wikis don't list it as drive-cancellable (though it is in HD mode), but my friend swears up and down he can do it outside of HD.  Unfortunately he couldn't reproduce it online, so... I still have no proof or ability to execute it myself.

Treat it like K' dp into EX qcf+AC. Do hcbf+C, qcf~uf+AC. It works for me.


I'm having a really hard time against Kula using Athena. Kula essentially negates Athena's neutral game, and her pokes seem to out range everything I have with Athena as well. I basically can't figure out how to beat her pressure OR how to get in on her with Athena.


Quote from: Dark Chaotix on May 16, 2012, 03:34:25 AM
Treat it like K' dp into EX qcf+AC. Do hcbf+C, qcf~uf+AC. It works for me.

Thanks.  I recently transitioned to stick from pad and it's doable now.

Quote from: 9inchsamurai
I'm having a really hard time against Kula using Athena. Kula essentially negates Athena's neutral game, and her pokes seem to out range everything I have with Athena as well. I basically can't figure out how to beat her pressure OR how to get in on her with Athena.

I think this is a tough matchup for many Athenas.  Not only can Kula negate her projectile game, she can also pressure extremely well because of her low air C and Athena's weak anti-airs.

I'm not a really good Athena player but I understand a few of her concepts, so try these things:

Light Phoenix Arrow is neutral on block (I think).  You can immediately perform a stand C into another blockstring afterward and it will most likely beat whatever your opponent tries, EXCEPT for instant grabs or fast command grabs, and low poke trades.  You could also do a low string.  Basically it's just a frametrap - if your opponent doesn't retaliate with a grab or trade with a low poke, you should at least be able to put them into another blockstring and keep your pressure up.

Conversely, one of Kula's more common blockstrings is actually not a blockstring at all.  When she does stand C (x2)/f+A, qcb+B~f+B, there's a gap after the Ray Spin hits you and before the projectile comes out.  She's instant grabbable at that point.  If you can pull that off you'll take away one of her blockstrings because she'll be afraid to use it.

Kula will want to take away your projectile game but you can punish her for that.  Counter Shells are baitable at a certain distance.  If you're confident she'll try to reflect, super jump into her as soon as your projectile is out and punish her for trying.  I'm not sure how easy this is on Athena because of her slow floaty jump, but at least try to see what distances her Counter Shell can be baited/punished.  It'll make her afraid to use it and allow you to use your tools again.

Athena's ex Teleport should be a viable choice for corner escapes.

Athena has a comboable command grab and they're really powerful in this game.  If you're not well versed in all the different grab setups in KOF, now's the time to study because the potential for damage and mindfuckery is high.


Run up command grabs.  When you double tap forward you'll run a short distance without having to hold down forward.  This is the window you input the command grab.  These can be incorporated into tick throws, which can be done a few different ways, like doing a jump in attack, double tapping forward, then command grabbing, or off low attacks like a single low B, double tap forward, command grab.  You could also do this by just walking up and grabbing.  I like running first because it helps me not miscalculate the grab invulnerability time after blockstun, and it looks more "active and threatening" than simply walking forward (meaning your opponent might be less likely to throw out a poke to stop it).

You can also set up command grabs off properly spaced teleports.  She has two distances with hers so with enough practice you should be able to see your openings to position yourself for a grab.

It's not an easy fight and like I said I'm not a very good Athena player, but hopefully some of these tips can help you.
Kick, punch, it's all in the method. Not mother approved but totally kid tested.


Quote from: JennyCage on July 03, 2012, 12:52:49 AM
Conversely, one of Kula's more common blockstrings is actually not a blockstring at all.  When she does stand C (x2)/f+A, qcb+B~f+B, there's a gap after the Ray Spin hits you and before the projectile comes out.  She's instant grabbable at that point.  If you can pull that off you'll take away one of her blockstrings because she'll be afraid to use it.

I managed to figure this out after some time in training which helps a lot with fighting Kula in general.

Quote from: JennyCage on July 03, 2012, 12:52:49 AM
Kula will want to take away your projectile game but you can punish her for that.  Counter Shells are baitable at a certain distance.  If you're confident she'll try to reflect, super jump into her as soon as your projectile is out and punish her for trying.  I'm not sure how easy this is on Athena because of her slow floaty jump, but at least try to see what distances her Counter Shell can be baited/punished.  It'll make her afraid to use it and allow you to use your tools again.

This is gonna be pretty hard to manage I think, since like you said Athena has a slow jump. If I can get this down then it would be a good way to bait uppercuts form Kula though, since Athena's jump is so specific. I can also imagine getting hit by Kula's reflector on purpose a few times just to make them not expect something like this.

Quote from: JennyCage on July 03, 2012, 12:52:49 AM
You can also set up command grabs off properly spaced teleports.  She has two distances with hers so with enough practice you should be able to see your openings to position yourself for a grab.

I think this is primarily what I want to try, since Kula doesn't seem to have the greatest answers to command grabs.


Does anyone know any frame trap with Kula? I'm trying to relearn her and I realized that I need to apply frametrap in my game to stop players pressing buttons like Ralf & Iori, thanks everyone