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The King of Fighters XIII Gameplay discussion (All shortcuts on 1st page)

Started by Kane317, August 18, 2010, 12:06:37 AM

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Really quick before I go home,

I would advise using Duo Lon first since his balanced enough to go first and builds meter fast, his got really good mixup which can cause damage without meter at all. It needed his keepaway game is good as he can teleport and spam f.A and f.B.

Kim should go second in this team as his defense is not as strong as Duolon and might need meter to get out of some setups. He can do some damage without meter but his really damaging combos use at least one meter or one drive.

Shen should go third because his cheap, over powered and has braindead HD combos which can easily be performed if find yourself with a full Drive and just a little meter :P

Also, welcome to DreamCancel when you have a chance introduce yourself in the meet and greet section.


i agree with what he say but you can always switch dou lon and kim only because there really good point characters well dou lon is more then kim as 4 zoning characters just about everybody with a projectile is good because they all have a DP 2 back it up


Quote from: SAB-CA on September 07, 2011, 12:05:32 AM
Quote from: Kane317 on September 06, 2011, 11:45:19 PM
Good to the point where SNKP decided to the nerf the active frames and damage delt.

Yeah, lucky you for getting to use the "broken-tier" version of the move, lol.

I kept using it with the timing I'd seen for months in vids, while at Otakon, and was suprised at how precise I had to be.

How much was the damage nerfed, btw? Was that mentioned before? I always liked the "Mini DM" aspect of it, never thought that was too much to ask for, since they use the same amount of meter...

Well the exact number was never mentioned, but I know the arcade version does 260 damage with all 4 hits combined, at Evo, it looked closer to 200dmg. 


I've got a few question regarding some changes in the console version. I've read some of the nerfs about K' such as his dp.C not connecting unless from an ex.minute spike. My question is, would dp.C connect if the combo starts off with ex.eins trigger, that is:
qcf+ ac f.d, qcb b/d (qcb+k whiff) into dp.c
Not sure if it makes any difference.

Also - Can he connect m.spikes after an ex. eins trigger > shoot (considering it hits twice, juggles higher)
- Is it still possible to connect his chain drive dm/sdm after f.a like after second shell juggle?
- Can he connect after a second shell juggle with a second shoot into chain drive dm (corner).
- Is it still possible to catch opponent in a shell juggle, go in HD, j.c or d on the opponent in air, qcb+bd (air), dp.a into his HD loop?


Quote from: THE ANSWER on September 07, 2011, 03:25:16 AM
Kim should go second in this team as his defense is not as strong as Duolon and might need meter to get out of some setups. He can do some damage without meter but his really damaging combos use at least one meter or one drive.

I'm going to politely disagree.  Kim has better defense than Duo Lon, his Hienzan (c.d~u+K) is a great reversal and combo starter whereas Duo Lon doesn't have any reveral options other (outside of his NeoMax) other than pokes and a teleport that can be punished.

I say that either Kim or Duo Lon first would be a good choice.  Shen should be last as he's very solid with or without meter and it's not because he should not be placed as first; rather the other two characters play better as first and second themselves.  I also dunno about The Answer's opinions about Shen... ;)


Quote from: Nocturnus on September 09, 2011, 12:20:10 AM
I've got a few question regarding some changes in the console version. I've read some of the nerfs about K' such as his dp.C not connecting unless from an ex.minute spike. My question is, would dp.C connect if the combo starts off with ex.eins trigger, that is:
qcf+ ac, qcb b/d (qcb+k whiff) into dp.c
Not sure if it makes any difference.

Also - Can he connect m.spikes after an ex. eins trigger > shoot (considering it hits twice, juggles higher)
- Is it still possible to connect his chain drive dm/sdm after f.a like after second shell juggle?
- Can he connect after a second shell juggle with a second shoot into chain drive dm (corner).
- Is it still possible to catch opponent in a shell juggle, go in HD, j.c or d on the opponent in air, qcb+bd (air), dp.a into his HD loop?

I'm not one to ask but unless they played K' extensively at one of the demo events, I'm sure those questions can be answered when the game comes out as they're very situational.


Thanks Kane317 and The answer i am gonna do the order Duo Kim and Shen because if Duo does build nice meter then that can be left for Kim who is stronger than Duo and may need meter for better damaging combos and in certain situations and Shen F***s s**t up my concern is still about projectile characters is there a universal rule in how to deal with them or are there characters that have a harder time dealing with them?


Cheers Kane, I was afraid it was going to be hard to know any of those right now. I think I remember watching Frionel trying all the characters/combos in the console version at gamescom. Now only if I can find the particular video. Last time I checked they were all 7 hours long. =<


Quote from: Nocturnus on September 09, 2011, 06:40:33 PM
Cheers Kane, I was afraid it was going to be hard to know any of those right now. I think I remember watching Frionel trying all the characters/combos in the console version at gamescom. Now only if I can find the particular video. Last time I checked they were all 7 hours long. =<

There's a shorter one, only 3.5 hours ;) Check it out here.


Beat you to that! xD I was looking around and found that today just finished that a while back. But thanks a lot mate. :)


ehi guys
very simple question : can u activate HD by keeping crouch position ( like for example c.C HD c.C ) without goin neutral after the first c.C ?
i guess yes right ?


Quote from: sociald on September 13, 2011, 12:02:31 PM
ehi guys
very simple question : can u activate HD by keeping crouch position ( like for example c.C HD c.C ) without goin neutral after the first c.C ?
i guess yes right ?




I'm still considering what team I want to make, and without any hands on experience I can't truly know what I'd want to do, however, the team I'm looking at right now is Shen/King/Hwa for Console.  Hwa seems to bleed meter so he'll definitely be the anchor (even more so in Console now that Dragon Backbreaker actually has good utility now), so the question is who should be out front, King or Shen?

I'm still a little green with KoFXIII (and KoF in general) but I'm...steering towards King on point then Shen second.  Shen losing his 100% Guard Break on his Charge Punch might not make him as good without meter (I doubt that's the case, I'm a bit ignorant, but it's a guess), and King doesn't seem to burn meter at all outside of HD combo finishers.
On 5/26, something that defined a generation shall make its rightful return.  #Toonamisbackbitches.  Prepare yourselves.  Bang.


Quote from: Saitsuofleaves on September 14, 2011, 06:28:18 AM
I'm still considering what team I want to make, and without any hands on experience I can't truly know what I'd want to do, however, the team I'm looking at right now is Shen/King/Hwa for Console.  Hwa seems to bleed meter so he'll definitely be the anchor (even more so in Console now that Dragon Backbreaker actually has good utility now), so the question is who should be out front, King or Shen?

I'm still a little green with KoFXIII (and KoF in general) but I'm...steering towards King on point then Shen second.  Shen losing his 100% Guard Break on his Charge Punch might not make him as good without meter (I doubt that's the case, I'm a bit ignorant, but it's a guess), and King doesn't seem to burn meter at all outside of HD combo finishers.

Between King or Shen being Point, I would go with Shen still because despite him lacking a good anti-air his 1-frame command throw is too good to pass up for defensive purposes.  King's Ex Trap Shot (Ex DP+K) is real good too, but without it her defensive options are lacking.


You guys should go check out the front page article that PhoeniX wrote; it goes into lots of detail and deserves as much attention as possible.


I was thinking about using Ash/Saiki/Takuma or Maxima.  All i know is that it seems like Ash would be a good anchor.  Who would be better first Takuma or Saiki?  I know asking about Saiki isnt a great idea because no one has had a ton of time with the character.
formerly known as TornAparT.  SoCal KoF group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/244569065571400


I have a question.  Are low kick to low punch links as hard to perform in 13 as they are in 2002?  For example with K' and Iori?  Or has the window to link been widened?